Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



ba pa³³v.(动)wrap/bāo/Yar ddei leixrhher ddei leil sirnilni ddux lei a, yar ba doxr dae. 他的手出血了,他一直在包。His/her hand was bleeding, (so) s/he kept it wrapped.Yar pia sixl xiux leil ba gex dae. 他包裹着新衣服。S/he wrapped up the new clothes.1. This is a loan; the Loxrlavu word is /tex/, but this word is also used.For the first example both dialects use /ba/. For the second example the MaYou dialect uses /ba/ and the ZhangJia dialect uses /tex/.Compare 另见neixltexneixl ne̠⁶⁶
ba pa³³v.(动)move/bān/Eilni yaa ake ba. 今天他们搬家。Today they moved to a different place to live.1. This is only used for moving from one place to live in another place.loanCompare 另见bbaxbberba pa³³
ba pa³³v.(动)provide for; take care of管;赡养/guǎn/; /shànyǎng/Ssormine mel armael camar leil ba nia. 儿女要赡养自己的老人。The offspring should take care of their own elderly members of the family.Yar aniux ba a, yarzi sulku. 她管孩子,很辛苦。S/he is taking care of a child, (and is) very busy.ba pa³³
ba pa³³CLF(量)根(头发;眉毛;睫毛;胡子)/gēn/ (tóufǎ; méimáo; jiémáo; húzi)Cixlni ca hal hhexr ddei lil mel si jjia a, hormo ba nr ner. 今年那家的秧死完了,没长几根。This year that family's rice seedling all died, almost no plants grew.Camar hal ddei bborvu zzu bbae jjia a, hormo ba nr nga a. 那个老人的胡子掉完了,没几根了。That old person's beard all fell out, (he) doesn't have much of a beard./gel/ is a loan with this same meaning. /ba/ is a Loxrlavu word which can be translated as 'strand' of hair and it also applies to plants and can be translated as 'stalk; stem' shoot' or something like that. It is for things that are long and thin but not real long. Other examples include: rice seedling; hair; eyebrow; eyelash; beard./ba/ can be translated as 'strand' of hair and it also applies to plants and can be translated as 'stalk; stem' shoot' or something like that. It is for things that are long and thin but not real long. Other examples include: rice seedling; hair; eyebrow; eyelash; beard.Compare 另见gelba pa³³
ba pa³³n.(名)class; group/bān/Ni sul zza a, arddol ba gga zza dae? 你读书,在那一个班读?In school, in which class do you study?loanbaba pa³³
bae pæ³³v.(动)serve发;敬/fā/; /jìng/Cirmusixl mel sievi leil yi bae. 新娘给客人敬烟。The bride serves cigarettes to the guests. Aniuxssor mel ngua dax gaxggor lei a, ngo yaa leil larmirta bae. 小孩子们来我家玩,我给他们发麦芽糖。When small children come to our (house) to play, I serve them candy.This means to serve a drink or food to guests.bae pæ³³
bae pæ³³ASP (conclusive)(体)(expresses that the action has ended)/tíng/Aniux ddox eilni cir ni nge doxr, ni jjixr lei eilcar saelnei nge bae. 孩子今天一天的哭着,你回来现在才哭停了。The child continually cried all day today, s/he didn't stop crying until you returned now.Compare 另见beilhobae pæ³³
bael pæ⁵⁵v.(动)get out of the way; make way让开/ràng kāi/Ni ngo leil arleixr bael dae, ngo eilmaex gger lei nia. 你让开一下,我要从这里过来。Get out of my way, I need to pass by here.Compare 另见ssaxlssaxl za̠⁶⁶
baelbaelsi pæ⁵⁵pæ⁵⁵sɿ³³adv.(副)opposite反着/fǎn zhe/Yar zoxlzoxl a baelbaelsi bei ssi; yar leil bbeix dae lei bbeix dil nr ddo. 他经常反着去做;说他也听不进去。S/he always does the opposite; s/he does not pay attention to what is said to him/her.baelbaelse pæ⁵⁵pæ⁵⁵sə³³
baepir pæ³³-pʰi²¹n.(名)strap背绳/bèishéng/Ssormaer mel six bber ssi a, baepir vei a, bber nia. 女人去背柴,要用背绳,去背。When women go for (fire)wood, they take the "baepir" (strap), to carry it on their backs.This is the strap that is put around the forehead to carry loads on the back.zex
baepir pæ³³-pʰi²¹
baer pæʔ²¹v.(动)set the table放桌子/fàng zhuōzi/Almeixr zzor du a, zaezir baer nia. 吃饭了,要放桌子。When it is time to eat, the table needs to be set.baer pæ²¹
baer pæ²¹v.(动)have a good time; play; visit/wán/Ddir lei a, ngua dax arleixr baer lei seir. 进来跟我们聊一下。Come in and visit for awhile.baer ~ gaxggorCompare 另见gaxggorgaxwor ka̠⁴⁴wo²¹pʲa²¹
baerlae pæ²¹ɮæ³³n.(名)horn喇叭/lǎbā/Cirmu bbeix a mel, baerlae mex. 娶新娘的时候,吹喇叭。When (a man) gets married, the horn is blown.This is the man-made instrument made out of brass.jiaxlsaerlae sæ²¹ɮæ³³
baex pæ̠⁴⁴1CLF(量)(something with a point)把(尖尖的东西)/bǎ (jiān jiān de dōngxī)/Ca nr seir hal ddei altor dar sisi ar baex vei dae a, ca seixl ssi! 那个坏人拿着一把长长的刀子去杀人!That bad person took a long knife to kill (a) person!2CLF (verbal)(量)poke/dāo/Zzaexpor hal te yar dax zzirbae su car a, altor sser a, yar leil ar baex zzir gger a. 那个小偷抢他的钱的时候,用刀子捅了他一刀。That thief when taking money from him/her, used a knife, (and) gave him/her a poke with it.The /baex/ classifier is used with nouns that have a sharp point, like a dagger, sword or a sharp stick. The /baxr/ classifier is used for a knife or some kind of tool that has a sharp edge but does not have a sharp point. It can also apply to tools with a long tubular shape.baex pæ̠⁴⁴
baexbaexlbaex pæ̠⁴⁴pæ̠⁶⁶pæ̠⁴⁴adv.(副)desperately; urgently迫切/pòqiè/Yar, yar ma leil jjiur a, baexbaexlbaex ake jjixr niazzir. 他想他妈妈,很迫切地想回家。S/he missed his/her mother, (and) desperately wanted to return home. baexbaexlbaex pæ̠⁴⁴pæ̠⁶⁶pæ̠⁴⁴
baexbaexsi pæ̠⁴⁴bæ̠⁴⁴sɿ³³v.(动)deviate; do something else另外;偏离/lìngwài/; /piānlí/Ngo yar leil miar eil ddei bei ssi nia bbeix zzae, yar nr bei ssi, baexbaexsi bei ssi. 我让他去做这个事,它却不去做,去做另外的。Though I told him/her to do it this way, s/he did not do it, s/he did something else.baexbaexsi
baexlaex pæ̠⁴⁴ɮæ̠⁴⁴n.(名)tile for the roof corner角(尖尖地)/jiǎo (jiānjiān de)/Loxrlapor ddei xi mel xi baexlaex liler zza. 彝族人的房子有四个尖尖地房角。The Central Yi people's houses have four (special) tile corner pieces on the roofs.This is used for the corners of the smaller roof in front of the house that goes over the porch, and also on the two ends of the main roof ridge.beix, ddei, mel
baexlaex pæ̠⁴⁴ɮæ̠⁴⁴
baexr pæ̠ʔ²¹adv.(副)for nothing; in vain/bái/Ni ca ddei vaer lei baexr a vaer lalnga, ni arddolyox lei bei nr var. 你人大也白大了,你什么也不会做。You have grown up for nothing, you can't do anything.Ngo sul bei a, aniux hal ddox ngo leil si xiaxr gger a, ngo baexr a bei a. 我做作业,那个孩子把我撕坏了,我白做了。When doing homework, that child tore up my (homework); I did it in vain.loanbaexr pæ̠ʔ²¹
baexr pæ̠ʔ²¹v.(动)deceive; lie说谎话/shuō huǎng huà/Ca hal ddei leil ngo nr saexl! Ngo baexr arddeirnga a, Arbosobo ngo leil faxr lol ddo. 我不认识那个人!我如果说谎话,可以让上帝罚我。I don't know that person! If I am lying may God punish me.It was reported that this is not used in the village of ZhangJia.Compare 另见baexrhuaxlfur
baexrfa pæ̠²¹fa³³n.(名)north北方/běi fāng/Baexrfa bir naxrfa leil zzix. 北方比南方冷。The north is colder than the south.1. It was reported that this word is not used in ZhangJia village. loanCompare 另见dofanaxrfaxifa
baexrhuaxl pæ̠²¹xʷa̠⁶⁶v.(动)lie说谎/shuōhuǎng/Ca hal ddei zoxlzoxl a baexrhuaxl te meixr, yel ca mel lei yar leil hormosael ddar-nr-zzi. 那个人经常喜欢说荒,所以人们也不怎么相信他。That person always likes to lie, so people don't really believe him/her.1. For the Mayou dialect this is to lie; for the ZhangJia dialect this is more like kidding around.This is a Chnese Mandarin loanword. The Loxrlavu word is /fur/.Compare 另见baexrfurbaexrhuaxl xu pæ̠²¹xʷa̠⁶⁶ ʃy³³pæ̠²¹xʷa̠⁶⁶-ʃy³³
baexrlaxrsuxl pæ̠ʔ²¹ɮa̠ʔ²¹sɥ̠⁶⁶n.(名)eucalyptus桉树/ānshù/Baexrlaxrsuxl mel yarzi bbeirne, nael yarpeixl mel ssuvi kal cexr. 桉树很臭,但是它的叶子可以烤油。The cypress smells terrible but oil can be cooked out of the leaves.loan zzeibeixrlaxrsuxl pe̠ʔ²¹ɮa̠ʔ²¹sɥ̠⁶⁶laxrhhasuxl ɮa̠ʔ²¹ɣa³³sɥ̠⁶⁶
baexryoxr pæ̠ʔ²¹yo̠ʔ²¹n.(名)pitch; tar柏油/bǎiyóu/Jjiumo gga baexryoxr pu dae mel, yarzi ssi seir. 路上铺着柏油,很好走。When tar is laid on the road, it is (makes it) good to go (on).loanzeix, melbaexryuxr pæ̠ʔ²¹ʝyʔ²¹
baezo pæ³³tso³³n.(名)rope绳子/shéngzi/Baezo eil zex yarzi si. 这条绳子很长。This rope is very long.This is a store-bought rope made out of man-made materials. This is in contrast to the /ceixceixler/ which is the home-made or store-bought rope made from natural fibers.zexCompare 另见ceixceixler
hiexvaexr xʲæ̠⁴⁴væ̠ʔ²¹xurqix ʃy²¹tʃʰi̠⁴⁴
ba gger pa³³ gɯ²¹v.(动)contract out承包给/chéngbāo gěi/Yar mi mel si leil ba gger a, yel cir koxl zzirbae cirdu pir se wo ddo. 他把田承包给别人,所以一年可以收到一千块钱。S/he has contracted out his land, so in one year s/he can earn one thousand yuan.Yaa mi paxr su nr zza a, yaa mi zzu ngua leil ba gger a. 他们没有人种地,(所以)把他们的地包给我们了。They don't have anyone to farm the land, (so) they rented the land to us.1. This word is used when farmers rent their field to someone; this is not used for renting anthing else.loanbao hher pao³³ ɣɯ²¹