Lugungu - English
laamalaamaKiswahilin1brand; written or printed symbol that is used as a sign of s.t.Synnsura7.7.7Mark3.5.6Sign, symbol2scar; recognisable cut on the skin that spoils its appearance, but that can be used as an identifying markSynkyapa color, marking5.4.6Ritual scar2.5.3Injure2.1.4Skin
laanyamalaanyancatfish; fish without scales, greyish and with a split tail fin1.6.1.5Fish
leenghaleenghanwild bulbous herb sp. that grows mostly among grass with leaves resembling that of an onion1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
liinomeinontooth; bone in the mouth used for biting or chewing2.1.1.5Tooth
lobi̱lobi̱nvery large black aquatic snake that is good at submerging in water1.
looji̱looji̱Englishnlodge; hotel providing overnight lodging for travellersSynngoonyo4.2.1.4Visit7.2.4.1Travel by land6.5.1Building
lubarabarambarabarantick; large insect that sticks on animals and sucks blood1.6.1.7Insect
lubeberambeberancreeper; wild plant that creeps on other trees and is used as ropes for tying7.5.4.1Rope, string1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
lubombwonturn; s.t. done in an agreed succession, e.g., the time when s.b. in a group of people is allowed to do s.t. with8.
lub̯ugumbuguntraditional garment; piece of clothing made from woven threads that people put on5.3.3Traditional clothing
lub̯ungumbungun1visit; act of going to see a place or person and spending some time there4.2.1.4Visit2act of walking somewhere7.2.1.1Walk
lub̯uubimbuubincream; thick pale yellowish-white fatty liquid or somewhat solid layer that rises to the top of milk5. products
lubbasimbasinarrow; thin stick on which is fixed a sharp small blade on one end, and which is shot from a bow4.8.3.7Weapon, shoot