Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



gaka³³🔊n.(名)center/zhōng/Meir gga ddux lei mel mel nixmox ga gga ddux lei arddeir a. 从嘴里出来的是从心中出来的。What comes out of the mouth is what comes out of the center of the heart. Aniux ddox fa nr saexl a, legelbbe taex yar meixddurga gga zax dil gger a. 孩子不知道小心,把石头丢进了他的眼中。(The) child doesn't know how to be careful, (and someone) threw a rock right in the center (pupil) of his/her eye.The /ga/ can be left out but it sounds better with it there.Compare 另见meixddurgaga ka³³
gaka³³🔊CLF(量)(mountain)座(山)/zuò (shān)/Worga hal ga yarzi mu. 那座山很高。That mountain is very tall.Compare 另见worgaga ka³³
gaka³³🔊v.(动)warm up烤火/kǎo huǒ/Almer lei a yarzi zzix, yel adoxl ga nia. 下雨了很冷,所以要烤火。It is raining and it is very cold, so it is necessary to warm up by the fire.Camar eil ddei zoxlzoxl a gieyi ddei leil hher dae a, merni ga. 这个老人经常在阳台上,晒太阳。This old person is often on the porch, warming up in the sun.Compare 另见hexga ka³³
gaka³³🔊adj.(形)blood relation; related by birth/qīn/Ngo mel yar ddei cirssor ga. 我是她最亲的亲戚。I am his blood relation.Aniux hal ddox leil hier vaer su nrnel mel, yarbbor yarma ga nr nga. 养大那个孩子的那两个不是他的亲生父母。The two who raised that child are not his/her real (related by birth) father and mother.Ssormaer hal ddei halae yargo galga ar ddei zza seir. 那个女孩还有一个亲哥哥。That girl/lady still has one older brother who is (really) related to her by birth (and not someone called older brother just to be polite).1. /yarbbor/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /arbbor/; /yarma/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /ama/. Kinship terms are often used even with people who are not blood relations. Older friends are often called 'older brother' or 'older sister'. /arzzi nimar ga/ would be the real older and younger brother vs. just the older and younger friends that are called older and younger brothers.Compare 另见ake cacirssorgalgahhexrjiacuxrnaerhoga ka³³
gabiudaeka³³pʲo³³tɛ³³🔊n.(名)hair bun头发盘起来/tóufā pán qǐ lái/Mixbbaex su ssormaer mel oltex neixl a mel, hoba gabiudae neixl gex nia. 马游人把黑色的布包在头上,先把头发盘在中间。When the women of Mayou wrap their hair, (they) must first tie it up in a bun.1. This /oltex/ is a head-wrap that is worn every day by the older generation of ladies. It is normally black but when grieving they exchange the black one for a white one. It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.taex
gabo ka³³po³³adj.(形)hollow空的/kōng de/Compare 另见gapurgabbo ka³³bo³³
gadi a cirdoxrka³³ti³³ a³³ tsʰɿ²¹🔊ka³³ti³³ a³³ tsʰɿ²¹to̠ʔ²¹🔊idiom(习语)a little bit一小点/yī xiǎo diǎn/Ni ngo leil eine arzzu gger nr ssa, ngo gadi a cirdoxr li. 你不要给我这么多,我只要一小点。You don't need to give me so much, I just want a little bit.a jiaxl a bbae ʔa²¹ tʃʲa̠⁶⁶ a³³ bæ³³
gaga ka³³ka³³n.(名)pole/gāngān/Puxrto dae a mel, gaga dae nia, yel puxrto mel dder halmaex ggax deix cexr. 种葡萄,要栽杆杆,这样葡萄就可以爬在上面。When planting grapes, a pole has to be set in (the ground), then the grape plants can wind around (the poles).Zuafaxr zi a, jiaoguaxl car a mel, gaga sser nia. 盖砖房,浇灌的时候,要用杆杆。When making a brick house, when pouring concrete, poles need to be used (to hold up the forms for the ceiling above).loancaexgaga ɮa²¹ka³³
galbaexngaxl ka⁵⁵pæ̠⁴⁴ŋa̠⁶⁶v.(动)This word describes the action where one person sits in front and a second person sits behind. The person in front has arms crossed; the person behind sits with his/her knees against the other’s back and pulls the other person’s hands back by extending the arms from behind under the arm pits and grabbing the hands and pulling back. Pulling helps rid the person in front of belly pain.这个词描述了一个人坐在前面而第二个人坐在后面的动作。 前面的人双臂交叉; 背后的人坐着,膝盖靠在膝盖上 通过从手臂凹坑下方伸出手臂并抓住手并向后拉,将另一个人的手拉回来。 拉动有助于摆脱这个人 肚子痛的前方。Compare 另见zzoxrbbeixngaxlceixnongaxl tsʰe̠⁴⁴no³³ŋa̠⁶⁶
galboka⁵⁵po³³🔊n.(名)pine flower松花/sōnghuā/Compare 另见gielbogulbe kɤ⁵⁵pɯ³³
galga ka⁵⁵ka³³adj.(形)blood relation; related by birth/qīn/Compare 另见gagalga ka⁵⁵ka³³
gapur ka³³pʰɤ²¹adj.(形)hollow空的/kōng de/Var eil cu agala gga gapur dae. 这棵菜中间是空的。This vegetable is hollow inside.Compare 另见gabogapur ka³³pʰɤ²¹
garkaʔ²¹🔊v.(动)do/bàn/Yar eilni miar gar ssi jixr a. 她今天去办事了。Today s/he went to do (his/her) work.Ni azo gar leir? 你干什么?What are you doing?This word /gar/ can be used in place of /bei/ 'do ' but for some people the word /gar/ is considered impolite. The word /bei/ should be used. Compare 另见gar koxl xixlgaxka̠⁴⁴
gar koxl xixl kaʔ²¹ kʰo̠⁶⁶ ʃi̠⁶⁶v.(动)retaliate; take revenge报复/bàofù/Ca niul leil deil a, niul yar leil gar koxl xixl nr ddo. 人打咱们,我们不能报复她。When a person hits us, we must not retaliate against him/her.This word /gar/ can be used in place of /bei/ 'do' but for some people /gar/ is considered impolite. The word /bei/ should be used. Compare 另见bei koxl xixlgarkoxlxixlgax koxl xixlka̠⁴⁴ kʰo̠⁶⁶ ʃi̠⁶⁶
garnokaʔ²¹-no³³🔊v.(动)hurt; injure; wound受伤/shòushāng/Yaa gaxggor a, yar aniux hal ddox leil garno gger a. 他们玩他把那个孩子弄受伤了。(When) they were playing, s/he hurt that child.This word /gar/ can be used in place of /bei/ 'do ' but in some areas /gar/ is considered impolite. The word /bei/ should be used. Compare 另见beinobbeixnodeilnohienokenolexlnotaxlnogaxnoka̠⁴⁴-no³³
gar wokaʔ²¹ wo³³🔊v.(动)earn; gain得到/dé dào/Yar zzirbae hormo gar wo a. 她得到了很多钱。S/he earned a lot of money.This word /gar/ can be used in place of /bei/ 'do' but for some people /gar/ is considered impolite. The word /bei/ should be used. gax woka̠⁴⁴ wo³³
gavur ka³³vɤ²¹adj.(形)flustered; upset心慌/xīnhuāng/Ngo eilni cir ni ake hher dae a, yarzi gavur. 我一整天都在家,心很慌。I have been in the house all day long today, (and) I'm flustered.Compare 另见gudidigavur ka³³vɤ²¹
gaxceix ka̠⁴⁴tsʰe̠⁴⁴adv.(副)completely完全/wánquán/Neixmar gaxceix a mel, cirdoxr lei mia nr ddo a; yel miar bei nr cexr a. 天完全黑了,一点都看不见了,所以不能干活了。It was completely dark, nothing could be seen, so work could not be done.gaxceix ka̠⁴⁴tsʰe̠⁴⁴
gaxggor ka̠⁴⁴go²¹v.(动)have a good time; play; visit/wán/Aniux mel yarzi gaxggor meixr. 孩子们很喜欢玩。Children love to play.Eilni ngo wordabbor gaxggor ssi a, gaxggor su ca yarzi miur. 今天我去山上玩,玩的人很多。Today (when) I went to the mountain for fun, (and) there were a lot of people (out) having a good time.Aniux hal ddox sixzzei maex gax a, de zei lei a. 那个孩子爬树玩,(所以)摔下来了。That child climbed a tree for fun, (and) fell down.Arggeni ni ngo ake gaxggor lei ngo. 明天你到我家来玩。Come to my house to visit tomorrow./gax/ is the shortened form of /gaxggor/ and only occurs as a secondary verb; it is written as a suffix for many words. The older people also use the word /baer/ or /cual/ (loan) for this same meaning (visit).Compare 另见baerbbeixgaxcorgaxcualdegaxgaxggor-carbeixgaxggorddugaxggor seirgaxwor ka̠⁴⁴wo²¹pʲa²¹
gaxggor-carbeix ka̠⁴⁴go²¹-tsʰa²¹pe̠⁴⁴ka̠⁴⁴go²¹ tsʰa²¹pe̠⁴⁴n.(名)friend; playmate朋友/péngyǒu/Ngo gaxggor-carbeix yarzi miur a, ngua zoxlzoxl a gaxggor ssi. 我朋友很多,我们经常去玩。I have many friends, (and) we often go play.cir, ddei, melCompare 另见carbeixcirgo bei sugaxggorxiahor-carbeixgaxwor-caxrbeix ka̠⁴⁴wo²¹-tsʰa̠²¹pe̠⁴⁴ka̠⁴⁴wo²¹ tsʰa̠²¹pe̠⁴⁴
gaxggordduka̠⁴⁴go²¹ dɤ³³🔊ka̠⁴⁴go²¹-dɤ³³🔊n.(名)toy玩具/wánjù/Aniux mel gaxggorddu vae meixr. 孩子喜欢买玩具。Children like to buy toys.ddei, melCompare 另见gaxggorgaxwor labox ka̠⁴⁴wo²¹ ɮa³³po̠⁴⁴
gaxggor seir ka̠⁴⁴go²¹ se²¹adj.(形)fun好玩/hǎowán/Eilni ngua ake ca yarzi miur a, yel yarzi gaxggor seir. 今天我们家人很多所以很好玩。Today there are lots of people in our house, (so) its lots of fun.Compare 另见gaxggorgaxwor xir ka̠⁴⁴wo²¹ ʃi²¹
gaxlka̠⁶⁶🔊v.(动)attach; clasp; hang; hook/guà/Algerle ngorceimo sser a, mae vaervaer eil nr co leil, cirgo a gaxl gex du lei a. 要用五十个钩子,把这两块大的布挂在一起。Using fifty hooks; these two big pieces of cloth are attached togetherAnol mel leibbei ddei leil baezo gaxl gex dae a, gga dae cexr. 把绳子挂上狗的脖子上可以拉着。When a rope is put on a dog's neck, it can be pulled.Yar pia mel cir ho a, sixlox vaervaermo hal taex leil gaxl dae lol. 他把衣服洗了挂在一个大大的柱子上。After the clothes were washed, she had them hung on the large log.Compare 另见diuxgaxl ka̠⁶⁶
gaxl ka̠⁶⁶CLF (measure word)(量)cluster/chuàn/Ni ngo leil puxrto ar gaxl ngaxl zei gger la. 你帮我掰一串葡萄下来。Break off a cluster of grapes and hand them down to me.gaxl ka̠⁶⁶
gaxlbaex ka̠⁶⁶pæ̠⁴⁴adj.(形)easily separated from the seed分核的/fēn hé de/Saer eil zzei mel gaxlbaex ar zzei a. 这颗果树是一颗分核的树。This fruit tree is (the kind) that has fruit where the fruit can be easily separated from the seed.Compare 另见gaxlniaxrgalbaex ka⁵⁵pæ̠⁴⁴