Lugwere - English
bbagiyanpastry or pancake made from a dough of cassava flour, that is sometimes mixed with soya flour5.2.3.4Prepared food
bbairomabbairoEnglishnball point pen3.5.7.1Write
bbakulimabbakulinbowl, dish; shallow, typically flat-bottomed container for serving food5.2.2.8Eating utensil5.2.1.5Serve food6.7.7Container
bbankamabbankaEnglishnbanking institution6.8.1.4Store wealth
bbaŋaŋavar.ŋaaŋanSouthern Ground-hornbill; bird having a very large bill surmounted by a bony protuberance1.6.1.2Bird
bbaabbavar.papababbaabbanmy father, my step father, i.e., my mother’s second husband, or my father’s brother4., motherbbaabba omutonpaternal uncle4., aunt
bbaakabbaakaEnglishnfullback, halfback, backsman; back position in a football game4., soccer
bbaalamabbaalaEnglishnbar; drinking place5.