Lugungu - English
randamarandanplane; tool used for making piece of timber smooth8. with wood
raati̱ri̱raati̱ri̱n1strength; ability to resist force or hold heavy weights without breaking or being damagedSynb̯unyamaani 1rutegerutwangu8.3.6.1Strong, brittle2.4.1Strong2weight, mass; measurement of how heavy s.t. isSynb̯wozo8.2.9Weigh8.2.9.1Heavy8.2.8Measure
redyomaredyoEnglishnradio; electronic receiver used for listening to announcements and news3.5.9.6Communication devices3.5.9Mass communication3.5.9.1Radio, television
resi̱i̱ti̱resi̱i̱ti̱Englishnreceipt; piece of paper indicating that goods or services have been paid for6.8.4.5Pay
reeki̱reeki̱Englishnrake; garden tool with a long handle and a row of metal points used for gathering grassSynlukookoobo6.2.8Agricultural tool5.6.5Sweep, rake
rubambambambansmall hill, plateau; part of the earth a little bit raised like a hill but not as high as a hill1.2.1.1Mountain1.2.1.3Plain, plateau
rubangumbangun1handle, shaft; part of a spear that is wooden and is like a walking stick6.7.8Parts of tools2rod, javelin; thin, long and straight piece of stick that can be thrown4.2.6.2Sports4.8.3.7Weapon, shoot6.4.5.3Fishing equipment3measuring stick8.2.8Measure
rub̯ugambugantown; larger place than a village with many houses, shops or stores, where people live and workSyntawu̱ni̱
rufunfun1death; event of dying or departure from lifeSynb̯ugingo2.6.6Die2funeral, burial; ceremony that is held when s.b. dies in order to mourn him2.6.6.3Funeral2.6.6.5Bury
rugangangangancrowd; large number of people gathered together in a public place, e.g., at a sports gameSynkyecooko 1lugologombo4.2.1.7Crowd, group4.2.1Come together, form a group