kabi̱ri̱ngi̱tyamakabi̱ri̱ngi̱tyandung beetle; black insect, with wings, a hard body like that of a certain mango flower eating insect and mostly likes moving while rolling a round object like a ball1.6.1.7Insect
kabbanyoke; part of a shirt next to the collar or of a gomasi that is the last part at the top5.3.6Parts of clothing
kabbagabbanpretence; pretending to make sensible decisions and give good advice or extreme self-will that lands s.b. into problems4.3.5.6Hypocrite4.3.5.5Deceive
kabbalamamakabbalamankingfisher; fish eating bird sp. with a long beak, that aims at a fish from up in the sky and dives into the water to catch it, hardly missing its target1.6.1.2Bird
kabbaratu̱u̱ru̱makabbaratu̱u̱ru̱nYellow-throated lizard; animal that resembles a monitor lizard, stays underground with four legs, a long tail, blackish on top, red in the sides and a whitish belly, yellow in the throat and the lower jawGerrhosaurus flavigularis1.