Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



kakʰa³³🔊v.(动)extort敲诈/qiāozhà/Ca hal nr te yar dax zzirbae ka niazzir. 那俩个人想要敲诈他的钱。Those two people want to extort money from him/her.ka kʰa³³
kae kʰæ³³v.(动)drive; start an engine; steer/kāi/Yar nei yar carbeix mel zzi hal ddei gga cuaxr kae dae a, zzi eil ddei gga ssi ci a. 他和他的同伴们从那个城市开着船到了这个城市。S/he and his/her companion drove a boat from that city, going to this city.loankei kʰe³³
kae kʰæ³³n.(名)pair; set of two/duì/Tur eil kae ar bbor ddu ho a, ajjix bil nr cexr a. 这对桶通了一只,不能挑水了。(Of) this pair of buckets one has a hole, (so) water can't be carried.The classifier /kae/ is used for a pair of pails or buckets. If it is a pair of something else the word /zze/ is used.Compare 另见zzekae kʰæ³³
kae kʰæ³³AUX (direction)(助(方向)apart; away; open; out/kāi/Yar aniux ddox halae baxrdda dae seir; yar, yar aniux ddox dax bbe kae nr ddo. 她的孩子还在吃奶,她不能与她的孩子分开。She is still nursing her child; she can not be apart from her child.Ni legelbbe hal taex bbax kae ssi. 你去把那个石头搬开。Move away that stone.Eilni yar leil xiu cir ni goxr, yel ca mel yar leil zzaegu cirke gger a, yar ddaexr kae dae. 今天她过生日,所以人们给他很多东西,她在打开。Today s/he is having a birthday, so people gave him/her a lot of gifts, (and) she is opening (them).Qixqix mel maeldae ddei yarzi si, halae yar maeldae ddei ha kae a, yarzi igax zae. 孔雀的尾巴很长,还有它的尾巴长开的时候很好看。The peacock has a long tail, also if the tail is opened, (it is) very pretty.Ca hal ddei eilni almeixr lexl, yel yar almeixr gua kae dae. 那个人今天她晒米,所以她在耙开米。That person is drying rice in the sun, so s/he spreads out the rice (on the ground).An auxiliary (AUX) is defined as a word which accompanies the main verb in a clause and helps to make distinctions in the mood, timing or direction of the verb. Some verbs function as main verbs of movement as well as auxiliaries showing direction.Compare 另见biar kaeddaexr kaengaxl kaekei kʰe³³
kaehuixlkʰæ³³-xʷe̠⁶⁶🔊v.(动)have a meeting开会/kāi huì/Vaervaerpor mel zoxlzoxl a kaehuixl nia. 领导要经常开会。Leaders always have to have meetings.Labialization occurring in words that are not borrowed from Mandarin Chinese is simply the result of a consonant plus /o/ combination, where the influence from the /o/ vowel—which is pronounced with rounded lips—causes the labialization. This diphthong /ʷo/ is in free variation with the /o/; there is no contrast. If some other vowel, other than /o/, follows a labialized consonant, the word is probably a Mandarin Chinese loan.kaihuixl kʰai³³-hʷe̠⁶⁶
kaer kʰæ²¹v.(动)cut in half; split/pī/Six yarzi vaer halmel kaer nia. 很大的那种柴要劈。Those big (pieces) of wood need to be split.Ni saerlil eil taex kaer a, niul cir ddei ar bbaexrlaexr zzor. 你把这个梨划开,我们每人吃一半。Cut this piece of fruit in half, (and) we each will eat a half.kaer kʰæ²¹
kaexllaexrkʰæ̠⁶⁶læ̠ʔ²¹🔊1adj.(形)alone and lonely寂寞/jìmò/Yar capor si ho a, yar cirmuzil a nga a, yel yarzi kaexllaexr. 她丈夫死了,只有她一个人,所以恨寂寞。After her husband died, she was alone, and very lonely.2adv.(副)Ca mel nixixl goxr a, arseir lei kaexllaexrlaexrmo goxr nia-nr-zzir. 人们过日子,谁都不想孤单单的过。When people live their lives, nobody wants to live in a lonely way.Compare 另见gudidikaexllaexr kʰæ̠⁶⁶læ̠ʔ²¹
kalkʰa⁵⁵🔊v.(动)bake; cure; grill; roast; toast/kǎo/Ni hor eil ddei arleixr kal a, bir lu leil zzorci leixl. 你烤一下这个肉比炒吃好吃。Roast this meat, it tastes better than stir-frying it.Me zzeir mel adoxl teixl leil kal lel cexr. 生的蘑菇可以在火上烤吃。Raw mushrooms can be toasted over the fire to eat.Kal yi mel, zabbar-seilseir a neixl du lei ho a saelnei yi kal ggie kal ji cexr. 烤烟要好好地绑起来才可以烤在烤烟房里。When curing tobacco, (the leaves) have to be carefully tied (to a pole where they are hung to dry) before it can be put in the place for curing it.qu tʃʰy³³
karkʰa²¹🔊v.(动)layer; spread a layer of something; spread covers or sheets on a bed/pū/Ni ngo leil yixrgguci arleixr kar gger ssi. 你去帮我铺一下床。Make the bed for me.Compare 另见karddukar kʰa²¹
karkʰa²¹🔊1adj.(形)bitter/kǔ/Zi mel yarzi kar. 胆很苦。The gallbladder is very bitter.Zi ddei hor ddei leil niar a, hor ddei kar var. 胆弄在肉上,肉会苦。If the gallbladder is on the meat (touches the meat), the meat will becomes bitter.Naxcir mel karmermermo dda-nr-ci. 药苦苦的,不好喝。Medicine is bitter and does not taste good.2salty/xián/Ni var ddei gga cor ji kar a. 你在菜里盐放咸了。Put salt on the vegetables (so they) are salty.Cor mel naxrcixl armel a; nael yar nr kar arddeirnga a, halae azo bei? Arsae yar leil yoxl kar lol cexr? 盐是贵重的,但是他不咸的话,还做什么呢?怎么能让它又咸呢?Salt is something very valuable, but if it is not salty, what can be done? How can make it be made salty again?kar kʰa²¹
kardu kʰa²¹tɤ³³n.(名)hat帽子/màozi/Kardu eil taex yarzi perniar, nael yarzi kox seir. 这顶帽子很贵,但是很好戴。This hat is very expensive but very comfortable to wear.taexCompare 另见loxrkoxsoloxr-loxrkoxoltux ʔo⁵⁵tʰɤ̠⁴⁴
karddukʰa²¹-dɤ³³🔊n.(名)covering铺的/pù de/Compare 另见karkar laboxkar labox kʰa²¹ ɮa³³po̠⁴⁴
kar laboxkʰa²¹ ɮa³³po̠⁴⁴🔊n.(名)blanket; quilt; sheet; something to spread on the bed棉絮/miánxù/Mirho eil zul mel kar labox a. 这床棉絮是铺的。This cotton blanket is something for spreading on the bed.kar labox ~ kardduco, zulCompare 另见karddukar labox kʰa²¹ ɮa³³po̠⁴⁴
karlir kʰa²¹li²¹n.(名)wild Chinese yam野山药/yě shānyào/Karlir mel wordabbor ner dae. Ca dae nr nga, yar ddei yar ner du lei arnar a. 野山药长在山上。不是人种的,是它自己长起来的。Wild Chinese yam grows in the mountains. They are not planted by people but grow by themselves.野山药长在山上,不是人种的,是它自己长起来的。Wild Chinese yam grows in the mountains, they are not planted by people but grow by themselves.Karlir mel varvurbbae gga mia nr ddo, naxcir bei ssi lalnga. 野山药在菜市场里见不到,只是去做药。Wild Chinese yam cannot be seen in the vegetable market, it is just used as medicine.It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia. cu, zzeiCompare 另见bbixrmaer
karmer-karmer kʰa²¹mɯ²¹-kʰa²¹mɯ²¹ideophone拟声词bitter苦的/kǔ de/Bbaermir mel zzor dae a, karmer-karmer ardoxr zza. 茨菇吃着,有点苦苦的。When eating the "broadleaf arrowhead" plant, it is a bit bitter.karmer-karmer kʰa²¹mɯ²¹-kʰa²¹mɯ²¹
kaxkʰa̠⁴⁴🔊n.(名)village村庄/cūnzhuāng/Kax eil ddei gga ca yarzi miur. 这个村里人很多。The people in this village are very numerous.ddei, kax, maexCompare 另见xia
kax kʰa̠⁴⁴
kekʰɯ³³🔊v.(动)harm/hài/Yar bei nr sir bei a, ca leil yarzi ke. 他做了不能做的太害人了。S/he did wrong, (and) harmed people a lot.Compare 另见bixr no bixr ke no kekenoke kʰɯ³³
kekʰɯ³³🔊CLF (measure word)(量)(word used to pluralize); group; some/xiē/Ca hal ddei zzeir ar ke loxl dae. 那个人放了一些牲口。That person is taking some animals out to graze.Ca hal ddei zzeir seirseil ar ke loxl dae a, ar ke a nael jjiumo qir leil zzor dae; ar ke a nael worga leil zzor dae. 那个人放了很多牲口,一些在路边吃着,一些在山上吃着。That person is taking a lot of animals out to graze; some are eating on the edge of the road; some are eating on the mountain.1. This word /ke/ can apply to plants, animals or people. The phrase /seirseil ar ke/ mean 'a lot'.Compare 另见cirkecirsaxmelseirseilbia pʲa³³bo po³³
kebalkʰɯ³³pa⁵⁵🔊1adj.(形)different; other其它/qítā/Yar mel kebal su a; niul dax su nr nga. 他是其它地方的人,不是我们地方的人。S/he is someone else (from a different area), (s/he) is not one of us.2pron.(代)Ngo hor lar zzor, kebal mel nr zzor. 我只吃肉,其它不吃。I only eat meat, (I) don't eat other (food).Compare 另见kebal-keleixrharbal xa²¹pa⁵⁵
kebal-keleixrkʰɯ³³pa⁵⁵-kʰɯ³³ɮe̠ʔ²¹🔊idiom(习语)other places其它地方/qítā dìfāng/Ni ake hher dae lalddo, kebal-keleixr ssi nr ddo. 你只能在家里,不能去其它地方。You may only stay in the house, (you) are not allowed to go other places.It was reported that this is not used in the village of ZhangJia.Compare 另见kebalkebal-keleixr kʰɯ³³pa⁵⁵-kʰɯ³³ɮe̠ʔ²¹
kebox kʰɯ³³po̠⁴⁴n.(名)inside layer of cloth in Yi clothing下面的布料/xiàmiàn de bùliào/Pia naexr a mel, kebox ji nia. 缝衣服要做下面的布料。When sewing clothes the "kebox" needs to be inserted.The traditional clothing has two layers of cloth because the cloth used is thin and the cloth used for the inside layer is more comfortable. The /kebox/ is the inside layer.kebox ~ kebulcoCompare 另见kebulkehhe kʰɯ³³ɣɯ³³
kebulkʰɯ³³pɤ⁵⁵🔊n.(名)cloth backing sewn on the inside of the cloth where there is Yi embroidering刺绣时用的垫布/cìxiù shí yòng de diàn bù/Pia naexr a mel, kebul ji nia. 缝衣服,要做刺绣时用的垫布。When sewing clothes, the cloth backing needs to be inserted.kebul ~ keboxcoCompare 另见keboxkebuxl kʰɯ³³pɤ̠⁶⁶
kenokʰɯ³³-no³³🔊v.(动)hurt; injure残害/cánhài/Ca eil ddei kebal su ca leil keno. 这个人残害别人。This person injures others.Compare 另见beinobbeixnodeilnogarnohienokelexlnonotaxlnokeno kʰɯ³³-no³³
kerkʰɯ²¹🔊1v.(动)steal/tōu/Ca hal hhexr ddei zzaegu naxrcixl mel maelmaerjjia zzaexpor ker si a. 那家人贵重的东西全部被小偷,偷走了。That family's valuable belongings were all stolen by a thief.2adv.(副)secretlyYaa mel zoxlzoxl a, eilmerxixl ci a, miar ker bei. 他们经常到晚上偷偷干活。They often, when night arrives, secretly work.Compare 另见ker biarker ikerjiarker seixlker kʰɯ²¹
ker biar kʰɯ²¹ pʲa²¹kʰɯ²¹-pʲa²¹gossip; speak about someone behind their back说人的坏话/shuō rén de huàihuà/Ssormaer hal ddei mel yar yoxrmo ddei leil vuxryixr a, zoxlzoxl a yar leil ker biar. 那个女人恨她的婆婆,经常说她坏话。That woman hates her mother in law, (and) often gossips about her.Compare 另见kerker ikerjiarker seixlker biar kʰɯ²¹ pʲa²¹kʰɯ²¹-pʲa²¹