Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



dda da³³1v.(动)drink/hē/Ngua mermi su capor mel zzibbaer yarzi dda miur. 我们地方的男人们喝很多酒。Where we are from the men drink a lot of liquor.2smoke抽烟/chōuyān/Yi dda a mel, sirmex leil nr seir. 抽烟对肺不好。If (someone) smokes, it is bad for the lungs.Compare 另见ddacidda laboxddayixrddayixrboxrddayixrpaeryi ddadda da³³
ddaci da³³-tsʰɿ³³adj.(形)delicious好喝/hǎo hē/Vizu eilmel yarzi ddaci. 这些汤很好喝。This soup is delicious.Loxrlapor mel zzirdae a, zzibbaer mel yarzi ddaci. 彝族人觉得酒很好喝。The Central Yi people think that liquor is very delicious.This is only used for liquids.Compare 另见ciddazzorciddami da³³-mi³³
ddaddu da³³-dɤ³³n.(名)beverage; drink喝的/hē de/Eilmaex gga zzorddu lei vae wo nr ddo, ddaddu lei vae wo nr ddo. 在这个地方吃的买不到,喝的也买不到。In this place something to eat can't be bought, something to drink also can't be bought.It was reported that this word is not used in ZhangJia village.ddei, melCompare 另见dda laboxdda labox da³³ ɮa³³po̠⁴⁴
ddaex dæ̠⁴⁴1v.(动)cut/jiǎn/Zzirda ddei sser a, mae ddaex cexr. 用剪刀可以剪布。Using scissors, cloth can be cut.Aniux mel jiajia xiu teixl lei halcar a, yar ceixmeixsaer ddei leil yar ma dax cirgo a gga gex dae; hal zex ddaex te gger nia. 孩子刚刚生出来那时,要把他的脐上跟她妈妈连在一起的;那条剪断。When the child is just born, (s/he) is connected to his/her mother with the umbilical chord; that chord needs to be cut.The /yarma/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /ama/.2dice; slice/qiè/Yar hor ddaex a, ho ddaex ho bbor du lei a. 他切肉越切约薄起来了。When s/he was slicing meat, the more (s/he) cut, the thinner it got.This verb includes cutting with a knife or with scissors.Compare 另见taexlddaex dæ̠⁴⁴
ddaexrdæ̠ʔ²¹🔊1v.(动)build a wall打墙/dǎ qiáng/Yar eilni sixrjiuxr xiax a, arddolcar a lu ddaexr. 他今天建造地基,以后要打墙。S/he is going to lay a foundation today, later (s/he) will build the walls.If the verb used for making a wall is /ddaexr/ then the wall is made by compacting mud between two forms. If the verb used for making a wall is /cix/ then the wall is made out of bricks.2buy (liquor)打(酒)/dǎ (jiǔ)/Zzibbaer ddaexr a mel, armael bbie vei dae a, si ni leil bbie gga ddaexr ji gger. 打酒,就是自己拿着瓶子,别人给你打在瓶子里。When (using the term) "zzibbaer ddaexr" (you) take your own bottle (to buy liquor), (and) someone puts (the liquor) in the bottle for you.This verb is used when a person takes a container to a store that is selling some kind of liquid beverage and buys the beverage according to how much the person wants--these days it is mostly just liquor /zzibbaer ddaexr/ but it used to be other things like various types of soups. 3carry an umbrella打伞/dǎ sǎn/Almer lei a mel, saxr ddaexr nia. 下雨要打伞。If it rains (you) need to carry an umbrella.4cast metal/zhù/Altor mel he sser a ddaexr teixl lei. 刀是用铁铸出来的。Swords/knives are cast using metal.5put on pesticide打农药/dǎ nóngyào/Cei mel leil bberzzi zzor a, naxcir ddaexr nia. 虫子吃谷子,他去打农药。When rice is eaten by bugs, pesticide must be put on.6put up/dā/Mixbbaex su mel cirmu bbeix a, ceirxi ddaexr. 马游的人娶媳妇的时候要搭 “ceirxi” 叶子。When the people of Mayou get married they put up the "ceirxi" leaves (as decoration on top of the gate).7shoot打猎/dǎ liè/Halcar a, ci ddaexr a mel, jir sser a ddaexr. 很久以前,打猎是用弓箭来打。A long time ago, when hunting (deer), arrows were used to shoot (the deer).8thresh射击/shèjī/ So ddaexr mel dder so saer ddei nei so bexl ddei bbe kae. 打麦子就是把麦种和麦草分开。Threshing the wheat is when the wheat kernel is separated from the plant./ddaexr/ means to get the grain off the plant. /nir/ means to separate the grain from the peel. 9weave/zhī/Zzir sser a, mae ddaexr cexr. 汉麻可以织布。Using hemp, cloth can be weaved.This is a verb that has many, many meanings, with each different meaning being determined by the context.Compare 另见ciddaexr-nilddaexrciddaexrsucinil ddaexr suddaexrcirddaexrhexddaexr kaeggorddaexrjiaxheddaexrsujir ddaexr laboxnirddaexr dæ̠ʔ²¹
ddaexrcir dæ̠ʔ²¹tsʰɿ²¹v.(动)block; jam; plug/dǔ/Ajjix eilmel leil zalbbaer ddux lol nr ddo, ddaexrcir du la. 不能让这些水出去外面,堵起来。This water can not be allowed to go out; block it up.This is to block up a something like hole. It does not mean to block someone's view or to get between two people or things; that word is /jiul/.Compare 另见bbiurduarddaexrjiullaxrqiuzax gexddaexrcir dæ̠ʔ²¹tsʰɿ²¹
ddaexrhexdæ̠ʔ²¹xɯ̠⁴⁴🔊v.(动)knock over打翻/dǎ fān/Aniux hal ddox var bax ddaexrhex gger a. 那个孩子把菜打翻。That child knocked over the bowl of vegetables.Compare 另见ddaexrddaexrhex dæ̠ʔ²¹xɯ̠⁴⁴
ddaexr kae dæ̠ʔ²¹ kʰæ³³v.(动)open打开/dǎ kāi/Allur ggabilddu ddei arleixr ddaexr kae ssi. 打开一下锅盖。Open the top of the pot.Though this loan can be and is commonly used, the Loxrlavu word used for this meaning is: /ggapu/. Compare 另见ddaexrggapukaemaxr kei ma̠ʔ²¹ kʰe³³
dda labox da³³ ɮa³³po̠⁴⁴n.(名)beverage; drink喝的/hē de/Seivi mu ssi a mel, dda labbox lei dda wo ddo, zzor labox lei zzor wo ddo. 去做客可以喝到喝的东西,可以吃到吃的东西。When being a guest, (you) can get a drink to drink, (you) can also get food to eat.It was reported that this is not used in ZhangJia village.ddei, melCompare 另见ddaddaddulaboxdda labox da³³ ɮa³³po̠⁴⁴
ddar da²¹1n.(名)comment; word/huà/Ddar eil qir mel ngo leil bbeix dae arddeir a. 这句话是说我的。This comment is about me.qir2language语言/yǔyán/Merwoxrke mel ddar hormo yoxr nei te su ca zza. 天底下有说好几种语言的人。Under the heaven there are people speaking many kinds of languages.yoxr, melCompare 另见ddar biarddar biar korddar bbeixddar noddar teqirddar da²¹
ddar da²¹v.(动)condense/xìa/Eilneixr-nehe ha du lei car a, silbbar bbae leil zil ddar deix dae. 早上起来的时候,草地上有露水。When getting up in the morning, dew has condensed on the grass.This verb is only used with the word 'dew'.ddar da²¹
ddar da²¹1v.(动)hang/chuí/Yar ddei olce gel yarzi seir, middur ddei leil lei ddar zei ci a. 他的头发很长,垂到地上了。Her hair is very long, it hangs down on the ground.1. The word /seir/ in this context means 'long'; it means long when it is modifying long, thin hair-shaped things. To say the hair is good the word /naxrcixl/ is used. This word for 'hang' is not used for something like hanging clothes out to dry or hanging something on a wall. That word would be /gaxl/. This is more like a rope hanging down, so it often if not always followed by /zei/ 'down'.2v.(动)hang loose; not tied back/pī/Yar olce ddar dae a yarzi igaxzae. 她披着头发很好看。Her hair hung loose and was very pretty.ddar da²¹
ddarbel-ddarqiar idiom(习语)past by word of mouth from person to person俗话/súhuà/Ddarbel-ddarqiar bbeix, halcar a mel, worpe-vilax pe goxr a. 俗话说,很久以前有过洪水。It has been passed by word of mouth from person to person that, a long time ago, there was a flood.ddarbel-ddarqiar da²¹pɯ⁵⁵-da²¹tʃʰʲa²¹
ddar biar da²¹ pʲaʔ²¹v.(动)discuss; talk; tell/jiǎng/Ngua nrnelsael zzi dax ddar biar dae. 我们几个互相讲话。Several of us talk with each other.Compare 另见biarddarddar biar korddar bbeixddar teddar biar da²¹ pʲaʔ²¹
ddar biar kor da²¹ pʲa²¹ kʰo²¹v.(动)speak in a way that is helpful讲话管用/jiǎng huà guǎnyòng/Ni dax yarzi ddar biar kor. 跟你说话恨管用。Speaking with you is very helpful.Compare 另见bbeix seir dax ggerbbeix seir ggerddarddar biarddar biar kor da²¹ pʲa²¹ kʰo²¹
ddar bbeix da²¹ be̠⁴⁴v.(动)say; speak/shuō/Yar ngo ddar bbeix dae mel leil zabbar noni dae. 她很好的听着我说的话。S/he listened carefully to what I said.Compare 另见biarbbeixddarddar biarddar teddar bbeix da²¹ be̠⁴⁴
ddar bbeix gger su da²¹ be̠⁴⁴ gɯ²¹ sʮ³³n.(名)messenger使者/shǐzhě/Ddar bbeix gger su ddei mel dder si ddei ddar niul leil bbeix gger su ddei nga. 使者就是把别人的话告诉我们的人。A messengers is one who tell us what others have said.ddei, melddar bbeix hher si da²¹ be̠⁴⁴ ɣɯ²¹ sɿ³³
ddarcixl-ddartaex da²¹tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-da²¹tʰæ̠⁴⁴idiom(习语)discouraging words冷语冷言/lěng yǔ lěng yán/Yar dalxiuxr kor-nr-lal a mel, ni ddarcixl-ddartaex te a yar leil nixmox bbiex lol nr ddo, yar leil nixmox dder vaer lalddo. 他没有考上大学,你不能说冷语冷言让他灰心,只能鼓励他。If s/he does not pass the test to go to the university, you must not say discouraging things to discourage him/her, just encourage him/her.ddarcixl-ddartaex da²¹tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-da²¹tʰæ̠⁴⁴
ddarjiar da²¹tʃʲa²¹n.(名)deceit; falsity; lie; untruth 假话/jiǎ huà/Ddarjiar te meir qir leil Arbosobo vuxryixr; ddarzziddo bei dae mel leil yar ggese. 上帝恨说假话的嘴,做着可信的那些他高兴。God hates a lying mouth; being trustworthy makes him happy.Compare 另见ddarziddarzziddarjiar da²¹tʃʲa²¹
ddarkoxl da²¹-kʰo̠⁶⁶1v.(动)agree同意/tóngyì/Yar ngo leil bbeix yar leil miar beijjiu nia bbeix a, ngo ddarkoxl a. 他对我说要帮助他干活,我同意了。(When) s/he told me (I) needed to help him/her, I agreed (to help).2reply回答/huídá/Halleix ngo yar dax ddar-nr-te dae, nael eini yar ngo dax te lei a, ngo yar leil ddarkoxl a. 以前我不跟他说话,但是今天他来跟我说话我回答他了。Before I did not speak with him/her, but today s/he came (and) spoke with me, (and) I answered him/her.Yar mel bei cox a, yarma yar leil hie a lei, yar ddarkoxlddu nr zza. 他做错了,虽然他妈妈骂他,他没有回答的。S/he made a mistake, and though his/her mother scolded him/her, s/he didn't have an answer (for his/her actions)./yarma/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /ama/.ddarhol da²¹-xo⁵⁵ddarkoxl da²¹-kʰo̠⁶⁶
ddarkoxlddu da²¹kʰo̠⁶⁶-dɤ³³n.(名)answer; reply回答的/huídá de/Yar mel bei cox a, yarma yar leil hie a lei, yar ddarkoxlddu nr zza. 他做错了,虽然他妈妈骂他,他没有回答的。S/he made a mistake, and though his/her mother scolded him/her, s/he didn't have an answer (for his/her actions).1. /yarma/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /ama/.ddarkoxlddu ~ ddarkoxl labox.ddei, mel, qirCompare 另见ddarkoxl laboxddarhol labox da²¹-xo⁵⁵ ɮa³³po̠⁴⁴ddarkoxl labox da²¹-kʰo̠⁶⁶ ɮa³³po̠⁴⁴
ddarkoxl labox da²¹kʰo̠⁶⁶ ɮa³³po̠⁴⁴n.(名)answer; reply回答的/huídá de/Ca hal ddei ddar nr zza a, si yar leil bbeix vuxryixr a lei, yar ddarkoxl labox nr zza. 那个人没有话,别人侮辱他,他也没有回答的。That person never talks, even if someone insults him/her, s/he doesn't have an answer.ddei, mel, qirCompare 另见ddarkoxldduddarkoxl labox da²¹-kʰo̠⁶⁶ ɮa³³po̠⁴⁴
ddar no da²¹ no³³v.(动)obey听话/tīng huà/Aniux mel camar ddar no nia. 孩子要听父母的话。Children should obey (their) parents.ddar no ~ ddar noni ~ ca ddei ddar no.Compare 另见ddarddar noninononiddar no da²¹ no³³
ddar noni da²¹ no³³ni³³v.(动)obey听话/tīng huà/Aniux hal ddox yarzi ddar noni, yar ma yar leil ha nr ddo bbeix yar dder nr ha. 那个孩子很听话,他妈妈叫他别动他就不动。That child obeys very well, (if) his/her mother tells him/her to not move s/he doesn't move.Compare 另见ddar noddar no da²¹ no³³
ddartalsu da²¹tʰa⁵⁵sɥ³³n.(名)busybody套话的/tào huà de/Ddartalsu ca mel mel dexryixl ni si leil saexl lol nia-nr-zzir sirzzir halmel tal meixr. 套话的喜欢故意套你不想让别人知道的事。A busybody is someone who likes to try on purpose to find out things that you don't want others to know.The /-tal-/ 'coax' is a Mandarin Chinese loanword. ddei, melkerqitoxl kʰɯ²¹tʃʰi³³tʰo̠⁶⁶