eil ʔe⁵⁵DET(限定词)these; this这/zhè/Ca eil ddei eilmaex lei a, ca hal ddei dder ssi du a. 这个人来这里,那个人就走了。This person came (to) this place, that person then departed.1. This is singular or plural depending on whether the classifier following it is singular or plural. The indefinate article /ar/ 'a 一' is used to introduce new material while the definite articles /eil/ 'this 这' and /hal/ 'that 那' refer back to information that has already been mentioned. /dex-/, /eil/, /hal/, /nal-/, /vael/, /yo/, /zal-/ and /zil-/ are "proximity demonstratives" (Grammatical category: LOC SPATIAL). The distance can be increased or emphasized by pronouncing the word with greater stress and/or length. (Please see the article by Marlin Leaders "tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc).Compare 另见areilpiarhalil ʔi⁵⁵