Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



laɮa³³🔊adj.(形)light in weight/qīng/Zzaegu eil ddei yarzi la, ngo vei du ddo. 这个东西很轻,我拿得动。This thing is extremely light; I can pick it up.Aniux yelye mel zzaegu lala sael a bber ddo. 小孩子只能背轻的东西。Small children can only carry very light things on their backs.Compare 另见lalalla ɮa³³
laɮa³³🔊IMP(祈使式)IMP/ba/Ngo ddei zzirbae ngo leil koxl gger la! 把我的钱还给我吧!Give me back my money!Ni ngier du la! 你起来!Stand up!Ni ddei kardu ngo leil arleixr ngol gger la. 你的帽子借我一下。Lend me your hat.There are five modal words that are used when giving an order, request or suggestion. Those words include /ssi/, /la/, /nia/, /ssa/ and /ngo/. The /ssi/ and /la/ are both polite imperative particles. The /ssi/ 'go' involves someone physically moving from one place to another place to carry out the request. The word /nia/ means 'need, should; must (do something)'; this word is never negated. The word /ssa/, which is always negated, means '(not) need (to do something)' and is used as the negative alternative to /nia/. The word /ngo/ has been labeled as (polite formula) and is used to make suggestions or recommendations. However, none of these forms need be considered harsh or demanding; the tone of voice and context would determine how politely someone is being asked to do something.Compare 另见cexrddoniangossavarxielo ɮo³³
labeir la³³be²¹n.(名)gecko壁虎/bìhǔ/Labeir mel lu leil maex gex dae a bberzzi ssu lel. 壁虎爬在墙上抓虫吃。Gecko's climb on the wall to catch and eat insects.It was reported that this word is not used in the village of Zhangjia.ddei, melCompare 另见biulceixturtarmerzziggala
laboxɮa³³po̠⁴⁴🔊NOM(名词化)(nominalizer); thing/de/Ngua ake ca cirke hher dae, yel ngua zzor labox cirke bei a. 我们家里在了很多的人,所以我们做了很多吃的。There are a lot of people in our home, so we make a lot of food.Ni sulzzaggie ssi a mel, sul vaexr labox vae nia. 你去学校要买写字的东西。When you go to school, (you) need to buy things to write with./-ddu/ occurs in associative phrases, and associates a verb (phrase) with a noun or classifier. It is important to note that the function of the association is to describing an inherent quality of that noun. What kind of thing (living or otherwise) are we talking about? /qiaxrmeix cirddu yarper ar ddei/ 'a basin for washing the face'. This is in contrast to the particle /dae/ which also associates a verb (phrase) with nouns but is not describing a quality of that noun itself. /Ni veixr dae pia xiu/ 'the clothes you are wearing'. In constructions with a stative verb /nga/ 'be' or /zza/ 'exist', the /-ddu/ nominalizes the verb that precedes it. The /-ddu/ and the /labox/ have some overlap. The /-ddu/ attaches to a verb and nominalizes it to describe the inherent quality of that word, and the labox follows a verb to describe some kind of thing or item. So, for example, 'drink' can be /ddaddu/ drink NOM (something that is drinkable) or it can be /dda labox/ drink NOM (some thing or item that is a drink)--but the meaning comes out basically the same. A very common construction with the morpheme /-ddu/ is: verb + /-ddu/ + /(cirdoxr lei nr) zza/. /gexrddu cirdoxr lei nr zza/ 'not even a little bit of fear'. This pattern occurs with lots of different verbs. /ggie/ nominalizes dependent clauses. /Yar, ngo ddei ddar biar ggie mel, noni a./ 'S/he heard what I was saying.' /arddeir a/ nominalizes complete clauses or sentences. /Ngo mel Mixbbaex lei arddeir a./. 'I am one who comes from Mayou.' The /-ddu/ is an enclitic and is attached to form words of three syllables or less. Otherwise it is kept separate.Compare 另见=ddu=ggie=sudda laboxjir ddaexr laboxmex laboxlabox ɮa³³po̠⁴⁴
labbuɮa³³bɤ³³🔊n.(名)wall/qiáng/Loxrlapor ddei labbu mel nilhar bei teixl lei. 彝族人的墙是土做出来的。The Central Yi people's walls are made of mud./lu/ and /labbu/ are the same thing. They both refer to the walls of some structure, like a house. /weixrqiaxr/ is a Chinese Mandarin loan and refers to a wall around a property of some kind.dulabbu ɮa³³bɤ³³
laeɮæ³³🔊adv.(副)late/wǎn/Miarmusu mel miar mu ssi a, jjixr lei lae. 做活的人去做活,回来的晚。When workers go to work (they) return very late.Eilmei ngua zalbbaer gaxggor ssi a, laelae sael jjixr lei. 今晚我们出去外面玩,很晚才回来。Tonight we went out to play, (and) returned very late.lae ɮæ³³
laelɮæ⁵⁵🔊v.(动)exchange; trade/tìhuàn/Ngo ddei qixnex zze xiaxr a lei, ngo lael nr mael seir. 虽然我的鞋子穿坏了,我还没有时间换。Though my shoes are broken, I have not had time to exchange them (for new ones) yet.Seivi mu ssi a, pia lael nia. 去做客,要换衣服。When going (somewhere) to be a guest, (one) needs to change clothes.With this verb /-ddu/ or /-tei/ can be used to nominalize it, i.e. /laelddu/; or /laeltei/ The /-tei/ is not used with other verbs for this purpose.Compare 另见bolaelteilael ɮæ⁵⁵
laelɮæ⁵⁵🔊v.(动)castrate阉割/yāngē/Loxrbbex lohie mel zzidu meixr, yel lael a sael loxl mir. 年轻的公牛喜欢斗牛,所以把它阉割才好放。Young bulls like to fight with their horns, so they have to be castrated so they are calm enough to be taken out to graze./lael/ 'castrate' and /dexl/ 'castrate' can be used interchangeably but for some /dexl/ is more polite.Compare 另见dexllael ɮæ⁵⁵
laeltei læ⁵⁵-tʰe³³v.(动)exchange; trade/huàn/Compare 另见laellaeltei læ⁵⁵-tʰe³³
laerɮæ²¹🔊RHET Q(反问式)(rhetorical question)(反问式/fǎnwèn shì/)Ni ngo leil ciryoxr-hanga lei ci, halae zzor labox mel lei jiujiu ci a laer? 每一样你都欺负我,连吃的也欺负我?You bother me in every way, are you even going to bother me concerning the food as well?1. It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.The words: /neil/, /ngo/, /leir/, /bbeixleir/ and /holbbaexl, are words that mark rhetorical questions. The word /neil/ can be used to confirm information as inː /Eil ddei zzor cexr cexr neil?/ 'This can be eaten, can't it?' Or it can have a sense of rebuking as inː /Ni arsaenga a, eine bei neil?/ 'Why did you do this?' The word /ngo/ is used in the sense of telling someone that s/he is doing something wrong, as in: /Ni ngo leil hol-nr-cir a ngo?/ 'You don't remember me, do you?' (You should remember me.) The word /leir/ commuicates irritation, as in: /Ni azo bei leir?/ 'What (in the world) are you doing?' The /bbeixleir/ is similar to the /leir/; it communicates irritation: /Ni azo ar ddei meddu zza bbeixleir?/ 'What do you have to say for yourself?' /holbbaexl/ is the only one of these words that occurs at the beginning of the clause and simply marks a rhetorical question, as in: Holbbaexl, ngo bei cox a? 'Did I do what was wrong?' (No.)
laer læ²¹v.(动)cut meat from the bone/tì/Veixr qihher ddei zeixl mi ho a, ni hor ddei arleixr laer zei la. 猪脚煮熟了以后,你把肉剃下来一下。After the pig foot has been completely boiled, cut the meat from (the bone).laer læ²¹
laerlaellaerlæ²¹læ⁵⁵læ²¹🔊adv.(副)lushly茂盛/màoshèng/Sixzzei mel laerlaellaer ner du lei a. 树茂盛地长起来了。The tree grows lushly.laerlaellaer læ²¹læ⁵⁵læ²¹
laexlɮæ̠⁶⁶🔊v. (secondary)(次动)falsly; pretend/jiǎ/Aniux hal ddei yarma yar leil arssor a deil lei, yar nge laexl doxr dae. 那个孩子虽然她妈妈轻轻的打他,他一直在假的哭着。Though that child's mother softly spanked him/her, s/he pretend to cry and cry.Yar ngo leil saexl, nael halae nr saexl bei laexl dae. 她认识我,但还假装不认识。S/he knows me, and still pretended like (s/he) did not know (me).1. /yarma/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /ama/. Secondary verbs differ from main verbs in that they never occur at the head of the verb phrase--they follow the main verb. If the main verb is not stated, the secondary verb still comes second and the main verb is replaced by /bei/ 'do '. For example, /nge laexl/ (cry pretend) is 'pretend to cry'. But if it is just 'pretend' without stating what is being pretended, then it is /bei laexl/ (do pretend). Secondary verbs differ from auxiliaries in that, while there is a logical and sequential relationship between the main verb and the secondary verb, the secondary verb does not make distinctions in the mood, timing or direction of the main verb. “A Dictionary of Linguistics & Phonetics” edited by David Crystal (Fifth Edition) defines serial verb constructions as “...a type of construction for a sequence of verbs or verb phrases within a clause (or sequence of clauses) in which the syntactic relationship between the items is left unmarked. The verbs share a semantic argument, but there is no conjunction or inflection to mark co-ordination or subordination.”laexl ɮæ̠⁶⁶
laexlaexllaex læ̠⁴⁴læ̠⁶⁶læ̠⁴⁴adv.(副)tremble; shiver颤抖/chàndǒu/Yar zzix a laexlaexllaex go dae a. 她冷得颤抖着。She was shivering with cold.Compare 另见ceirceilceirceirceir-laexlaexlixlix-laexlaexlaexlaexllaex læ̠⁴⁴læ̠⁶⁶læ̠⁴⁴
laexlaexllaex læ̠⁴⁴læ̠⁶⁶læ̠⁴⁴adv.(副)tremble颤抖/chàndǒu/Yar zzix a laexlaexllaex go dae. 她冷的颤抖着了。S/he was cold (so s/he) trembled.Compare 另见ceirceir-laexlaexlaexsirlaex læ̠⁴⁴sɿ²¹læ̠⁴⁴
laexrɮæ̠ʔ²¹🔊v.(动)lap; lick/tiǎn/Anol mel hherggar yarzi laexr meixr. 狗很喜欢舔骨头。Dogs love to lick bones.laexr ɮæ̠ʔ²¹
laexsaerɮa̠⁴⁴sæ²¹🔊n.(名)button; clasp; loop扣子/kòuzi/Gielco a mel, teixlsibbor pia xiux laexsaer kaex nr ssa. 热了,外衣的扣子就不用扣了。When it is hot, the buttons on the outside layer of clothes (coat) don't need to be buttoned.This word is used for a modern button or clasp as well as for the loops used in the traditional Chinese buttons.taex, zzeCompare 另见qixnexsaelsael
laexsaer ɮa̠⁴⁴sæ²¹
lagaxlddurɮa³³ka⁵⁵dv̩²¹🔊n.(名)cleft; crevice; ravine绝壁/juébì/Eilmaex gga lagaxlddur eil ddei yarzi neixl, yel ca mel arseir lei ssi naer nr bel. 这里的这个绝壁很深,所以每个人都不敢走近。This ravine here is extremely deep, so nobody dares goes near it./lagaxlddur/ is a ravine with steep sides; /lagiex/ is a valley wich may or may not have steep sides.ddei, maexCompare 另见ddurlagiexlagaxlddur ɮa³³ka⁵⁵dv̩²¹
lagex la³³gɯ⁴⁴la³³ gɯ⁴⁴v.(动)latch; lock上闩/shàng shuān/Loxrlapor mel eilmelxixl yixr a, gielmi lagex. 彝族人晚上睡觉,上大门的闩。When the Central Yi sleep at night, they lock the gate.lagex la³³gɯ⁴⁴la³³ gɯ⁴⁴
lagiexɮa³³kʲæ̠⁴⁴🔊n.(名)valley山谷/shāngǔ/Worga eil nr ga agala gga mel, arsae neixlneixl lagiex zza. 在这两座山中间,有很深很深的山谷。Between these two mountains is a very deep valley./lagaxlddur/ is a ravine with steep sides; /lagiex/ is a valley wich may or may not have steep sides.giexCompare 另见lagaxlddurlagiex ɮa³³kʲæ̠⁴⁴
lagiex-laneixl la³³kʲæ̠⁴⁴-la³³ne̠⁶⁶idiom(习语)deep valley深谷/shēngǔ/Ngua mel, lagiex-laneixlmo halmel gga ssi ji dae. 我们走在深谷里。We are walking into a deep valley.lagiex-laneixl la³³kʲæ̠⁴⁴-la³³ne̠⁶⁶
lahoɮa³³-xo³³🔊v.(动)go as a guest bringing a gift送竹米/sòng zhú mǐ/Ngua mermi mel xiu mu a mel, laho nia. 我们地方,生孩子要送竹米。Where we are from, when (someone) gives birth, it is necessary to go as a guest bringing a gift.1. The word /laho/ is used when referring to taking a gift to someone else's home when someone in that house has just given birth. The word /lazziddex/ is used when referring to when a family who has just given birth invites guests who will be bringing gifts to their home. When a Yi woman gives birth, traditionally, the other members of the community give her useful things to help her. They often bring eggs placed in a basket of rice, and perhaps a live chicken. They visit a while and then leave the basket and things behind. However, these days it is more and more common to just give money.Compare 另见holazziddexlaho ɮa³³-xo³³
lajiuxdaex la³³tʃʲo̠⁴⁴tæ̠⁴⁴n.(名)ditch小沟/xiǎo gōu/Almer lei a, lajiuxdaex gga ajjix pe zei lei dae. 下雨了,小沟里,流着水。It rained and the water flowed down into the ditch.jiuxlajuxdaex la³³tʃʲy̠⁴⁴tæ̠⁴⁴
lalɮa⁵⁵🔊n.(名)time (repeated occurrences)/cì/Mae eil co ni hormo lal cir a? Yarzi seibeix. 这块布你洗了几次?很干净。How man times did you wash this piece of cloth? It is very clean.Ngo pia xiux cir lal a cir seir dder cir xiaxr a. 我的衣服才洗了一次就洗坏了。I only washed my clothes one time and (they) were ruined.Lorbbor eil zul mel ngua cir lal a cir goxr seir. 这床被子我们只洗过一次。This blanket has only been washed once.1. This is for time-repeated occurrences.lal ~ boxl ~ zaCompare 另见boxlzalal ɮa⁵⁵
lalɮa⁵⁵🔊v.(动)go past; step over/kuà/Lazzarmo hal zex mel yelye a cir zex a, yel lal gel cexr. 那条河只是一条小河,所以可以跨过去。That river is a small one, so it can be stepped over.Compare 另见merni lallal ɮa⁵⁵