mama³³🔊adv.(副)appropriately; correctly; properly对duìNi pia eil xiux vae ma a; ni dax yarzi veixr hoxr.你这件衣服买得很对,跟你穿着很合适。You bought this suit of clothes correctly, it fits you very well.Compare 另见mabbamama³³
mabbama³³ba³³🔊adv.(副)appropriately; correctly: properly合适/héshì/Nia miar eil jji yarzi bei mabba.这件事你们做得很合适。You did this task very properly.Ni miar eil jji yarzi bei ma-nr-bba.这件事你做得真的不合适。You did this is task very improperly.Compare 另见manrbba-nrbbahoxrxo̠ʔ²¹
maddurma³³-dv̩²¹🔊n.(名)grave hole坑/kēng/Maddur ddei mel ardoxr giexl neixl a sael sixpir ddei ddux dae nr var.坑要挖的深一点,棺材才不会露在外面。The grave needs to be dug a bit deep so the coffin/casket does not stick out.ddurCompare 另见ddurma neixlma zasimasixpirmaddurma³³-dv̩²¹
maemæ³³🔊v.(动)reach得到/dé dào/Var bax ngo xilmeir dol dae a, ni mae ddo ddo leir?这碗菜放在我面前,你够得到吗?The bowl of food is put in front of me, can you reach it?Saerhher hal zzei yarzi mu, aniuxssor mel caex mae nr xie.那棵桃树很高,孩子们摘不到。That peach tree is very tall, small children can't reach to pluck (the fruit).Ni leixrhher ddei bil du la a dder zzaegu ddei vei mae ddo a.你把手抬起来就可以拿到东西了。If you lift your hand you will be able reach and take the item.Compare 另见ggaxrmaemaemæ³³
maemæ³³🔊v.(动)follow跟随/gēnsuí/Arseir hhexr ddei anol a nr saexl, ngo dax mae doxr dae.不知道是谁家的狗,一直的跟着我。(I) don't knows who's family owns this dog, (but it) continually follows me.Compare 另见bei maecacazoxmaemæ³³
maemæ³³🔊n.(名)cloth; rag. washcloth布/bù/Ngua Loxrlapor pia naexr a mel, zzi gga mae ho ssi nia.我们彝族人缝衣服,需要去城里买布。When we Central Yi people sew clothes (make the traditional clothing), we need to go to the city to buy cloth.coCompare 另见maecopiurpʰʲo²¹
maebbiurmæ³³bʲo²¹🔊n.(名)thread线/xiàn/Ngo pia naexr xixl a, maebbiur sser a naexr.我缝衣服,用线来缝。(When) I mend clothes, (I) use thread to sew.1. This is thread for making clothes.For the ZhangJia dialect the word /qi/ is for thread that is a little bit fine. The word /hiexvaexr/ is for a thicker thread.zexCompare 另见cimaessoxrsaeseilciqitʃʰi³³
maebboxmæ³³-bo̠⁴⁴🔊1n.(名)patterned cloth花布/huābù/Aniuxssor leil pia naexr gger a, maebbox sser a, yarzi igax zae.给小孩缝衣服,用花布很好看。(When) sewing clothes for a small child, if patterned cloth is used, (it is) very pretty.co2adj.(形)patternedMaebbox hal co leil mel cirza-hanga vixlux armel niar dae.那块花布上有各种各样的花。That piece of patterned cloth has all kinds of flowers on it.This is referring to cloth that has flowers or pictures or something like that; it doesn't mean cloth that has stripes.piurbboxpʰʲo²¹bo̠⁴⁴
maecomæ³³-tsʰo³³🔊n.(名)cloth; rag. washcloth布/bù/Ca hal ddei maeco ar co sser a, yar ddei pia ddei leil naexrbe xixl.那个人用一块布来补她的衣服。That person used a piece of cloth to patch his/her clothes.coCompare 另见becocomaemaecobbeirpiurbbeirpʰʲo²¹be²¹
maecobbeirmæ³³-tsʰo³³-be²¹🔊n.(名)rag抹布/mābù/Pia xiux xiaxr a mel, maecobbeir sser a naexrbe cexr.衣服坏了可以用抹布来缝补。When clothes are torn, a rag can be used to patch (them).coCompare 另见maecomaecobbeirmæ³³-tsʰo³³-be²¹
maelmæ⁵⁵🔊v.(动)have time有时间/yǒu shíjiān/Ni mael arddeirnga, ngo leil arleixr beijjiu lei.如果你有时间的话,来帮我一下。If you have time, come help me a bit.Arggeni yar ake hher mael.他明天有时间在家。Tomorrow s/he has time to be at home.maelmæ⁵⁵
maeldaemæ⁵⁵tɛ³³🔊n.(名)tail尾巴/wěiba/Almiuxr ddei maeldae ddei yarzi si.猴子的尾巴很长。The monkey's tail is very long.baCompare 另见bbermaelniaxqixqixmaelmaeldaemæ⁵⁵tɛ³³
maelemæ³³ɮə³³🔊LOC SPATIAL(方位)last最后/zuìhòu/Ngua cirgo a miar bei su mel gga, ngo mel bei jjia maele zzir ddei nga a.在我们一起做活的人当中,我是最后一个做完的。Among those who were working with us, I was the last one to finish.1. If the word /zzir/ 'most' was not included, the word would be /maelele/.This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym". Compare 另见dexbborellelegiedae maelelejiasikukurzzarlavulmaeleleolleleolniuxniuxvaelyozalbbaerzalbborzile zzirzzarmaelemæ³³ɮə³³
maelelemæ³³ɮə³³ɮə³³🔊1LOC SPATIAL(方位)last最后/zuìhòu/Ni ddar biar a biar jiur a, maelele biar dae qir, ngo noni nr wo.你讲话讲快了,最后讲的那句我没听清楚。When you speak you speak very quickly, the last sentence (you) said, I don't understand.2outside最外面/zuì wàimian/Ni alddur ddei dax maelele piar a gga cux.你在门那边,最外边那里坐。Sit on the outside row near the door.1. The side of the room furthest away from the door would be /ellele piar/. This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym". Compare 另见maelenalbbornalzzarteixlsibborvulleilzilelemaelelemæ³³ɮə³³ɮə³³
maelleilmæ⁵⁵ɮe⁵⁵🔊LOC SPATIAL(方位)outside以外/yǐwài/Yar alddur ddei maelleil cux dae a, ardoxr zzix a.他坐在门以外,有一点冷。S/he sat outside the door, (and) was a bit cold.Ngua lu dur maelleil lazzarmo vaervaermo ar zex zza.我们(这)堵墙以外有一条大大的河。Outside our wall is a large river.This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym". Compare 另见dexbborellelejiasikukurzzarlavulnalbbornalzzarolleleolniuxniuxteixlsibborvaelvulleilyozalbbaerzalbborzile zzirzzarmaelleilmæ⁵⁵ɮe⁵⁵
maelmaermæ⁵⁵mæ²¹🔊adj.(形)all全部/quánbù/Eilni eilmaex hher dae ca maelmaer ngua dax ssi a.今天在这里的全部人去我们家了。Today all the people who live here went to our house.Compare 另见ggielggiemaelmaerjjiamaelmaermæ⁵⁵mæ²¹
maelmaerjjiamæ⁵⁵mæ²¹-dʒʲa³³🔊1adj.(形)all全部都/quánbù dōu/Yaa maelmaerjjia lei jjixr lei a.他们全部都回来了。All of them came back.2pron.(代)Sulzzasu halmel, maelmaerjjia lei sulzzaggie cir maex a ssi.那些学生,全部都去一个学校。Of those students, all go to one school.This does occur without the /-jjia/.Compare 另见ggielggiemaelmaermaelmaerjjiamæ⁵⁵mæ²¹-dʒʲa³³
maelsaelmæ⁵⁵sæ⁵⁵🔊n.(名)strip of cloth like a wide belt on the Yi woman's outfit腰带/yāodài/Loxrlamo mel cirddei-hanga lei maelsael ar zex zza.彝族女人每个都有一条腰带。Every Central Yi woman has a belt (called a) "maelsael" (that is part of the traditional Yi clothing for women).Outside the context of Yi clothing, this word can also just be a general term for "sash" which is not limited to women's clothing.zexCompare 另见yarsael
maelvimæ⁵⁵vi³³🔊n.(名)rust锈/xiù/He mel maelvi zzor ho a, maelvi ddei ajjix gga ddir a, ajjix ddei dder dda nr cexr a.铁生锈了,锈进去水里,水就不能喝了。After steel has been eaten by rust, if the rust gets in the water, the water then can't be, mel, zuqirxultʃʰi²¹ʃy⁵⁵
maermæ²¹🔊n.(名)yam山药/shān yào/Maer mel nilhar gga ner ji dae, yel ardoxr giexl sol.山药长在土里,所以有点难挖。The yam grows in the dirt, so it is a bit difficult to dig (out).biul, cu, zzeiCompare 另见karlirmaermæ²¹
maermæ²¹🔊adj.(形)smooth平滑/pínghuá/Jjiumo eil zex yarzi maer ar zex loxr a, yel yarzi ssi seir.这条路成了很平滑的一条,所以很好走。This road has become very smooth, so it is good for traveling on.Compare 另见maeryoxlyoxlmaermæ²¹
maerlaerbbeimæ²¹ɮæ²¹-be³³🔊n.(名)pinecone松果/sōngguǒ/Maerlaerbbei mel tarzzei leil niar dae.松果长在松树上。The pinecone grows on the pine, taex, zzei
maermaelmaermæ²¹mæ⁵⁵mæ²¹ideophone拟声词describes the movement of a group of animals形容很多动物在走Yar acixl ya maermaelmaer ar cir ggaxr dae.他赶着一群很多的羊。S/he herded a large herd of goats and sheep.maersirmaermæ²¹sɿ²¹mæ²¹
maermaer-ssissimæ²¹mæ²¹-zɿ³³zɿ³³adv.(副)neatly; orderly; tidily整齐/zhěngqí/Ni zzaegu eilzzu maermaer-ssissi a se du la.你把这些东西整齐地收起来。Put all these things away neatly where they belong.Compare 另见maerssimaermaer-ssissimæ²¹mæ²¹-zɿ³³zɿ³³
maermocirmæ²¹-mo³³-tsʰɿ²¹🔊n.(名)widow寡妇/guǎfù/Ssormaer hal ddei yar capor si ho a, yel yar maermocir loxr a.那个女人她的丈夫死了,所以她成了寡妇。That woman's husband died, so she became a widow.It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.cir, ddei, ke, mel