Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



fa fa³³v.(动)guard against/fáng/Eilmerxixl yarzi gexrddo, ni fa dae nia. 晚上很可怕,你要小心。It is scary at night, be careful.Anol hal ddei ca kexl lei, ni fa dae nia. 那条狗会咬人,你要防着。That dog bites people, you need to be careful.Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords.Compare 另见fa saexlfasolfa a nia fa³³ a³³ nʲa³³
faex fæ̠⁴⁴v.(动)insist someone eats/yā/Loxrlapor mel cirmu bbeix a mel, almeixr faex lei. 彝族人娶媳妇时会压饭。When the Central Yi people get married, (they) will insist (that their guests) eat (lots of food).Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords.doxr, boxl, leixr, bax, mel, faex fæ̠⁴⁴
faexfæ̠⁴⁴🔊v.(动)have a fever/fā/Aniux hal ddox yarzi faex larhor, yel yarma yar leil bber dae a, no i ssi jixr a. 那个孩子发得很厉害,所以她妈妈背着他看病去了。That child has a high fever so his/her mother put him/her on her back and went to see a doctor.Ngo leil sa faex a, cir ggecir cir lei yarzisael taxl. 我发烧了,全身都很烫。I have a fever, (and my) whole body is extremely hot.1. /yarma/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /ama/. Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords.faex fæ̠⁴⁴
faexfæ̠⁴⁴🔊v.(动)rise/fā/Aba bei a mel, hoba some ddei gga ajjix ardoxr ji a, arleixr faex lol a saelnei zzorci. 做包子,先在面粉里放一点水,让它发一下才好吃。When making steamed buns, first put a little water in the flour, let it rise a while and it will be delicious.1. This word /faex/ can be used when talking about dough rising to make bread, but the people don't traditionaly make bread that rises into a loaf. They do make home-made liquor and /faex/ is used when talking about the process of fermenting the grain. Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords. Compare 另见purfaex fæ̠⁴⁴
faex fæ̠⁴⁴v.(动)pay a wage发(工资)fā (gōngzī)Ni arddolcar zzirbae faex? 你什么时候要发钱?When are you going to pay (my) wage?Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords.faex fæ̠⁴⁴
fa-nr-sol fa³³-n̩²¹-so⁵⁵adj.(形)not dangerous; safe安全;不危险/ānquán/; /bù wéixiǎn/Jjiumo eil zex leil ssi nr ddo, eil zex mel fasol; ni hal zex leil ssi nia, hal zex mel fa-nr-sol. 不能走这条路,这条路危险;你要走哪条路,那条路不危险。(You) can't go on this road, it is dangerous; you need to go on that one, that one is not dangerous.fa-nr-sol fa³³-n̩²¹-so⁵⁵
faquxr fa³³tʃʰy̠ʔ²¹n.(名)tomato番茄/fānqié/1. faquxr ~ suaquxrloansaquxr sʷa³³tʃʰy̠ʔ²¹
farguafa²¹kʷa³³🔊n.(名)judge法官/fǎguān/Fargua hal ddei yarzi seir, yar ca leil i du. 那个法官很好,他看得起人。That judge is good, s/he respects people.Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords. This loanword is used rmore often than the /serpaxlsu/ or /casersu/.ddei, melCompare 另见casersuserpaxlsufargua fa²¹kʷa³³
fartixrfa²¹tʰi̠ʔ²¹🔊n.(名)court法庭/fǎtíng/Fartixr mel ca bei cox su halmel leil ser ggie. 法庭是审判做错事情的人的地方。The court is where those people who have done wrong are judged.Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords.ddei, maexfaxrtixr fa̠ʔ²¹tʰi̠ʔ²¹
fa saexlfa³³ sæ̠⁶⁶🔊fa³³-sæ̠⁶⁶🔊v.(动)be able to be careful; know how to take care of yourself会小心/huì xiǎoxīn/Ngo fa saexl a; ni ngo leil guaxr nr ssa! 我会小心了,你不用管我。I know how to take care of myself, you don't have to take care of me! Aniux hal ddox ye seir, yar fa nr saexl seir. 那个孩子还小,她不会小心。That child is still little, s/he still does not know now to take care of himself/herself.Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords.Compare 另见fafasoli saexlsaexlxiar saexlfa saexl fa³³ sæ̠⁶⁶fa³³-sæ̠⁶⁶
fasol fa³³-so⁵⁵adj.(形)dangerous危险/wēixiǎn/Adoxl mel yarzi fasol, aniuxssor leil gaxggor lol nr ddo. 火很危险,不能让小孩子玩。Fire is very dangerous, small children should not be allowed to play (with fire).1. Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords. There is no negative form of /fasol/. There are other ways to express that something is safe. For exampleː /Nr zzi mar!/ 'It doesn't matter!'Compare 另见fafa saexlsolfasol fa³³-so⁵⁵
faxlfaxrfa̠⁶⁶fa̠ʔ²¹🔊v.(动)break the law犯法/fànfǎ/Ni wordabbor adoxl dexl ssi nr ddo, eine bei a mel, faxlfaxr a. 你不能去山上放火,这样做就犯法了。You are not allowed to start a fire on the mountain, if (you) do, you are breaking the law.1. Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords.loanCompare 另见zuixlfaxlfaxr fa̠⁶⁶fa̠ʔ²¹
faxljiaxlfa̠⁶⁶tʃʲa̠⁶⁶🔊v.(动)have a holiday放假/fàngjià/Sulzzasu mel faxljiaxl a, yarzi ggese. 放假,学生很高兴。When the students have a holiday, (they) are very happy.Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords.faxljiaxl fa̠⁶⁶tʃʲa̠⁶⁶
faxlxiuxrfa⁵⁵ʃʲo̠ʔ²¹🔊v.(动)get out of school for the day放学/fàngxué/Kax gga sulzzasu mel faxlxiuxr ho a lei, ake ca mel leil miar beijjiu nia. 村里的学生,放学了还要帮助家里的人做事情。Even when students in the village have gotten out of school, they still need to help the family with chores.Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords.faxlxiuxr fa⁵⁵ʃʲo̠ʔ²¹
faxr fa̠ʔ²¹CLF (measure word)(量)batch; bunch; group; litter; planting/pī/Cixlni, me ddux beil hal faxr mel yarzisael ddux miur. 今年,蘑菇开始出的那一批出的很多。This year, that first batch of mushrooms to come up/out (to sprout) was extremely numerous.Zzeir eil faxr yarzi naxrcixl, yarzi miur. 这批动物很好,很多。This group of livestock is very good quality, (and) very abundant.1. This word is used only with animals or plants. It is used in the same sense as the word "generation" for people. Some examples would includeː 'This planting is better than last year's planting.' 'This litter of puppies is more than last litter.' Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords. faxr fa̠ʔ²¹
faxr fa̠ʔ²¹1v.(动)fine罚款/fákuǎn/Kax gga su ca mel six cirke taexl a mel, yar leil faxr var. 村里的人砍很多柴,他会被罚款。If village people cut a lot of (fire)wood, they will be fined.2punish惩罚/chěngfá/Ngo miar bei a, bei nr hoxr a, yar ngo leil faxr. 我做事没有做对,她惩罚了我。When I did my tasks incorrectly s/he punished me.1. Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords.loanfaxr fa̠ʔ²¹
faxrceixr fa̠ʔ²¹tsʰe̠ʔ²¹v. (secondary)(次动)fortune发财/fācái/Yar vaexleixr bei a, bei faxrceixr a. 他做生意,发财了。S/he did business, (and) made a fortune.1. Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords. Secondary verbs differ from main verbs in that they never occur at the head of the verb phrase--they follow the main verb. If the main verb is not stated, the secondary verb still comes second and the main verb is replaced by /bei/ 'do '. For example, /nge laexl/ (cry pretend) is 'pretend to cry'. But if it is just 'pretend' without stating what is being pretended, then it is /bei laexl/ (do pretend). Secondary verbs differ from auxiliaries in that, while there is a logical and sequential relationship between the main verb and the secondary verb, the secondary verb does not make distinctions in the mood, timing or direction of the main verb. “A Dictionary of Linguistics & Phonetics” edited by David Crystal (Fifth Edition) defines serial verb constructions as “...a type of construction for a sequence of verbs or verb phrases within a clause (or sequence of clauses) in which the syntactic relationship between the items is left unmarked. The verbs share a semantic argument, but there is no conjunction or inflection to mark co-ordination or subordination.”faxrceixr fa³³tsʰe³³
fazi fa³³tzɿ³³n.(名)solution办法/bànfǎ/Yar ssor hal ddei mel yarzi zoxr, mul fazi lei nr zza. 他的那个儿子很调皮,教的办法也没有。His/her son is very naughty, there is no solution for teaching (him/her).Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords.Compare 另见baxlfaxrfazi fa³³tzɿ³³
feife³³🔊n.(名)minute; penny; point/fēn/Ni korsil a, hormo fei kor wo a? 你考试,考得了几分?When you tested, how many points did you score?Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords.fe fə³³
feico fe³³tsʰo³³n.(名)shallot; spring onion小葱/xiǎo cōng/Zaxlsuir bei a, feico sser a saelnei xiu. 做蘸水,用小葱才香。When making a dip, the spring onion has to be put in in.order for it to taste and smell good.cu, zzeiCompare 另见daxlcowajiuxrcofeicu fe³³tsʰɥ³³
feigol fe³³ko⁵⁵n.(名)winnowing machine风车/fēngchē/Feigol ddei sser a mel, loxlmoxr nei paer leil bbe kae lol. 用风车是让糠和粮食分开。When using the winnowing machine, it causes the grain and the chaff to be separated.Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords.jiaxl
foguixl fo³³gʷe̠⁶⁶
felfə⁵⁵🔊n.(名)division; part; portion/fèn/Zzirbae eil ddei so fel bbe nia. 这个钱要分三份。This money should be divided into three parts.Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords.fel fə⁵⁵
fo fo³³CLF(量)(envelope; letter)封(信)/fēng (xìn)/Ngama ngo leil xil ar fo vaexr gger a. 我妈妈给我写了一封信。My mother wrote me a letter.1. /ngama/ is the combination of /nga-/ and /ama/. Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords.fo fo³³
fo fo³³v.(动)cover/fēng/Ca mel worga leil legelbbe giexl a, cirdaedae a vaervaerpor mel nr giexl lol a mel, legelbbe giexl ggie halmaex fo gex du lei. 人们在山上挖石头,有些时侯,领导不让挖,会把那个挖石头的地方封起来。When people dig out rocks from the mountain, sometimes if the officials will not let them dig (anymore), that rock-digging place is covered over.Most words that begin with /f/ and are not followed by the vowel /u/, are Chinese Mandarin loanwords.fo fo³³
fufɤ³³🔊v.(动)give in marriage/jià/Eilni, zzi eil ddei gga cirmu fu su ca so hhexr zza, yel ca yarzi miur. 今天,这个城里有三家人嫁女儿,所以人很多。Today, in this city there are three families who are giving their daughters in marriage, so there are lots of people.This is used when a woman is given to a man in marriage. If a man asks a woman to marry him, the word is /bbeix/.Compare 另见bbeixfujiulfuworfuzimojixrhuifu fɤ³³

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