ggaga³³🔊v.(动)grind; mill磨碎/mó suì/Loxlmoxr mel veixr zol a mel, gga me nia.粮食喂猪要磨碎。Grain, if it is fed to the pigs, must be ground into a powder.Compare 另见guameisaelggaga³³
ggaga³³🔊POST POS(后置词)among; at; during; from; in; on; to里/lǐ/Yar ca cili gga ssi dae a, aniux ddox hier pixl a.他走在人群里把孩子带丢了。S/he took the child in the crowd and lost him/her.Heixlxiu gga ci a nael, cei se neixr mel nael dder se ddo a.那些早一点收的谷子在八月份里就收完了。During August the rice that (needs to be) harvested early can be harvested.ggaga³³
ggaga³³🔊1v.(动)drag; lead; pull拉/lā/Yar ngo leil gga a, yar dax gaxggor ssi lol.他拉我去跟他玩。S/he pulled me, so I would go play with him/her.Merni ddux lei a; ni loxlmoxr ddei leil bbe gex dae bormoxr ddei gga kae ddo a.太阳出来了,你可以把盖在粮食上的薄膜拉开了。The sun has come out, you can pull off the plastic covering the grain.Ca hal ddei mur ar ddei gga dae a, loxlmoxr jix ssi.那个人拉着一匹马,去驮粮食。That person is leading a horse, to have (the horse) carry grain.This is very similar to the word /die/ 'pull' but /die/ is more often used for pulling lightly with one hand--like pulling open a drawer, while the word /gga/ is more often used when something heavy is being pulled with two hands.2play the violin拉二胡/lā èrhú/Halcar a mel, caxlgo caxl a, aelfur gga.以前人们唱歌,还拉二胡。In times past, when (people) sang, (they) played the Chinese violin (èrhú).Compare 另见dieggapuggaga³³ggaga³³seise³³
ggabilga³³-pi⁵⁵1v.(动)close关/guān/Neixmar a, ni alddur ggabil nia; nrnga a, zzaexpor ker leilei.天黑了,你要关门,不然会有小偷来偷。When it is dark, you need to close the door; if not, a thief might steal (your things).2turn off (a light)关(灯)/guān dēng/Ni yixr a mel, de ggabil nia.你睡觉要关灯。When you are going to sleep, (you) need to turn off the light.Compare 另见ggapupuggabilga³³-pi⁵⁵
ggabildduga³³pi⁵⁵-dɤ³³🔊n.(名)cover; top盖子/gàizi/Almeixr zeixl a mel, ggabilddu ggabil nia; nrnga a mel, almeixr ddei zeixl mi nr ddo.煮米饭要把盖子盖起来;要不然米煮不熟。When boiling rice, it is necessary to close the top; if not, it can not be boiled to completion./ggabilddu/ is a top for a container; /bbeddu/ can not be used for that meaning. /bbeddu/ or /bbe labox/ is just something that covers over something.ddei, melCompare 另见bbeddubbeddubɯ³³-dɤ³³
gga gex daega³³ kɯ̟⁴⁴ tɛ³³v. phrase(动词短语)pull on拉着/lāzhe/Ngo yar dax gaxggor ssi a, yar ngo leil gga gex dae a, yar dax almeixr zzor lol.我去跟她玩,她拉着我让我跟她吃饭。I went to visit him/her and s/he pulled on me, wanting me eat with him/her.sei gex ase³³ kɯ̠⁴⁴ a³³
ggalixga³³li̠⁴⁴adv.(副)can't help but; can't stop something from happening忍不住/rěn bù zhù/Yar yarzi zzasol a, yel ca cirke hher dae lei nge ggalix a.她很难过,所以虽然有很多人在,还是忍不住哭出来了。S/he was very miserable, so even though there were a lot of people there (s/he) couldn't help but cry.ggayixga³³ʝi̠⁴⁴
ggapuga³³-pʰɤ³³1v.(动)open打开/dǎ kāi/Ni ngo leil alddur ggapu gger la, ngo ni dax gaxggor lei a.你给我打开门,我来跟你玩了。Open the door for me, (and) I will come and visit you.Ngo zalbbaer ddux a, zzuxci vei hol-nr-cir a, yar ngo leil alddur ggapu nr gger.我出去外面忘记了带钥匙,他不给我开门。I went out and forgot to take the key, (and) s/he did not open the door for me.In some contexts the first syllable /gga/ 'pull' is optional; the /pu/ is the verb that mans 'to open'. However the /bil/ of /ggabil/ 'close (the door)' is never found alone with that same meaning, so both /ggapu/ and /ggabil/ are written as one word to be consistent.2turn (on a light)开(灯)/kāi (dēng)/Neixmar a mel, de ggapu saelnei mia ddo.天黑了打开灯才能看见。When it is dark the light has to be turned so (you) can see.Neixmar a mel, de ggapu a saelnei mia ddo.天黑了打开灯才能看见。When it is dark the light has to be turned so (you) can see.This is used to turn on the light as well as to (pull) open the door because it comes from the time when there was a light bulb with a string hanging from the ceiling in the home, so to turn on the light the person would pull the string.Compare 另见ddaexr kaeggaggabilpuggapuga³³-pʰɤ³³
ggaxga̠⁴⁴🔊1v.(动)coil; twist; wind藤/téng/Ziyadel mel nox ggax dexl nr ssa, yar ggax nr var.红豆不要插豆杆,他不会出藤。The red been doesn't need to be coiled around a pole, it can't twist (like a vine).2n.(名)pole; rod; stem; vinePuxrto eil zzei yarzi naxrcixl, yarggax yarzi miur.这棵葡萄很好,藤也很多。This grape (plant) is a very good quality, it has a lot of vines.This refers to small, flexible, stems or vines. The word for a tree branch is /sixcaxlleixr/ or /sixbaxlleixr/.Compare 另见sixbaxlleixrsixcaxlleixrsixgaxlleixrggaxga̠⁴⁴
ggaxrga̠ʔ²¹🔊1v.(动)drive away; expel; force (away/out)赶走/gǎn zǒu/Ngo yar ake hher dae, nael yar sirzzi a, ngo leil ggaxr teixl lei a.我在他的家,但他生气,把我赶出来了。I was at his/her house, but s/he got angry, and forced me out.Neir mel ca ggecir gga hher ji dae a mel, ggaxr pixl nia.鬼在人的身体里,要赶走。If a demon is in a person's body, it has to be forced out.2herd; shepherd赶/gǎn/Acixl-loxlsu ca hal ddei acixl cirke ggaxr dae.那个放羊的人赶着很多的山羊。That goat shepherd herds a lot of goats.Compare 另见ggaxrmaeneir hoggaxrga̠ʔ²¹ggaxr pixlga̠ʔ²¹ pʰi̠⁶⁶ggaxr qixl leiga̠ʔ²¹ tʃʰi̠⁶⁶ le³³
ggaxrmaega̠ʔ²¹-mæ³³🔊1v.(动)chase; follow追/zhuī/Yar ngo xilmeir ssi dae a, ngo yar dax ggaxrmae ssi.他走在我前面,我去追他。S/he went ahead of me, (and) I followed him/her.2have time赶得上/gǎn de shàng/Ca hal ddei arni dder si ho a, ni eilni sael ssi a, ggaxrmae ddo ddo seir neil?那个人昨天就已经死了,你今天才去会赶得上吗?That person died yesterday, (and) you did not go ̈(to visit the family) until today, is there still time?Compare 另见ggaxrggaxr-nr-maemaeggaxrmaega̠ʔ²¹-mæ³³
ggaxrmae ciga̠ʔ²¹-mæ³³ tsʰɿ³³v.(动)catch up to追到了/zhuī dào le/Yar ggucirmi jjixr ci car, ngo yar dax ggaxrmae ci a.他回到门口的时候我追上他了。When s/he returned to the front door, I caught up with him/her.1. The usage is different for /ggaxrmae ci/ and /ggaxrmae wo/. For /ggaxrmae ci/ it is: /Yar dax ggaxrmae ci a./; for /ggaxrmae wo/ it is:/ /Yar leil ggaxrmae wo a././ggaxrmae ci/ ~ /ggaxrmae wo/.Compare 另见ggaxrmae woggaxrmae qiga̠ʔ²¹-mæ³³ tʃʰi³³
ggaxrmae woga̠ʔ²¹-mæ³³ wo³³v.(动)catch up to追到了/zhuī dào le/It was reported that this is not used in the village of ZhangJia.Compare 另见ggaxrmae ci
ggaxrnega̠ʔ²¹nə³³🔊LOC SPATIAL(方位)above上面/shàngmiàn/Ngo so cexr leil goxr dae, yar li cexr leil goxr dae, yel yar ngo ggaxrne goxr dae.我住在三楼他住在四楼,所以他住在我上面。I live on the third floor; s/he lives on the fourth floor, so s/he lives above me.Ngua xi ggaxrnebbor mel sixzzei vaervaer ar zzei zza.我们房子上面有一棵很大的树。In a place above our house (there) is a very big tree.1. If you add the /-bbor/ locative then it is talking about a 'place' (above our house). This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym".Compare 另见dexbborellelejiasikukurzzarlavulnalbbornalzzarolleleolniuxniuxteixlsibborvaelvulleilyozalbbaerzalbborzile zzirzzarggaxrnega̠ʔ²¹nə³³ggaxrbborga̠ʔ²¹bo²¹
ggaxr-nr-maega̠ʔ²¹<n̩²¹>mæ³³adv.(副)not enough time; too late来不及/lái bù jí/Miar mel bei ho a sael waxlhuixr a mel ggaxr-nr-mae a.事情做了以后才后悔就来不及了。After doing the (evil) deed, it is too late for regret.Ngo eilse-nehe yixr mil si a, caezi ggaxr-nr-mae a!今天早上我睡过头了,没有赶上车!I over-slept this morning and did not have time to catch (my) ride!Eilsenehe ngo ha du lae a, caezi cux ggaxr-nr-mae a.今天早上我起晚了,赶不上坐车了。This morning I got up late, (so) I was too late to catch the bus (or some other vehicle).Compare 另见ggaxrmaeggaxr-nr-maega̠ʔ²¹<n̩²¹>mæ³³
ggaxrsiga̠ʔ²¹sɿ³³🔊LOC SPATIAL(方位)on top上面/shàngmiàn/Sul eil ber ggaxrsi deix lalddo, jiasibbor dol nr ddo.这本书只能放在上面,不能放在下面。Put this book on top, don't put it underneath.This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym".Compare 另见dexbborellelejiasikukurzzarlavulnalbbornalzzarolleleolniuxniuxteixlsibborvaelvulleilyozalbbaerzalbborzile zzirzzarggaxrbborga̠ʔ²¹bo²¹
ggaxrsibborga̠²¹sɿ³³-bo²¹LOC SPATIAL(方位)above上面/shàngmiàn/Ngua nrnel ake jjixr a, yar nael ggaxrsibbor ssi, ngo nael jiasibbor ssi.我们俩个回家他走在上面我走在下面。When we two return home, I go above (toward my home) and s/he goes below (toward his/her) house (on the mountain).This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym".ggaxrbborga̠²¹bo²¹
ggegɯ³³adv.(副)used up完了/wán le/Six mel bbiu gge ho a, kurlu loxr a.柴烧完了,变成灰。After the wood has been burned up, it becomes ashes.Yar ddei bixr zir vaexr gge a, yel sul vaexr nr cexr a.他的那只笔写完了,所以不能写字了。(The ink) in his/her pen was used up, so (s/he) could not write characters.Yar ake ssi a mel, worga darmumu mel leil maex deix nia, yel yarzi worgge.去他家要爬上很高的山,所以很累(力气完了)。When s/he returns home s/he has to climb a tall mountain, so his/her strength is used up.Compare 另见gaxziharhar zaxr daejjiamiteixlworggeworniggegɯ³³
ggecergɯ³³tsʰə²¹🔊n.(名)leek韭菜/jiǔcài/Ggecer mel silbbar ardoxr lesel.韭菜有一点像草。The leek vegetable look a bit like grass.There are two kinds of leeks: /silggecer/ which is a plant with a slender stalk; the /murggecer/ has a wider, mel, zzeiggecergɯ³³tsʰə²¹
ggecirgɯ³³tsʰɿ²¹🔊n.(名)body身体/shēntǐ/Yar ngo ggecir ddei leil ajjix dox deix gger a.他倒水在我身体上。S/he poured water on my body.ddei, melCompare 另见ggecirniarggecirgɯ³³tsʰɿ²¹ggeddergɯ³³de²¹
ggecir cir ggiegɯ³³tsʰɿ²¹ tsʰɿ²¹ gʲɛ³³🔊n.(名)washroom浴室/yùshì/Ca mel cirni-cirni ggecir cir nia, ake gga ggercir cir ggie zza arddeirnga, yarzi seir.人们每天都要洗藻,如果家里有浴室,很好。People need to bathe every day, (so) if there is a washroom in the house, it is (a) good (thing).ddei, melggedder cir ggiegɯ³³de²¹ tsʰɿ²¹ gʲɛ³³ggecir cir ggiegɯ³³tsʰɿ²¹ tsʰɿ²¹ gʲɛ³³
ggecirniarge³³tsʰɿ²¹-nʲa²¹🔊adj.(形)pregnant怀孕/huáiyùn/Yar ssormaer ddox capor zza ho a dder ggecirniar a.他的女儿有丈夫以后就怀孕了。After his/her daughter got a husband (she) became pregnant.Compare 另见aniuxniarggecirggecirzzahierddoniarggecirngexlgɯ³³tsʰɿ²¹-ŋɯ̠⁶⁶
ggecir-vurlelsugɯ³³cɿ²¹-vɤ²¹lə⁵⁵sɥ³³gɯ³³cɿ²¹ vɤ²¹lə⁵⁵sɥ³³n.(名)prostitute妓女/jìnǚ/Ggecir-vurlelsu mel leil arseir lei li-nr-zoxr. 妓女谁都不喜欢。Nobody likes a prostitute.ddei, melggecir-vurlelsigɯ³³cɿ²¹-vɤ²¹lə⁵⁵sɿ³³gɯ³³cɿ²¹ vɤ²¹lə⁵⁵sɿ³³
ggecirzzagɯ³³tsʰɿ²¹-dza³³🔊v.(动)menstruate经期/jīngqí/Ssormaer mel cirddei-hanga lei cir xiubbo leil ggecir ar boxl zza var.每一个女人在每一个月都有一次经期。Every woman menstruates once a month.Ssormaer cirmelmel a ceinir koxl loxr a dder ggecirzza.有一些女孩十二岁就来月经了。Some girls at 12 years of age have a menstrual period.Compare 另见ggecirniarggecirleigɯ³³tsʰɿ²¹-ɮe³³
ggegge-sesegɯ³³gɯ³³-sə³³sə³³adv.(副)happily; joyfully; joyously高高兴兴/gāogāo xìngxìng/Gulsixl goxr a, aniux mel cirni-cirni ggegge-sese arla gaxggor.过春节,孩子们每天都高高兴兴地玩。During the Spring Festival, every day the children happily play.Gulsixl goxr a, ca cirddei-hanga lei ggegge-sese arla ake goxr jjixr.过春节每一个人都高高兴兴的回家过。When celebrating the Spring Festival, every person happily/joyfully returns home to celebrate.It is very common for modifiers to be reduplicated and put in front of the verb to form adverbs.ggegge-sesegɯ³³gɯ³³-sə³³sə³³