jjidʒi³³CLF(量)CLF (job; task)件(事情)/jiàn/Eilni ngo miar hormo jji nei bei a.今天我做了好几件事情。Today I did many tasks.jji ~ yoxr.Compare 另见yoxrcirtsʰɿ²¹
jjidʒi³³n.(名)sago palm棕榈树/zōnglú̈ shù/Halcar a, ca mel almer lei a, jji peixl sser a bei teixl lei a jjiubbe mel ggor.以前的人下雨了,穿用棕榈树做出来(的雨衣)。In times past, when it would rain, the people would wear on their backs the sago-palm cape made using the sago palm leaves.cu, zzei
jjiadʒʲa³³1adj.(形)all; both俩/liǎng/Yaa nrnel jjia ake jjixr a.他们俩都回家了。Both those two returned home.2adv.(副)all of a task完/wán/Sulmulsu ni leil bbeix gger dae mel, bei jjia ho saelnei gaxggor ssi ddo.你做完了老师告诉你的才能去玩。What you teacher told you (to do), must be all done before (you) can go play.3everywhere每/měi/Yar gaxggor ssi a, cirmaex-hanga ssi jjia a.他去玩,走遍了每一个地方。When s/he went to play, (s/he) went every place.4completely完全地/wánquán de/Mixbbaex mel zzixzi mel yarzi zzix, yel silbbar mel lei zzu jjia var.马游到冬天很冷,所以草会完全地枯干。In Mayou winter it is very cold, so the grass completely withers.Compare 另见gaxziggeharhar zaxr daejiaxmiteixlzico gel mix jjiajjiadʒʲa³³
jjiardʒʲa²¹🔊adj.(形)loose松/sōng/Ngo leixrdox ddei ardoxr jjiar, yel hox teixl lei ddo.我的戒指有一点松,所以可以退下来。My ring is a bit loose, so it can slip off.jjiardʒʲa²¹
jjiudʒʲo³³CLF (measure word)(量)drink; sip; swallow口/kǒu/Ni aniux hal ddox leil ajjix ar jjiu da ssi.你去喂那个孩子一口水。Give a drink of water to that child.jjiudʒʲo³³
jjiudʒʲo³³🔊v. (secondary)(次动)help帮助/bāngzhù/Eilni sixtaexlsu ar hhexr zza; yaa leil ca cirke taexl jjiu dae.今天有一家坎柴的人;有很多人帮助他家坎。Today there is a family of woodcutters; there are a lot of people helping them cut.Yar ngua leil acixl mel leil ajjix tir da jjiu.他帮助我们提水给山羊喝。S/he helped us draw water (from a well) to give a drink of water to the goats.Ca hal ddei ngo leil ci a, ngama ngo leil wor jjiu.那个人欺负我,我妈妈帮助我。That person was bothering me, (so) my mom helped me overcome (him/her). 1. /ngama/ is the combination of /nga-/ and /ama/. Secondary verbs differ from main verbs in that they never occur at the head of the verb phrase--they follow the main verb. If the main verb is not stated, the secondary verb still comes second and the main verb is replaced by /bei/ 'do 做'. For example, /nge laexl/ (cry pretend) is 'pretend to cry'. But if it is just 'pretend' without stating what is being pretended, then it is /bei laexl/ (do pretend). Secondary verbs differ from auxiliaries in that, while there is a logical and sequential relationship between the main verb and the secondary verb, the secondary verb does not make distinctions in the mood, timing or direction of the main verb. “A Dictionary of Linguistics & Phonetics” edited by David Crystal (Fifth Edition) defines serial verb constructions as “...a type of construction for a sequence of verbs or verb phrases within a clause (or sequence of clauses) in which the syntactic relationship between the items is left unmarked. The verbs share a semantic argument, but there is no conjunction or inflection to mark co-ordination or subordination.”Compare 另见beijjiujjiudʒʲo³³
jjiudʒʲo³³v.(动)step in踩进/cǎi jìn/Halmaex lazzarmo ar zex zza a, ngo ajjix gga jjiu gel saelnga.那里有一条河,我只有踩进水里过去。There is a river there, I just need to step in and go through the water (to the other side).Arsaxl, ngo fa nr saexl a, nixlnaexl ddei gga jjiu dil si a.刚在我不小心,踩进泥里了。Just now, I wasn't paying attention, and stepped into the mud.The /jjiu/ means to step into some water or mud--something like that. The /jjiux/ is to trample on something.Compare 另见jjiubbijjiuxbiarpʲa²¹jjiudʒʲo³³
jjiubbedʒʲo³³bɯ³³n.(名)sago-palm-bark cape棕榈树做的雨衣/zǒng lv̌ shù zuò de yǔyī/Halcar a, Mixbbaex su ca mel almer lei a, jjiubbe ggor.以前,下雨时彝族人们穿棕榈树做的雨衣。In time past, the people of Mayou wore the sago-palm-bark cape on their backs when it rained.kie, zuljjibbedʒi³³bɯ³³
jjiubbidʒʲo³³bi³³🔊n.(名)step脚步/jiǎobù/Eilni ni jjiubbi hormo bbi ssi a?今天你走了几个脚步?How many steps have you taken today?1.loanjjiubbi ~ cibbibbiCompare 另见bbijjiuqibbitʃʰi³³bi³³
jjiucaxldʒʲo³³tsʰa̠⁶⁶🔊n.(名)fork in the road; intersection叉路口/chàlùkǒu/Ni jjiucaxl ddei dax ssi ci a, yo piar a gga ssi nia.你走到叉路口要往右走。When you get to the fork in the road, (you) need to go right.Ca sima bil su mel jjiucaxl dax bil ci a, halmaex ma za.抬死人的人抬到路口在那里转一圈。When the people carrying the dead person (in a casket) come to an intersection, they walk around in a circle one time (before continuing up the mountain to bury the person.)maex, zexCompare 另见caxljjiucaxldjʲo³³tsʰa̠⁶⁶
jjiumodʒʲo³³mo³³🔊n.(名)road路/lù/Jjiumo eil zex ssi nr seir, yel yaa eil zex leil nr ssi.这条路不好走,所以她们没走这条路。This is not a good road to travel on, so they don't go on this one.Note: In some contexts the /jjiumo/ can be shortened to /jjiu/.maex, zexjjiumodʒʲo³³mo³³
jjiumo car ggadʒʲo³³mo³³ tsʰa²¹ ga³³🔊adv.(副)while on the road路上/lù shàng/Ca hal ddei jjiumo car gga, zzaexpor pex dae a.那个人在路上遇着了小偷。When that person was on the road s/he encountered a thief.jjiumo gadʒʲo³³mo³³ ka³³
jjiumo-jjiucardʒʲo³³mo³³-dʒʲo³³tsʰa²¹🔊idiom(习语)on the road; on the way在路上/zài lù shàng/Ni sul zza teixl a mel, nialngasael jjixr lei nia; jjiumo-jjiucar gga gaxggor dae nr ddo.你读完书要赶快回来;不能在路上玩。When you have finished studying (school), (you) need to quickly return; don't play on the way.jjiumo-jjiucardʒʲo³³mo³³-dʒʲo³³tsʰa²¹
jjiumo ssidʒʲo³³mo³³ zɿ³³🔊v.(动)walk走路/zǒu lù/Ngo cirni-cirni jjiumo ssi a, var vae ssi.我每一天都走路去买菜。Every day I go walking, going to buy vegetables.jjiumo yidʒʲo³³mo³³ ʝi³³
jjiurdʒʲo²¹🔊v.(动)miss想/xiǎng/Yar kebal mermi ssi a dder yar ddei aniux leil yarzi jjiur.他去别的地方就很想他的孩子。S/he went to another place so (s/he) missed his/her child(ren) very much.Compare 另见i lalperniarjjiurdʒʲo²¹
jjiurddodʒʲo²¹-do³³🔊adj.(形)cute; lovely可爱/kěài/Aniux hal ddox yarzi paxl, yarzi jjiurddo.那个孩子很胖,很可爱。That child is very fat, very cute.It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.
jjiussidʒʲo³³zɿ³³n.(名)eggplant茄子/qiézi/Jjiussi mel zeixl lel a zzor-nr-ci; lu lel a sael zzorci.茄子煮吃不好吃,炒吃才好吃。When eggplant is boiled to eat, it doesn't taste good; when it is stir-fried to eat it tastes good.cu, taex, zzeijjiussidʒʲo³³zɿ³³
jjiussi yixrsaexrdʒʲo³³zɿ³³ ʝi̠²¹sæ̠ʔ²¹🔊color(颜色)purple紫颜色/zǐ yánsè/Ngo jjiussi yixrsaexr pia mel vae meixr.我喜欢买紫色的衣服。I like to buy purple clothes.jjiussi yixrsaexrdʒʲo³³zɿ³³ ʝi̠²¹sæ̠ʔ²¹
jjiuxdʒʲo̠⁴⁴🔊v.(动)step on; trample踩/cǎi/Zzi gga ca yarzi miur, zzicarzzi leil jjiux dae var.城里人很多,会彼此踩着。There are many people in the city, (they) might step on one another.Ni ngo leil tor nr jjiux!你不要踩我!Don't trample on me!你不要踩我。Don't trample on me.Ngo tur bbor niur bbe gguqir dol dae a, niur mel jjiux xiaxr gger a.我把桶放在牛圈门口,牛把它踩坏了。I put the bucket in front of the cow stall, (and) the cow trampled on it and broke it.The /jjiu/ means to step into some water or mud--something like that. The /jjiux/ is to trample on something.Compare 另见jjiutoxljjuxdʒy̠⁴⁴
jjixrdʒi̠ʔ²¹🔊v.(动)return回/huí/Ni miar eil ddei ni bei jjia a saelnei ake jjixr ddo.你做完这活才能回家。You have to finish this task before (you) can return home.ggoxrgo̠ʔ²¹