kukwatisyacause to catchv1light up a fire or candle, enkindle, ignite, cause to start burningSynkukuma 15.5.1Light a fire2join together, tape up, glue, attach, clasp, stictch; cause to cling togetherOkwatisye!Tape up, join using gum.Synkucoobbesyakugaitakukulembakuyunga7.5.2Join, attach7.9.4Repair6.7.5Fastening tool7.5.2.1Link, connect7.5.4.1Rope, string7.5.4Tie7.5.2.2Stick together3entrust; hand over s.t.7.4.1Give, hand to4. to the care of3. disease; infect2.5.1Sick2.5.2Disease2.5.5Cause of disease5Metaphor. comprehend, grasp; make an attempt and get it6.1.2.1Try, attempt3.2.4Understandder. ofkukwata