yaba parik manaclause|ENGsparks flying out of the fire|TPIpaia pairap
yabanajɑ.ˈbɑ.nɑni|ENGnative or proper place, where someone is from, or where something is supposed to be|TPIples, asples|ROEyabanaBagula ngala ngatongtongia song yabana bu ngata song nangnang mari, binabu ngaxang asaxua.I will build a fishpond so I can put domesticated fish into it, so I can eat meat.PHRASEsobaga ma haxuya xaidaba yabanoasolar eclipsetutunga yabanasurgical hospital, surgical theater, operating room, a place where surgery is performedyainga yabanablind or hiding place for hunting
yabimjɑ.ˈbimna|ENGbanana species imported from the Yabem language group|TPIbanana|ROEyabimGENERICbaxupbanana
yahaˈjɑ.hɑv|ENGto be happy|TPIamamas|ROEtikaKeston yaha sibuna mana suam hataxunadi ba, sok mala xapdi saing gamgamdi mari tangania.Keston was really happy about those cassowary eggs, he went out and got them and packed them into his bilum.
yahaˈjɑ.hɑv|ENGto heat something up|TPIhotim|ROEsalaBaing ngama ngatau lang yahana saing ngayaha kigua saing ngawauba.Then I came and heated water and heated my foot and I lived.SYNONYMSlalaheat
yahanajɑ.ˈhɑ.nɑni|ENGthe state of being hot|TPIhat|ROEsalanganaBaing ngama ngatau lang yahana saing ngayaha kigua saing ngawauba.Then I came and heated hot water and heated my foot and I lived.
yahayahaˌjɑ.hɑ.ˈjɑ.hɑna|ENGsmall brown caterpillar species|TPIsnek|ROEmotekmotekrurunaGENERICmoxasnake
yahiˈjɑ.hiv|ENGto trample grass down to get it out of the way|TPIpusim i go daun|ROEyambiIla saing yahi raxangga ba, saing bo ba hang.He went and trampled down that elephant grass, and want to shoot it.
yaiˈjɑiv|ENGto tighten or draw back a bowstring|TPItaitim|ROEyai
yaiˈjɑiv|ENGto lie in wait, to lie in ambush|TPIwas, sambai|ROEnatiLipu tela yai umanga.A man was lying in wait at the garden.PHRASEyainga yabanablind or hiding place for hunting
yainga yabananph|ENGblind or hiding place for hunting|TPIples sambai|ROEribanga