Browse Mapun - English



banggalaꞌnA kind of small inedible crab.
banggiꞌadjA variety of banana.
banggoonnA type of shellfish.
banghadnThe price or payment for s.t. (A polite way of saying price or payment). Can also refer to a bride price.Yaꞌ ku doman ngindam jÿp nu bong yaꞌ luu ka banghad na pag papoleꞌ ku.I don’t want to borrow your jeep if there isn’t any payment with it when I return it.
bangissynonympasuꞌ 6overlapping synonymbangkilotan1nHarshness; irritableness; meanness.Ni kabangis lalla looy, sat jaꞌ anak na bay nginganan iya, magti nampilag.In that man’s harshness, when his child just called him, he immediately slapped him.2adjHarsh; irate; strict; mean.Yaꞌ ku tanam dambuwaꞌ ka danganakan nu sabap bangis ya.I’m not comfortable living with your brother because he is mean.3vTo become more harsh, mean, severe.Pabangis gi sina bong lay na lahi nda na.He becomes more harsh when his wife has left.synonympasuꞌ
bangitannA type of fish.
bangka11nA dealer in a game of cards; a person in charge of a gambling table who takes in and pays out money.Lay hinÿs meꞌ bangka sÿn looy.The person in charge raked in that money.2stative verbTo be the dealer in a game of cards; to be the person in charge of a gambling table.Bong meka sÿn nu, bangka ko.If you have lots of money, you be the dealer in charge of taking in and paying out money.
bangka2verb intransitiveTo be always talking (non-stop).Lalla naa yaꞌ na kasÿngan. Iya na ja’ bangka man siniꞌ.That guy never gives a person a turn. He is the only one who has been talking (non-stop) since earlier today.
bangkadDerivativebangkaran1root formbangkaran1vTo hold a sack open (for easy insertion of items like rice or copra) with two suspended sticks.Bangkarun karut naa supaya tanam meꞌ ta ngisi niyug.Hold that sack open with two suspended sticks so that we will be comfortable in putting copra inside.
bangkaddustative verbTo have wrinkles (as on the face of an older person, as on the face of s.o. when in pain, as on certain kinds of lemons); to have lots of bumps on one’s face (as from bee or wasp stings).Magbangkaddu na luwa lalla looy kapaddihan.That man’s face is wrinkled because he is in great
bangkãkDerivativebinangkãkroot formbinangkãknHard plaque on teeth.
bangkallonDerivativekabangkallonanroot formkabangkallonannThe sticking of s.t. in one’s throat (as a lump of food or as when one chokes on water when drinking).Tud bisa bangkallon boheꞌ.Choking on water really hurts.
bangkangvTo be lying on one’s back with feet and arms raised up and spread apart; to cause an animal to be in this position.Pabangkangun sapiꞌ naa mari ku tanam nganit.Lay that cow on it’s back and hold its legs up so I’ll be comfortable skinning it.
bangkaran1Derivativebangkadroot formbangkadnThe two suspended sticks used to hold a sack open.
bangkaran21nAn embroidery hoop for keeping cloth tight when sewing.Bong ko muldahan punda, buwat doꞌ ko duhuꞌ bangkaran.If you are going to embroider a pillowcase, first make an embroidery hoop.2vTo use an embroidery hoop on s.t.Bangkarun punda naa.Use an embroidery hoop with that pillowcase.
bangkatDerivativemagbangkatroot formmagbangkatvTo stack; pile (usually objects of different sizes, sometimes in a disorderly fashion).Bangkatun ga býk naa ni bihing-bihing.Stack those books next to the wall.
bangkawnThe mangrove tree, mangrove swamp.Batang bangkaw ayad binuwat dagan lumaꞌ.Mangrove trees are good for making a house’s floor joists.
bangkayDerivativebangkay-bangkayanroot formbangkay-bangkayansynonymmayatnA corpse.Subay kubu tabi bangkay na deꞌ-dæꞌ.We should bury his corpse quickly.
bangkay-bangkayanDerivativebangkayroot formbangkay1nA time (usually three or seven days) of watching over the bed where a recently deceased person slept.Luu bangkay-bangkayan ni lumaꞌ bi mintu?Are you having a time of standing watch over the deceased person’s bed at your house later?2vTo stand watch over the place where a recently deceased person used to sleep on his bed. (There are several people who sit around and play board games, cards, etc. to keep the family members company. There is always someone watching the bed where the deceased person slept for three or seven days. It is believed that by doing this the spirit of the deceased person will stay with the family for that period of time.)Bong jama luu pangabut na, mastiꞌ magbangkay-bangkayan jaꞌ ya supaya yaꞌ na pin lakka aruwa paglýng da bay matoy man bay limpaꞌ patulihan na.If a person has the means, he will have a celebration so that the spirit of his family member who died will not leave the place where he slept on his bed.synonymmayat
bangkaꞌvTo be opposed to; to be in disagreement with.Magbangkaꞌ kami ka kakaꞌ ku sabap kahandak na yaꞌ na si Mmaꞌ sinumbalian sapi’.I am in disagreement with my older brother because his desire is that we no longer butcher a cow for Father.synonymgan-gansaggaꞌ
bangkilotanadjHot-tempered; easily angered.Jama bangkilotan tabbuk na yaꞌ patahaꞌ umu na.A hot-tempered person doesn’t have a long life.overlapping synonymbangis
bangkingDerivativebangkinganroot formbangkingannA bedbug.Katis lahaꞌ ta keket bangking.Our blood is all gone from bedbug bites.
bangkinganDerivativebangkingroot formbangkingadjHaving bedbugs.
bangkunatDerivativebangkunatanroot formbangkunatannDouble skin disease. (The outer skin continually flakes off in large scales.)Ngamoteꞌ na baran na meꞌ bangkunat.His body is becoming white from double skin disease.
bangkunatanDerivativebangkunatroot formbangkunatadjHaving double skin disease.