Lugungu - English
ibangebeibangenmy husband; what a married woman calls the man who married her4., wife
ibangumabangunhump; fleshy back part of an animal body, a little bit raised, that is between the neck and the back2.5.4.5Birth defect8. of an animal
ibanzamabanzandebt, credit; money that you owe s.b. or that s.b. owes you6.8.5Borrow6.8.5.3Owe6.8.5.5Credit6.8.5.2Give pledge, bond
ibaawevar.i̱babeibaawenhusband; the man that a woman is married to4., wife
ibegamabeganshoulder; part of the body at the top of the arm where the neck begins2.1.2Torso2.1.3.1Arm
ibingomabingonelephant grass; the tallest grass, with joints, resembles water reeds and is used as reeds in building1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
ibiikirovar.b̯ubiikiromabiikiron1cupboard, cabinet; household furniture item made of timber or metal with doors, drawers or shelves used for storing or displaying things5.1.1Furniture5.1.1.4Cabinet2storeroom6.8.1.4Store wealth6.8.4.8Store, marketplace6.5.2.7Room5.1.1.4Cabinetibiikiro lya nsimbinbank; institution that provides various financial services, e.g., keeping or lending moneySynbbankakideeru kya nsimbi6.8.1.4Store wealth
ibiikiro lya nsimbimabiikiro ga nsimbinbank; institution that provides various financial services, e.g., keeping or lending moneySynbbankakideeru kya nsimbi6.8.1.4Store wealthder. ofibiikiro
ibiirimabiirinbreast; soft flesh that is on a woman’s chest, produces milk when she has had a baby and has a nipple2.1.8.4Female organs2.1.2Torso
ibbanganblood; red liquid that flows through the body tissues of man and animalsSynmusaahi2.2.5Bleed, bloodibbanga li̱ju̱u̱byenmixed race person4.1.9.9Racekutambula kweibbangavcirculate blood; move blood around the body by the heart2.1.8.1Heart
ibbanga li̱ju̱u̱byemabbanga gaju̱u̱byenmixed race person4.1.9.9Raceder. ofibbanga
ibbangukiromabbangukironcorner; part of s.t. where two or more sides, lines or edges join, e.g., where two streets joinSynkoona8.6Parts of things8.6.6Edge
ibbaatimabbaatincorrugated iron sheet; flat metal with a series of folds used for roofing houses1.2.2.3Metal6.6.2.3Working with metal6.5.3Building materials6.5.2.2Roof
ibbolomabbolonTaboo. penis; part on the body of a male used for urinating and sexual reproductionSynmu̱bbe2.1.8.3Male organs
icuucundust; very fine powder of soil that floats in air when the wind is blowing1.2.2.1Soil, dirt
idamadanlouse; small white or black insect, without wings that stays in clothes or s.b.’s hair, and bites sucking blood1.6.1.7Insect
igambiromagambironsitting room, great room, lounge; room where people sit to discuss issues6.5.2Parts of a building6.5.2.7Room