Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



naecusaernæ³³tsʰɥ³³-sæ²¹🔊n.(名)wild pea野豌豆/yě wāndòu/"Naecusaer" mel daemi gga xiu ji a, ner du lei a, niur leil zol labox silbbar ar yoxr a. "Naecusaer" 是撒在田里,长出来,给牛吃的一种草。"Naecusaer' is sown into a field, (and when) it grows, it is a kind of grass (used for) food for cattle.naecusaer ~ naecusixl.doxr, ke, mel, taexCompare 另见naecusil
naecusaer næ³³tsʰɥ³³-sæ²¹
naecusil næ³³tsʰɥ³³-sɿ⁵⁵n.(名)wild pea野豌豆/yě wāndòu/Compare 另见naecusaernaecusil næ³³tsʰɥ³³-sɿ⁵⁵
naeddaexr næ³³dæ̠ʔ²¹n.(名)the beginning of Spring立春/lìchūn/Naeddaexr ho a mel silbbar mel faex du lei a; loxlmoxr mel lei faex du lei a. 立春以后草发起来了;庄稼也发起来了。After the beginning of Spring the grass comes up; crops also come up.Compare 另见coxnaeddaexr næ³³dæ̠ʔ²¹
naelnæ⁵⁵🔊1TOP(主题)/ne/Yar nimar nael, maerssor zza; yargo mel, maerssor nr zza. 他的弟弟呢,有妻子;他的哥哥呢,没有妻子。(As for) his/her younger brother, (he) has a wife; (as for) his/her older brother, he does not have a wife.1. Sometimes /nael/ is reduplicated and is pronounced /naelnae/. This morpheme is probably a [³³] tone rather than a [⁵⁵] tone as indicated by the tone sandhi pattern, but it receives added stress in its position in the sentence so the stress pushes the tone up. It rarely is uttered with the /nae/ pronunciation, so it is written as /nael/. The /yargo/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /ago/.2REL(关系代词)when; while的时候/de shíhòu/Albor, niabbor jjixr ci a nael, niul dder almeixr zzor du a. 孩子,你爸爸回到的时候,我们就吃饭了。Son, when your father returns, we will then eat.Yar no a nael, ni yar leil guaxr dae nia. 他生病的时候你要管着他。When s/he is sick, you need to take care of him/her./niabbor/ is the combination of /nia-/ and /arbbor/.3if的话/de huà/Almer lei a nael, niul gax-nr-ggor ssi a. 下雨的话,我们不去玩了。If it rains, we will not go play.Yar miar bei a nael, ngo ggese; yar gaxggor a nael, ngo gge-nr-se. 他工作的话,我高兴;他玩的话,我不高兴。If s/he works, I am happy; if s/he plays, I am not happy.4conj.(连)but; then但是 /dànshì/;后来 /hòulái/;却 /què/;然后/ránhòu/Ngo yar leil ngua dax almeixr zzor lei ae a, nael yar nr lei. 我叫他来我们家吃饭,但是他不来。I called him/her to come eat with us, but s/he did not come.Ni almeixr bei ho a nael zzirga six. 你做好饭,然后扫地。After cooking the food, then sweep the floor./nael/ and /mel/ overlap when they function as post-positional topicalizers for noun (phrases) or clauses. When they are used in parallel constructions as in the first example above, it "sounds better" to a native speaker if the two words are alternated rather than using the same one twice. They also both serve as a relativizer for a subordinate clause, but /mel/ is more common in this position. Finally, /nael/ can function as a conjunction while /mel/ does not.Compare 另见melzzaelnel nə⁵⁵
naelboxl næ⁵⁵-po̠⁶⁶conj.(连)at that time; then然后呢/ránhòu ne/Zzirmar nei zzaexpor yaa nrnel mel zzaegu ker ssi, naelboxl zzirmar ddei leil mel ssu gex dae a. 王和小偷去偷,然后呢王被抓住了。A king and a thief both went out to steal, then at that time the king was caught.This example sentence comes from a traditional story.eilboxl ʔe⁵⁵-po̠⁶⁶
naer næ²¹1v.(动)approach; go near接近/jiē jìn/ Bbiur hal hhexr ngua zeil dae, yel nia bbiur hhexr dax naer nr ddo. 那窝蜜蜂我们养着,所以你们不能接近蜜蜂。We are caring for that bee hive, so you are not allowed to go near it.Zzaexpor hal te yar dax ssi naer a, yar ddei zzaegu ker ssi a. 那个小偷走进他,把他的东西偷走了。That thief approached him/her, (and) stole his/her things.2adj.(形)close; near/jìn/Ngua ake ddei mel zzijiul dax yarzi naer, yel ngua zoxlzoxl a zzimu ssi. 我们家连街道很近,所以我们经常去赶街。Our home is very near the market, so we often go shopping.3adv.(副)Yaa nr hhexr zzi dax naelnaer a goxr dae bbeixarnar, nael zoxlzoxl a cirgo a gax-nr-ggor. 他们两家虽然住的很近,但不经常一起玩。Though those two families live close to one another, they don't often play together.naer næ²¹
naernæ²¹🔊DISC(话语)(word expressing frustration or disappointment or confusion)(话语[表示挫败])(huàyǔ [biǎoshì cuòbài])Ngo eilni zzaegu vur ssi a, vur nr pixl naer! 今天我去卖东西没有卖掉!Today I went to sell things, (but I) didn't sell everything!war wa²¹
naerho næ²¹xo³³n.(名)relative亲戚/qīnqī/Ca hal hhexr cirmu bbeix a, yaa naerho maelmaerjjia yaa dax jjixr lei a. 那家人娶媳妇,他家的全部亲戚都回来他家了。When the person from that family got married, all their relatives returned to (celebrate) with them.naerho ~ cirssor.cir, ddei, ke, melCompare 另见ake cacircircir-ssorssorcirssorgahhexrjiacuxrnaerho næ²¹xo³³naernaer-hoho næ²¹næ²¹-xo³³xo³³
naerngexlggie næ²¹-ŋɯ̠⁶⁶gʲɛ³³n.(名)a place, someone or something to get close to or confide in亲近的地方/qīnjìn dì dìfāng/Yar capor lei nr zza, aniux lei nr zza, gaxggor carpeix lei nr zza a, yel goxrsol-goxrnaxr zza car a naerngexlggie lei nr zza. 她(因为)没有丈夫,没有孩子,没有朋友,所以有困难的时候亲近的地方都没有。She didn't have a husband, didn't have children, didn't have friends, so (she) had hardship (and) there was nobody to get close to.naerngexlggie næ²¹-ŋɯ̠⁶⁶gʲɛ³³
naexnæ̠⁴⁴🔊1adj.(形)dirty/zāng/Ca hal hhexr ake lei ge-nr-so a, yaa ddei ake yarzi naex. 那家人不收拾房子,所以她们的房子很脏。That family does not even straighten up their home, their home is very dirty.2muddy/hún/Arni almer vaer lei a, lazzarmo gga ajjix mel lei yarzi naex. 昨天下了大雨,大河里的水都很浑。Yesterday it rained hard, (and) the river water was very muddy.Compare 另见naexggiexrggiexrseibeixneix ne̠⁴⁴
naexggiexrggiexr næ̠⁴⁴-gʲæ̠ʔ²¹~gʲæ̠ʔ²¹adj.(形)very dirty脏脏的/zāngzāng de/Yar pia hal xiux mel hormo nixixl veixr ho a, yel naexggiexrggiexrmo loxr a. 她的衣服穿了很长时间,所以成了脏脏的。S/he wore those clothes for a long time, so they were very dirty.Compare 另见naexnaexggiexrggiexr næ̠⁴⁴-gʲæ̠ʔ²¹~gʲæ̠ʔ²¹neixdixrdixr ne̠⁴⁴di²¹di²¹
naexl næ̠⁶⁶adj.(形)soggy; watery/xī/Ni aba niux a, ajjix ji miur a, niux naexl a. 你发面,水放多了,稀了。When kneading bread, if too much water is put in, it will be watery.naexl næ̠⁶⁶
naexlbixnæ̠⁶⁶pi̠⁴⁴🔊adj.(形)weak软弱/ruǎnruò/Ca mel miar nr bei ake hher doxr dae lalnga a mel, naexlbix var. 如果人不干活只是在家里面,会软弱。If a person is not working and is continually in the house, (s/he) will become weak.This is referring to physical weakness.lada la³³ta³³
naexrnæ̠ʔ²¹🔊1v.(动)embroider/xiù/Ssormaer hal ddei vixlux naexr a, yarzi naexr zae. 那个女人绣花绣的很漂亮。(When) that woman embroiders flowers, (she) embroiders beautifully.For the meaning 'embroider' the word /vixlux/ 'flower' is almost alway included.2sew/féng/Ssormaer hal ddei pia naexr dae. 那个女人在缝衣服。That woman is sewing clothes.This can mean to sew your clothes when they are damaged or it can mean to make clothes from scratch.Compare 另见naexrbenaexr xixlnaexrzixlggienaexr næ̠ʔ²¹
naexrbenæ̠ʔ²¹pɯ³³🔊v.(动)patch/bǔ/Yar ddei pia xiaxr a, yar pia naexrbe dae. 她的衣服坏了,她在补衣服。His/her clothes are torn (so) s/he is patching them.Lu ddei leil hax suddu zza a, yar naexrbe dae. 墙上有老鼠洞,他在补。There is a rat hole in his/her wall, (so) s/he is patching it.Compare 另见naexrnaexr xixlnaexrzixlggienaexrbe næ̠ʔ²¹pɯ³³
naexr xixlnæ̠ʔ²¹ ʃi̠⁶⁶🔊v.(动)mend/féng/Ni pia xiux xiaxr a; niama ni leil naexr xixl gger lol nia. 你的衣服坏了,让你妈妈帮你缝一下。When your clothes are torn, let your mother mend them for you./niama/ is the combination of /nia-/ and /ama/.Compare 另见naexrnaexrbenaexrzixlggienaexr hol næ̠ʔ²¹ xo⁵⁵
naexr zixl gger næ̞ʔ²¹ zɿ̠⁶⁶ gɯ²¹v.(动)sew up缝起来/fèng qǐ láiNi pia ddei xiaxr a, ngo ni leil arleixr naexr zixl gger. 你的衣服坏了,我帮你缝起来一下。Your clothes are torn, so I'll help you sew them up.naexr zixl hher næ̞ʔ²¹ zɿ̠⁶⁶ ɣɯ²¹
naexrzixlggienæ̠ʔ²¹-tzɿ̠⁶⁶-gʲɛ³³🔊n.(名)seam接缝/jiēfèng/Yar yarzi paxl, yel luldaddur xiux naexrzixlggie halmaex zex kae si a. 他很胖,所以他的裤子在接缝的地方挣开了。S/he is very fat, the seams on (his/her) pants split open.ddei, maexCompare 另见naexrnaexrbenaexr xixlnaexrzixlggie næ̠ʔ²¹-tzɿ̠⁶⁶-gʲɛ³³
nagena³³kɯ³³🔊v.(动)swallow/yàn/Aniux hal ddox nr saexl a, gaxggorddu ddei lei nage ji a. 那个小孩子不知道,把玩具也咽下去了。That child didn't know better, (so s/he) swallowed the play thing (toy).nage na³³kɯ³³
nalna⁵⁵🔊v.(动)pad; put in between/diàn/Vei bber a mel, nelgger ddei leil pia nal dae nia; nrnga a, bber no. 背东西要在背上垫着衣服,要不会背着疼。When carrying (things) on the back, it is necessary to pad the upper back with clothing; if not, it will hurt to carry (things).Allur taex taxlno arddeirnga a, ni mae ar co sser a, nal dae sael caer. 如果锅烫,你用一块布垫着才端。If a pot is hot, use a piece of cloth, pad it before lifting it.nal na⁵⁵
nalna⁵⁵🔊DET(限定词)that; those/nà/Compare 另见halnal na⁵⁵
nalbbaer na⁵⁵-bæ²¹adv.(副)there; that side那边/nàbiān/Compare 另见halbbaernalbbaer na⁵⁵-bæ²¹
nalbborna⁵⁵bo²¹🔊LOC SPATIAL(方位)up there上面/shàngmiàn/Niul nalbbor ddeix lalddo; jiasibbor zei nr ddo. 我们只能上去上面,不能下去下面。We are only allowed to go up there; (we) are not allowed to go down there.Niul worga eil ga ollele nalbbor ddeix nia. 我们要上这座山上面的最顶部。We will ascend up to the very top of this mountain.Ca hal hhexr xi ggaxrne nalbbor mel, ajjix ar bbe zza. 那家人的房子那上面有一个水塘。Above that family's home up there, there is a pond.1. This means a place that is above where the person is standing. If it is real far away the /nal-/ part of the word is stressed and lengthened, i.e. nal...bbor. This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym". Compare 另见dexbborellelegiedaeggaxrneggaxrsijiasikukurzzarlamaelavullavulmaelelemaelleilnalbbornalzzarolleleolniuxniuxteixlsibborvaelvulleilwoxrkexilmeir leilyozalbbaerzalbborzalzzarzilbborzilelezzarzzarnalbbor na⁵⁵bo²¹
nalmaexna⁵⁵-mæ̠⁴⁴🔊adv.(副)that place; there那边/nàbiān/Compare 另见halmaexhalmix xa⁵⁵-mi̠⁴⁴
nalzzar na⁵⁵dza²¹LOC SPATIAL(方位)back inside; up in里面(上面)/lǐmiàn (shàngmiàn)/Worga ga leil pox gel a, nalzzar ca kax nr zza. 翻过山,那里面没有村子了。Crossing over that mountain, up in (that group of mountains) there are no villages.Ngua miar bei ssi a, nalzzar arddol mermi ssi nia. 我们干活要去里面很远的地方。When we go to work we go far up inland.Baxlaxr mel, baxlaxr ji ggie nalzzar zabbar-seilseir a ji nia. 要把碗好好的放在放碗的那里面。The dishes need to be put carefully way back up in the place where dishes are put (in the back of the cabinet). Aniux hal ddox doxlzi gga nalzzar ddir a, ddux jjixr lei nr saexl a. 那个孩子走进洞子里面,不知道怎么出来了。That child entered deep inside a hole, and did not how to come back out.1. The /zalzzar/ means 'down in' when looking down in from outside and above. If it is a horizontal perspective, it refers to the other end or side of some enclosed space--from the perspective of where the speaker is--like the far end of a tunnel. The /nalzzar/ means 'up in' when looking from outside and below the area. If it is a horizontal perspective it means back inside of some space--looking from the outside. This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym". The /arddol/ in the second example is there to emphasize that the distance is very far.nalzzar ~ halzzarCompare 另见dexbbordexbborellelegiedaeggaxrneggaxrsihalzzarjiasikukurzzarlamaelavullavulmaelelemaelleilnalbbornalzzarolleleolniuxniuxteixlsibborvaelvulleilwoxrkexilmeir leilyozalbbaerzalbborzalzzarzilbborzilelezzarnalzzar na⁵⁵dza²¹