Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



a ʔa³³(Breath Group Marker)(唬吸群)/hǔxīqún/Arleixr hher a, ni ngua dax lei a, ngua dax cirgo a, almeixr zzor lei ngo. 过一会儿,你来我家,跟我们一起,吃饭吧。After a while, come (visit) with us, (and) with us, come eat please.1. When clauses are juxtaposed, this marker functions as a coordinating conjunction or the link between breath groups. These breath group markers often occur at the clause boundaries but not always. When the marker joins clauses together, it tends to be pronounced as the near-open front vowel [æ], accompanied by rising intonation. When this marker occurs at the end of a sentence, the pronunciation changes slightly to the open front vowel [a] position and is accompanied by end-of-sentence falling intonation. For a more detailed analysis of this particle please see: YAO'AN LOLO GRAMMAR SKETCH By Judith Thomas Merrifield.a ʔa³³
aba ʔa³³pa³³n.(名)bread面包/miànbāo/Ama ngo leil aba bei zol goxr a. 妈妈给我做过面包吃。Mom has made and fed me bread.pir
aba ʔa³³pa³³
abadeil ʔa³³pa³³-te⁵⁵n.(名)rice squares饵块/ěrkuài/Abadeil bei a mel, almeixrniaxr sser a bei a, hanol zzorci. 做饵块,用糯米做,比较好吃。When making rice squares, if the glutinous rice is used to make it, it is quite delicious.taexabadeil ʔa³³pa³³-te⁵⁵
acae ʔa³³tsʰæ³³n.(名)wok炒菜锅/chǎo cài guō/Ngo var lu a mel, acae sser. 我炒菜是用,炒菜锅When I stir-fry vegetables, (I) use a wok.Large woks and small woks can be distinguished with the large woks being called /acaemo/ and the smaller woks being called /acaessor/.peixlCompare 另见acaemoacaessorcae
acae ʔa³³tsʰæ³³
acaemo ʔa³³tsʰɛ³³mo³³n.(名)wok (large wok used when feeding large groups of people or for preparing food for the farm animals)炒菜锅(大的)/chǎo cài guō/Veixr seixl a mel, veixr taxl a, acaemo gga ajjix le nia. 杀猪烫猪要在大的炒菜锅里烧水。When killing a pig, the scalding water (used to loosen the hair on the skin so it can be scraped off) is heated in the large wok (called "acaemo").peixlCompare 另见acaeacaemo ʔa³³tsʰɛ³³mo³³
acaessor ʔa³³tsʰɛ³³zo²¹n.(名)wok (normal-size wok used for daily cooking)炒菜锅(小的)/chǎo cài guō/Ngua mermi var lu a mel, acaessor gga var lu. Where we are from, when we fry vegetables it is done in the (small) wok (called the "acaessor").peixlCompare 另见acaeacaessor ʔa³³tsʰɛ³³zo²¹
acixl ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶n.(名)goat山羊/shānyáng/Ni eilni acixl loxl loxl ssi? 你今天去不去放羊?Are you taking the goats out to graze today?Acixl cuxgexdaex ddei deil teixl lei a, adoxl gga arcixl cu a, zzibbaer gga ji a, zu dda cexr. 羊角敲下来后, 在火上烧烤一下, 放在酒里可以煮来喝(成羊角酒)。Knock the goat horns off, roast them a while in the fire, put into the liquor to boil/simmer (to make the goat horn liquor).ddeiCompare 另见acixlbolacixlloxlsuacixlmodoacixlnolmaracixlssor
acixl ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶
acixlbol ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-po⁵⁵n.(名)billy goat; male goat公山羊/gōng shānyáng/Acixlbol mel bir yabol leil loxl sol . 公山羊比公绵羊难放。A male goat is harder to take out to graze (more mischievous) than a male sheep.acixlbol ~ acixl-nolmarddeiCompare 另见acixlacixlloxlsuacixlmodoacixlnolmaracixlssoracixlbol ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-po⁵⁵
acixlbolssor ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-po⁶⁶zo²¹n.(名)baby male goat; male kid; buckling公山羊羔/gōng shān yánggāo/Eilni acixlmodo ddei ssor cer a, acixlbolssor ar ddox cer teixl lei a. 今天母山羊下小羊,下了一个小公山羊羔。Today the nanny goat gave birth to a kid, it gave birth to a buckling.acixlbolssor ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-po⁶⁶zo²¹
acixlloxlsu ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-ɮo̠⁶⁶-sʮ³³n.(名)shepherd of goats放山羊的/fàng shānyáng de/Yar mel acixlloxlsu; ngo nael niurloxlsu. 她是放山羊的;我是放牛的。S/he is a shepherd of goats; I am a herdsman.ddeiCompare 另见acixlacixlbolacixlmodoacixlnolmaracixlssorzzeirloxlsuacixlloxlsi ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-ɮo̠⁶⁶-sɿ³³
acixlmo ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-mo³³n.(名)nanny goat母山羊/mǔ shānyáng/acixlmo ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-mo³³
acixlmodo ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-mo³³to³³n.(名)nanny goat母山羊/mǔ shānyáng/Acixlmodo hal ddei acixlssor ar ddei cer niaxiar dae a. 那个母山羊想要下小山羊了。That nanny goat is about to give birth to a kid.ddeiCompare 另见acixlacixlbolacixlloxlsuacixlnolmaracixlssoraniuxmodo-modoniurmodoveixrmodoyixmodoacixlmodo ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-mo³³to³³
acixlmoteixl ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-mo³³tʰe̠⁶⁶n.(名)goat that has given birth for the first time第一次下小羊的母山羊/dì yī cì xià xiǎo yáng de mǔshānyáng/Acixlmoteixl mel dder ssor cer beil a ngaseir acixlmodo mel leil bbeix. “Acixlmoteixl”就是说第一次下小羊的母山羊。An "acixlmoteixl" is a goat that has just given birth to her kid.acixlmoteixl ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-mo³³-tʰe̠⁶⁶
acixlmoxil ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-mo³³-ʃi⁵⁵n.(名)doe; nanny goat that has never given birth没有下过的母山羊/méiyǒu xiàguò de mǔ shānyáng/Acixlmoxil mel dder ssor cer nr goxr acixlmo mel leil bbeix. “Acixlmoxil” 就是说没有下过小山羊的母的那些。"Acixlmoxil' is what nanny goats that haven't given birth are called.acixlmoheixl ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-mo³³-xe̠⁶⁶
acixlnolmar ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶no⁵⁵ma²¹ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-no⁵⁵ma²¹n.(名)billy goat; male goat公山羊/gōng shānyáng/Acixlnolmar mel zzidu meixr. 公山羊喜欢斗。Male goats like to butt each other.The /acixlnolmar/ is a large strong male goat. The /acixlbol/ is just the general term for 'male goat'.ddeiCompare 另见acixlacixlbolacixlloxlsuacixlmodoacixlssoracixlnolmarʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-no⁵⁵ma²¹
acixlssor ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶ zo²¹n.(名)baby goat; kid小山羊/xiǎo shānyáng/Acixlssor eil ddox ye seir a, yar leil ake ge ji dae. 这个小山羊还小,把它关在家里。This kid is still small, it is confined in a building.ddeiCompare 另见acixlacixlbolacixlloxlsuacixlmodoacixlnolmar-ssoracixlssor ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶ zo²¹
acixlteixlssor ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-tʰe̠⁶⁶-zo²¹n.(名)firstborn kid头生的小山羊/tóu shēng de xiǎo shānyáng/"Acixlteixlssor" mel, ssor cer beil acixlssor hal ddox leil bbeix. “Acixlteixlssor”就是说头生的那个小山羊。The "acixlteixlssor" is what the firstborn kid is called.acixlteixlssor ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-tʰe̠⁶⁶-zo²¹
acixlyir ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶ʝi²¹n.(名)wild goat野山羊/yě shānyáng/Acixlyir nei acixl mel yarzi lesel, nael acixlyir mel mel wordabbor goxr dae, acixl mel nael ake zeil dae. 野山羊很像山羊, 但是野山羊在山上住,而山羊却养在家里。The wild goat and the domesticated goat are similar, but the wild goat lives on the mountain, the domesticated goat is raised at home.acixlgal ʔa³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-ka⁵⁵
adallal ʔa³³ta⁵⁵ɮa⁵⁵adj.(形)small; young小的时候/xiǎo de shíhou/Ngo adallal tor, sul ho zza ho miar mu; yarzi sulku. 我小的时候,一边学习一边干活,很辛苦。When I was small, while studying (I) worked; (I) was very busy.This is talking about childhood, not young adulthood or small in size.adaellael ʔa³³tæ⁵⁵ɮæ⁵⁵
adaxl ʔa³³ta̠⁶⁶n.(名)older sister姐姐/jiějie/Ngo, ngo nimar leil nr koxl vaer a, yar ngo leil "adaxl" ae. 我比我弟弟大两岁,他叫我“姐姐”。I am two years older than my younger brother, (so) he calls me "older sister"./adaxl/ becomes /-dal/ following /yar-/, /nia-/ or /nga-/.ddeiadaxl ʔa³³ta̠⁶⁶
adaxlbbaex ʔa³³ta⁵⁵-bæ̠⁴⁴n.(名)third oldest older sister三姐/sān jiě/adaxlbbaex ~ adaxlbbaexbbaex.There are five levels for the term 'older sister'. If a person actually has five older sisters, the older sister that is closest to him/her in age is: /adaxl(yel)ye/; the next one or second one going up in age is: /adaxl(qie)qie/; the third one going up in age is: /adaxl(bbaex)bbaex/; the fourth one going up in age is: /adaxl(leix)leix/; the fifth one going up in age, i.e. the oldest sister is: /adaxl(vaer)vaer/.ddeiadaxlbbaex ʔa³³ta⁵⁵-bæ̠⁴⁴
adaxl-bbaexbbaex ʔa³³ta⁵⁵-bæ̠⁴⁴-bæ̠⁴⁴n.(名)third oldest older sister三姐/sān jiě/adaxlbbaex ʔa³³ta⁵⁵-bæ̠⁴⁴
adaxlleix ʔa³³ta⁵⁵-ɮe̠⁴⁴n.(名)second oldest older sister二姐/èr jiě/adaxlleix ~ adaxlleixleix.There are five levels for the term 'older sister'. If a person actually has five older sisters, the older sister that is closest to him/her in age is: /adaxl(yel)ye/; the next one or second one going up in age is: /adaxl(qie)qie/; the third one going up in age is: /adaxl(bbaex)bbaex/; the fourth one going up in age is: /adaxl(leix)leix/; the fifth one going up in age, i.e. the oldest sister is: /adaxl(vaer)vaer/.ddeiCompare 另见adaxl-leixleixadaxlleix ʔa³³ta⁵⁵-ɮe̠⁴⁴
adaxl-leixleix ʔa³³ta⁵⁵-ɮe̠⁴⁴-ɮe̠⁴⁴n.(名)second oldest older sister二姐/èr jiě/Compare 另见adaxlleixadaxlleix ʔa³³ta⁵⁵-ɮe̠⁴⁴
adaxlqie ʔa³³ta⁵⁵-tʃʰʲɛ³³n.(名)fourth oldest older sister四姐/sì jiě/adalqie ~ adaxlqieqie.There are five levels for the term 'older sister'. If a person actually has five older sisters, the older sister that is closest to him/her in age is: /adaxl(yel)ye/; the next one or second one going up in age is: /adaxl(qie)qie/; the third one going up in age is: /adaxl(bbaex)bbaex/; the fourth one going up in age is: /adaxl(leix)leix/; the fifth one going up in age, i.e. the oldest sister is: /adaxl(vaer)vaer/.ddeiCompare 另见adaxl-qieqieadaxlqie ʔa³³ta⁵⁵-tʃʰʲɛ³³