Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



ji tʃi³³v.(动)insert; put in放进(去)/fàng jìn (qù)/Ko mel bbezzir gga ji dae a. 大米放进柜子里了。Put the rice in the cabinet.Ni ni ddei pia mel zabbar-seilseir a pia ji ggie dol ji nia. 你要把你的衣服好好的装在衣柜里。You must carefully put your clothes in the place where they belong (the place where clothes are put in).Ngo almeixr zzor ji ho a. 我已经吃饭了。I have eaten.ji tʃi³³
jia tʃʲa³³1v.(动)deliver; give to; send/jiāo/Ngo aniux eil ddox ni leil jia ji gger; ni yar leil zabbar guaxr dae nia. 我把这个孩子交给你,你要好好管着他。I am giving this child to you (to watch for a while); take good care of him/her.2send (out)Zzaexpor nia ake hher ji dae arddeirnga a, ni yar leil jia teixl lei.小偷在你家里的话,你把他交出来。 小偷在你家里的话,你把他交出来。If a thief enters your home, you send him/her out.jiu tʃʲo³³
jiatʃʲa³³🔊v.(动)blow/guā/Eilni mersi jia a yarzi gexrddo. 今天风吹得很恐怖。Today the wind is blowing very wildly.This is wind blowing, not a person blowing air out of his/her mouth. The word for a person blowing air out of his/her mouth is /mex/.Compare 另见mexqu tʃʰy³³
jiacuxrtʃʲa³³tsʰʮ̠ʔ²¹🔊n.(名)clan; family; household; kin; people who are related家族/jiāzú/Loxrlapor mel jiacuxr mel zzicarzzi leil miar beijjiu. 彝族人,家族们要互相帮助干活。With the Central Yi, people who are related help each other with the work.1. This means people who are related in some way but not necessarily close family. They may not actually be a blood relation at all.loanhhexr, melCompare 另见ake cacircirssorgahhexrnaerhoveixrnia ve̠ʔ²¹nʲa³³
jiaddex-hhexrddex tʃʲa³³də̠⁴⁴-ɣɯ̠²¹də̠⁴⁴idiom(习语)support a family建立家庭/jiànlì jiātíng/Ni koxltor ci a, ni jiaddex-hhexddex nia a. 你年龄到了,你要建立家庭。When you are mature you should be able to support a family.Compare 另见ake ddexddexhhexr ddexjiaddex-hhexrddex tʃʲa³³də̠⁴⁴-ɣɯ̠²¹də̠⁴⁴
jiajiatʃʲa³³tʃʲa³³🔊adv.(副)just刚刚/gānggāng/Ngo jiajia almeixr zzor ji a ngaseir. 我刚刚才吃了饭。I have only just eaten.The /ngaseir/ emphasizes the fact that this very recently happened. Otherwise the meaning is the same whether the /ngaseir/ is there or not.Compare 另见arsaxljiajia tʃʲa³³tʃʲa³³
jialtʃʲa⁵⁵🔊adj.(形)slender苗条/miáotiáo/Ssormaer hal ddei yarzi jial a, ca mel lei yar leil kuar gger. 那个女人很苗条,人们都夸奖她。That lady is very slender, people all praise her.This is polite; the impolite form is /zzu/. This is the same as /do/ but /jial/ is more often used for ladies though it can be used for both men and women. /do/ is used for both men and women.Compare 另见domesixlsixlzzujial tʃʲa⁵⁵
jianiaxr tʃʲa³³nʲa̠ʔ²¹adv.(副)as usual; just as; the same照样/zhàoyàng/Yar jianiaxr halleix hher goxr ggie halmaex hher dae. 他照样住在以前住过的地方。S/he lives in the same place where (s/he) lived before.loanCompare 另见zoxlcaxrjianixar tʃʲa³³nʲa̠ʔ²¹
jiar tʃʲa²¹adj.(形)counterfeit; false/jiǎ/Zzirbae jiar eil zul sser pixl nr ddo. 这张假钱用不掉。This counterfeit money can not be used.Zzirbae eilzzu yarjiar arzzu a. 这些钱是一些假的。This money is fake.Compare 另见yarjiarjiar tʃʲa²¹
jiar tʃʲa²¹adj.(形)hyperactive好动/hǎo dòng/Compare 另见jiarddojiur tʃʲo²¹
jiarddo tʃʲa²¹do³³adj.(形)hyperactive好动/hǎo dòng/Ngua aniux ddox yarzi jiarddo, arniuxlniux arla hher ssei nr ddo. 我们的孩子很好动,静静地在不住。Our child is very hyperactive, (s/he) can't stay quietly still.jiar ~ jiarddoCompare 另见jiarjiurddax tʃʲo²¹-da̠⁴⁴
jiasitʃʲa³³sɿ³³🔊LOC SPATIAL(方位)below something; beneath; downhill; downstairs; down there; underneath下面/xiàmiàn/Ngo yixrgguci bul mel nr cexr zza; jiasi yixr cexr, ggaxrsi lei yixr cexr. 我的床有两层,下面可以睡,上面也可以睡。My bed has two levels; it is possible to sleep below, it is also possible to sleep above.Ngua mel li cexr leil goxr dae; jiasibbor goxr dae ca hhexr mel so cexr leil goxr dae. 我们住在四楼,住在我们的下面就是三楼。We live on the fourth floor; the family who lives below lives on the third floor.1. When you add the /-bbor/ you are talking about a 'place' (downstairs). This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym". jiasi(bbor) ~ dasi(bbor).Compare 另见dasidexbborellelegiedaeggaxrneggaxrsijiasibborkukurzzarlamaelavulmaelemaelleilnalbbornalzzarolleleolniuxniuxteixlsibborvaelvulleilwoxrkeyozalbbaerzalbborzalzzarzilbborzilelezzarjiabbor tʃʲa³³bo²¹
jiasibbor tʃʲa³³sɿ³³-bo²¹LOC SPATIAL(方位)below下面/xiàmiàn/Compare 另见jiasijiabbor tʃʲa³³-bo²¹
jiataxrtʃʲa³³tʰa̠ʔ²¹🔊n.(名)ancestor alter家堂/jiācháng/Loxrlapor mel cirhhexr-hanga lebbor jiataxr ar ddei zza. 彝族人每一家的楼上都有一个家堂。Every Central Yi family has an ancestor alter upstairs.loanddei, meljiata tʃʲa³³tʰa³³
jiaxtʃʲa̠⁴⁴🔊adv.(副)quickly/kuài/Yar jjiumo ssi a, yarzi ssi jiax. 她走路,走得很快。When s/he walks, (s/he) walks quickly.Ni miar bei a bei jiax arddeirnga, niul ssi neixr cexr. 如果你做事做的快,咱们可以走得早。If you do your work quickly, we can go early.This is basically the same as /yoxryixl/ 'in a short amount of time' but the focus of /yoxryixl/ is that a task is finished quickly while the focus of /jiax/ tends to be more on the action itself.Compare 另见ggerggelggerjiuryoxryixljiax tʃʲa̠⁴⁴
jiaxtʃʲa̠⁴⁴🔊n.(名)festival节日/jiérì/Gulsixl lei Loxrlapor ddei jiax ar ddei a. 春节也是彝族人的一个节日。Spring Festival is also a festival for the Central Yi people.loanddei, melCompare 另见jiaxni-jiaxxixljiax tʃʲa̠⁴⁴
jiaxtʃʲa̠⁴⁴🔊v.(动)break free挣脱/zhēngtuō/Ngo yar leil gga gex dae a, yar jiax teixl si a. 我拉着他,他挣脱了。I pulled on him, (and) he broke away.jiax tʃʲa̠⁴⁴
jiaxtʃʲa̠⁴⁴🔊adv.(副)all; every/biàn/Yar gaxggor ssi a, cirmaex-hanga ssi jiax a. 他去玩,走遍了每一个地方。When s/he went to play, (s/he) went all over the place.This is basically the same meaning as /jjia/ 'all '.Compare 另见jjiajiax tʃʲa̠⁴⁴
jiaxjiaxtʃʲa̠⁴⁴tʃʲa̠⁴⁴🔊n.(名)frame/jià/Xige daxr a mel, hoba jiaxjiax ar ddei daxr du lei nia. 搭棚子要先搭一个架架。When putting together a shelter, first a frame must be put up.loanddei, meljiaxjiax tʃʲa̠⁴⁴tʃʲa̠⁴⁴
jiaxl tʃʲa̠⁶⁶CLF(量)(vehicles and boats)张(车)/zhāng/Caezi eil jiaxl jiajia vae si lei ngaseir. 这张车是刚刚买来的。This vehicle has just been bought.loanjiaxl tʃʲa̠⁶⁶
jiax lel tʃʲa̠⁴⁴ lə⁵⁵🔊tʃʲa̠⁴⁴v.(动)pick up with hands to eat用手抓了吃/yòng shǒu zhuā le chī/Aniux hal ddox azzu sser nr var, yel azo zzor lei leixrhher sser a jiax lel. 那个孩子不会用筷子,所以吃什么都是有用手抓了吃。That child could not use chopsticks, so whatever s/he ate s/he picked up with his/her hands to eat.Var ddei halmaex dol dae; ni aniux leil jiax lol nr ddo ngo! 菜放在那里;你不能让孩子抓。The food is placed over there; don't let the child grab it.Compare 另见niux leljiax lel tʃʲa̠⁴⁴ lə⁵⁵tʃʲa̠⁴⁴
jiaxni-jiaxxixltʃʲa̠⁴⁴-ni³³-tʃʲa̠⁴⁴-ʃi̠⁶⁶🔊idiom(习语)holiday节日/jiérì/Jiaxni-jiaxxixl goxr a, ngo ake jjixr meixr. 过节日我喜欢回家。When celebrating a holiday, I like to return home.Compare 另见jiaxnixixljiaxni-jiaxheixl tʃʲa̠⁴⁴-ni³³-tʃʲa̠⁴⁴-xe⁶⁶
jiax nr ssa tʃʲa̠⁴⁴ n̩²¹ za³³polite formula(客套话)don't be so polite; don't refuse不要客气/bù yào kèqì/Yar almeixr zzor qie a, yar ngo leil gga a lei nr ssi. Yel yar ngo leil bbeix: "Jiax nr ssa!" 他请吃饭,他拉我也不去。所以他对我说:“不要客气!”S/he invited (me) to eat (with him/her), I would not go even though s/he was dragging me. So s/he said, "Don't be so polite!"jiax nr ssa tʃʲa̠⁴⁴ n̩²¹ za³³
jibil tʃi³³pi⁵⁵n.(名)decorative strip sewn on Yi clothing花边/huā biān/Loxrlamo pia mel jibil diexr nia. 缝彝族服装,要钉花边。The (decorative strip called) jibil must be pinned (and then sewn) to Yi women's clothing.zexjibixl tʃi³³pi̠⁶⁶
jibbeitʃi³³be³³🔊n.(名)root/gēn/Six jibbei mel nilhar gga ner ji dae. 树的根长在土里。Tree's roots grow into the dirt.This is either /sixzzei yarji/ or /six jibbei/.Compare 另见worjibbeijibbei tʃi³³be³³

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