Ohwanjula Hino nje ehitabo ehidaayi mu huhulahulania olulimi olunyole era mu huŋandiiha ehitabo hino hubaaye ohwoheresa ehirala hu bigendererwa byʼehibbubbu hyolulimi olunyole n’abaŋengeresi baahyo. SIL International nje eŋengerera omulimo guno. Abanyole babaaye baŋuma hitabo hyebibono byawe ne guno omulimo omulaŋi ogwa tagihaŋo nʼabasungu abayeeda ohuŋengerera a banyole mu hucuusa ebbayibbuli ni bacuusa ohuŋwa mu nimi ejindi ni bayiŋandiiha mu Lunyole guŋeesa abanyole eŋono. Hufugiirira huuti ehitabo hino hinaabe hya mugaso mu husomesa abaatu ohwega ohusoma nʼohuŋandiiha olunyole. Ni naaŋo hilubirilwa hiiti ehitabo hyʼebibono byolunyole hino, hinayeede mu mulimo ogwo hwegesa abenda ohwega ohusoma nʼohuŋandiiha olunyole abari mu bitahere hye hyalo byosi. Epamba y’olulimi mu huluhulahulania eyengeri yino, eri nʼohuba esonga eyiri a baatu boosi abalumirirwa epandiiha endaŋi eyolulimi olunyole. Abatoni besigama hu huŋa abasomi ebibono nʼamahulu gaabyo amaluŋamu.
Hufugiriira huuti, ehirala mu byʼobuwangwa weefe ehihulu njoʼlulimi. Ŋano paŋahulomera ti ohuŋanga ohuluŋandiiha mu hitabo hyahino, jiba kabi nʼesangaalo ebyʼamaani ohuyeeda olulimi lwefe ohutafa nʼohulufuula ehyohweyeedesa ohusoosa ohutamanya nʼohweyongera mu byʼekulahulana.
Ehitabo hino bahiŋandiiha mu sambo eyiija ohuyeeda abaloma olunyole ni naabo abenda ohulwega. Amagono agali mu bibono njʼagolulimi olunyole oluhwahalangire olwangu nandi olwa habuhyabuhya. Ehiraŋi ehindi ehiri mu hitabo hino nj’ohuba ti ebibono ebirimo babitambisa habuhyabuhya mu ngeri eyamajanjaasi gʼolulimi olunyole. Hino hiŋa ekabi ohwega olulimi mu hulusoma nʼohuluŋandiiha hu mutindo ogwehyalo hyosihyosi.
Ehirala hu bilubirirwa hiri ohuba abaluŋamu ni huhenayo ebibono ebi huŋeega ti nj’ebyolulimi olunyole nandi olunyole oluŋooye. Ebyohuboneraho bingi ebi abo abahuguha mu mirimo hyejino batambihiise. Huhahasa huuti engeri yino enaate obwangu mu hwega olulimi olunyole hyolu hiri mu nimi ejindi ejihulahuleene.
Hwebasa abo abebifaanani abatambisa abyamahiribania ohugesyaho ohuleeta amahulu mu by’ohwega. Ebifanani bino babitambihiise ohwolana nʼomutindo ogwomulembe mu by’ohwega. Ehituufu ehyene, amagesi muliro. Higira hubona huuti ebibono ebisahe nandi ebihwahalangire ebigwira byafuuha byolunyole nga olu mutoni anonyola. Ti onasaha ehibono sihyangu ohuhyagamyayo olwohuba ŋaŋuma agaaja ohuhubanja.
Hwehoyahoya ni husuubira huuti ehitabo hino n’ebirimo hija hubasangaasa hyesulo etomeera ohwendobooli. Ŋano paŋa husuubira ohuhulahulania hiisi munyole hwesi hwahesiimira mu lulimi lwefe.
Hwebasa Sylvester Musimami. Wayire olumbe lwahuŋiriŋania, aye wehuniiye hu mulimo era taleha waaba nʼehinani ehitabo hino sihyahatulire. Ha huuwe humeedeho abandi boosi abayeedire omulimo guno ohwola aŋagwolire.
Humanyire huuti ehitabo hino sihiŋanga hutabaamo ebidobire aye nga ehigendererwa hyefe hyahutusa ebyorereeye. Hwanirisa abasomi bangi ohuhibitabitamo mu mwoyo ogwehinyole ni hutebiriiye ti ohuŋandiiha sihuŋwa nʼomubumbi abumba nʼabumbulula, ehibeesa omubaaji hungira hwenda hulagirirwa.
Hirome Gershom
Foreword This is the first book written to raise the status of the Lunyole language. Writing this book has fulfilled one of the objectives of the Lunyole Language Association and SIL International who has supported and funded it. This is not a work done by the Banyole people alone, but has come about due to the support of expatriates who are facilitating the Banyole to translate the Bible from other languages. When great works such as this are written in Lunyole it gives respect to the Banyole people. We believe that this dictionary will be useful in teaching people to know how to read and write Lunyole—those who are in different villages and right across the world. Raising the status and exposure of the language in this way is important for all people who wish to write Lunyole well. This dictionary was written to give people the best Lunyole words with their correct meaning.
We acknowledge that one of our cultural strengths is language. Therefore, we are joyful and blessed to see this dictionary being compiled and published. This book will help our language not fade away, and its use will fight ignorance and increase development.
This dictionary will help those who speak Lunyole and those who want to learn to speak Lunyole since it contains the everyday language in use by the Banyole people.
The words in this dictionary are natural Lunyole language and they are written in the standard spelling (orthography) of Lunyole. It is a blessing to learn to read and write based on the standards set out in this book.
One of the objectives in writing this dictionary has been to include in it as many pure Lunyole words as possible. When this dictionary is used, it will be simple to learn the Lunyole language, just as dictionaries have done for other developed languages.
We thank the dictionary editors who used the computer to bring out the meaning of the words and for adding pictures to assist as learning aids. This dictionary will demonstrate the truth that knowledge is like fire. For example, it helps us see that borrowed words that we would otherwise call foreign have become part of our everyday language and therefore cannot be returned.
It is our hope that this book and what it contains will be like a source of water that does not dry up during the drought. With this dictionary, we hope to develop every Munyole into people who can be proud of our language.
We thank Sylvester Musimami who worked hard and persevered with defining the words in the dictionary even when sickness disturbed him. Alongside him, we thank others who have helped this book come to its current state.
We realise that this book may not be without errors, but our objective has been to publish what is good and ready for use. We welcome readers to go through it with an open heart remembering that writing does not get finished, as even the potter moulds and unmoulds—and what makes a carpenter stay at the roadside is to have an address.
Hirome Gershom