ngaŋa³³🔊be; yes (it is so)是/shì/"Ni Loxrlapor nga nga?" Ngo ddarkoxl a bbeix, "Nga mar!"你是不是彝族人?我说,是的。"Are you of the Central Yi nationality?" I answer saying, "Yes!"Compare 另见ngazinga-ŋa³³
nga-ŋa³³🔊pron.(代)pfxmy我(们)的/wǒ(men) de/Ngabbor ngama ngo leil yarzi perniar.我(们)的爸爸我(们)的妈妈很爱我。My father (and) my mother love me very much.Ngo ngama dax cirgo a miar mu ssi.我(们)跟我(们的)妈妈一起去干活。I go with my mom to do work.The following is a brief summary of the what happens when pronouns or nouns are associated with kinship or other nounsː (a) The plural pronouns don't change at all when associated with kinship nouns. The only variation is that the word /ddei/ is optional when the kinship noun is referring to a person younger than the head pronoun. For exampleː for 1PL with an older person it isː /ngua ddei ago/ 'our'; with a younger person it isː /ngua (ddei) nimar/ 'our' (the same thing is true for the inclusive form /niul/). For 2PL. with an older person it isː /nia ddei ago/ 'yourPL'; with a younger person it isː /nia (ddei) nimar/ 'yourPL'. For 3PL with an older person it isː /yaa ddei ago/ 'their'; with a younger person it isː /yaa (ddei) nimar/ 'their'. (b) The singular pronouns have some changes when associated with kinship nouns. For exampleː the 1SG with an older person changes from /ngo/ to /nga-/ as in /ngabbor/ 'my father'. (Note that even though the word for father is /arbbor/, the /nga-/ maintains the mid tone). With a younger person there is no changeː /ngo (ddei) nimar/ 'my'. The 2SG with an older person changes from /ni/ to /nia-/ as in /niabbor/ 'your father' (Again note that even though the word for father is /arbbor/ the /nia-/ maintains the mid tone.) but with a younger person there is no changeː /ni (ddei) nimar/ 'yourSG' The 3SG does not change with either older or younger people; it stays /yar-/ː /yar (ddei) nimar/ 'his/her'; /yargo/ 'his/her older brother'. (c) The pronouns that change form all end with the vowel /a/. When the pronoun is placed in front of a kinship term—which also begins with /a/—one of the /a/ syllables is deleted, or the two /a/ vowels merge into one. So 'my older brother' is /ngago/; yourSG older brother is /niago/; and his/her older brother is /yargo/. (d). If a noun is associated with a kinship term, the 3SG pronoun is used when the kinship term is referring to someone who is older than the head noun. For example: 'that leader's mother' /vaervaerpor hal ddei yarma/ (leader that CLF 1SG mother). When associated with a younger person the pronoun is replaced by an option /ddei/: 'that leader's son' /vaervaerpor hal ddei (ddei) ssor/ (leader that CLF ASSOC son. If the subject is plural, the plural pronoun /yaa/ is not used; the relationship is exprssed by using nouns and associating those nouns to the second kinship term with the singular /yar/. So again, with older people 'those leaders' mothers' /vaervaerpor halmel yarma/ (leader those/that PL 1SG mother). With younger relatives the /ddei/ is optionally used: 'those leaders' sons' /vaervaerpor halmel (ddei) ssor/ (leader those/that PL ASSOC son). (e) Finally, the word /ddei/ associates two non-kinship nouns or noun phrases. Example: /Xie hal zzir ddei yirggie yarzi miur./ 'The bedrooms of that house are very many' (house that CLF ASSOC bedroom very many). The second sense of the word /ddei/ in an associative phrases is to expresses possession. For example: /Ngo ddei zzaegu ni ker si nr ddo./ 'You may not steal my things.' (1SG GEN thing you steal away not allowed).Compare 另见nia-yar-nga-ŋa³³
ngaddoŋa³³-do³³🔊adv.(副)alright; okay可以/kěyǐ/Yarma yar ssormaer leil ngua dax ar xixl xixl lol ddo ddo biex a, ngo ddarkoxl a bbeix: "Ngaddo."她妈妈问我她的女孩可不可以在我家里住一天晚上,我说可以。That mother asked if her daughter could spend the night with us, (and) I answered saying, "okay."/yarma/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /ama/.ngaddaxŋa³³-da̠⁴⁴
nganiulŋa³³nʲo⁵⁵adv.(副)a little bit; few; less少/shǎo/Yar cixlni loxlmoxr yarzi se wo nganiul.他今年收到的粮食很少。S/he was able to gather very little grain this year.Yar cir ni naxcir so boxl dda nia; cir boxl lei nganiul lol nr ddo.他一天要吃三次药;一次都不能少。S/he must drink the medicine three times a day; (s/he) isn't allowed even one less time (per day).nganyulŋa³³ny⁵⁵
nga ngaŋa³³ ŋa³³🔊TAG Q(反意疑问句)right?是不是/shì bù shì/Yar ni capor, nga nga?他是不是你的丈夫?He's your husband, right?Compare 另见ssa ssanga ngaŋa³³ ŋa³³
ngaseirŋa³³-se²¹adv.(副)just; recently才(是)/cái (shì)/Ngo eilni saelnei miar bei beil a ngaseir.我今天才开始做事情。I just did this today for the first time.Arni almer lei a ngaseir, eilni yoxl lei a!昨天刚刚下雨,今天又下了。Yesterday it just rained, (and) today it rained again!The postpositional temporal adverbs are: car, qie, tor 'when, while'; xilmeir leil 'before'; ho 'after'; seir 'yet'; ngaseir 'just', 'recently'. Other temporal constructions are located, most often, at the beginning of the clause. There are some constructions, such as 'halcar a mel' 'at that time' that can occur either in front or in back of the clause.Compare 另见arsaxlcarseirtorngaseirŋa³³-se²¹
ngaxŋa̠⁴⁴🔊n.(名)bird鸟/niǎo/Ngax mel dae lei nr dae, se lei nr se lei, yar halae zzorddu zza.鸟儿们不种也不收,也照样有吃的。Though (the) bird doesn't plant, (and) doesn't harvest, it still has food.Nia merlabbor bbiu dae ngax mel leil arleixr i, yaa dae lei nr dae, se lei nr se, dol ji ggie lei nr zza, nael nia ddei merhhexr gga hher dae Arbbor halae yaa leil zeil gol dae. Holbbaexl nia bir ngax mel leil perniar nr leixl a ngo?你们看一下天上飞着的鸟,他们种也不种,收也不收,放的地方也没有,但是你们在天上的父还在养活他们。难道你们不比鸟贵重吗?Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?ci, ddei, ddox, ke, melngaxŋa̠⁴⁴
ngaxlŋa̠⁶⁶🔊1v.(动)break using finger and thumb; snap in two摘/zhāi/Aniux hal ddox yarma dax cirgo a wordabbor ssi a, vixlux ngaxl ssi.那个小孩跟他妈妈一起去山上摘花。That child went with his/her mother to the mountain, going to pick flowers.Yar sexbex ngaxl a yarzi ngaxl jiax.她掰玉米掰得很快。S/he harvests (breaks off the ears of) corn very quickly.2crack knuckles扒关节/bā guānjié/Yar leixrnizixl ddei leil ngaxl a, leixrhher bbor ngaxl no a.他扒关节的时候把手扒疼了。(When) s/he cracked his/her knuckles, it hurt (his/her) hand.Two other similar words are /zex/ and /te/. /zex/ is used in the sense of something long being pulled apart, while /te/ is used in the sense of something long breaking in two pieces for some other reason than being pulled apart--like a bridge breaking in half. If something like a stick is broken by hand it would be /ngaxl te/.Compare 另见caexngaxl baexngaxl kaengaxl tesixltezexzixngaxlŋa̠⁶⁶
ngaxl baexŋa̠⁶⁶ pæ̠⁴⁴v.(动)break折断/zhéduàn/Saerlil eil zzei niar bex miur a, yarbaxlleixr mel lei ngaxl baex a.这棵梨结的太多了,枝子都折断了。This pear tree has so much fruit that the branches have broken./ngaxl baex/ is when something like a branch is broken but is still slightly connected. /ngaxl te/ is when something like a branch is broken completely apart, and /ngaxl kae/ is when something like a piece of bread is pulled apart or two sides of something are pulled apart--like opening a mouth.Compare 另见ngaxlngaxl kaengaxl tengaxl baexŋa̠⁶⁶ pæ̠⁴⁴
ngaxl kaeŋa̠⁶⁶ kʰæ³³🔊break apart; open (by pullng the two sides apart); pull apart扒开/bā kāi/Ngaxmodo ddei bberzzi bil xixl lei a qie, ngaxssor mel mier ddei ngaxl kae dae a.鸟妈妈一调虫子回来,小鸟就张开嘴巴了。When the bird mother brings back an insect in its mouth, the baby bird opens its mouth./ngaxl baex/ is when something like a branch is broken but is still slightly connected. /ngaxl te/ is when something like a branch is broken completely apart, and /ngaxl kae/ is when something like a piece of bread is pulled apart or two sides of something are pulled apart--like opening a mouth.Compare 另见kaemaxrngaxlngaxl baexngaxl tengaxl kaeŋa̠⁶⁶ kʰæ³³
ngaxl teŋa̠⁶⁶ tə³³break折断/zhéduàn/Yar azzu zze ngaxl te gger a, nr zeixl loxr a.他把筷子折断了,成了两节。S/he broke in half the pair of chopsticks (with his/her two hands), (and) they became two pieces (each)./ngaxl baex/ is when something like a branch is broken but is still slightly connected. /ngaxl te/ is when something like a branch is broken completely apart, and /ngaxl kae/ is when something like a piece of bread is pulled apart or two sides of something are pulled apart--like opening a mouth.Compare 另见ngaxlngaxl baexngaxl kaengaxl teŋa̠⁶⁶ tə³³
ngaxpeixlŋa̠⁴⁴pʰe̠⁶⁶n.(名)Lotus plant that grows on dry land地莲花/dìliánhuā/Ngaxpeixl mel ca lei zzor cexr, veixr lei zzor cexr.地莲花人可以吃,猪也可以吃。The Lotus plant that grows on dry land can be eaten by people, (and) pigs can also eat (it).bbex, cu, taexngaxbexŋa̠⁴⁴pɯ⁴⁴
ngaxssor-ngaxneŋa̠⁴⁴zo²¹-ŋa̠⁴⁴nə³³🔊idiom(习语)birds; fowl; poultry鸟类/niǎo lèi/Ngaxssor-ngaxne mel zol a bberzzi zzor lalnga.鸟类经常吃虫子。Fowl always just eat bugs.ngaxssor-ngaxneŋa̠⁴⁴zo²¹-ŋa̠⁴⁴nə³³
ngaxyoxrŋa̠⁴⁴yo̠ʔ²¹🔊n.(名)pine nuts松子/sōngzǐ/Ngaxyoxr mel yargel ddei gel pixl ho a sael zzor cexr.松子把壳剥掉,才可以吃。Pine nuts have to be husked before they can be eaten.Ngaxyoxr mel yarzi zzorci, nael yargel ddei gex a, ardoxr gel sol.松子很好吃,但是壳硬,有一点难嗑。The "ngaxyoxr" pincone is delicious, but the shell is hard and is a bit hard to, ke, taex, zzeingaxyuxrŋa̠⁴⁴ʝy̠ʔ²¹
ngaxyoxr zzeiŋa̠⁴⁴ʝo̠ʔ²¹ dze³³ŋa̠⁴⁴ʝo̠ʔ²¹-dze³³n.(名)Chinese nut pine (koraiensis)大松果树/dà sōngguǒ shù/Ngaxyoxr zzei mel tarzzei ardoxr lesel, nael ngaxyoxr sil mel zzor cexr.大松果树有一点像松树,但是大松果树的种子可以吃。The "ngaxyoxr" tree is a bit like the pine tree but the "ngaxyoxr" tree has seeds that can be eaten.zzeingaxyuxr zzeiŋa̠⁴⁴ʝy̠ʔ²¹ dze³³
ngaziŋa³³-tsɿ³³🔊adj.(形)real; true真的/zhēnde/Ni mel azo bbeix lei, ngazi mel lar bbeix ddo.你说什么,只能说真的。Whatever you say, tell only what is true.This is the the same as /zi/ 'true'; the /ngazi/ in this example could be replaced by /yarzi/ or /ddarzi/.Compare 另见ddarzingazingaziŋa³³-tsɿ³³
ngazzaelŋa³³-dzɛ⁵⁵adv.(副)actually; in fact; in reality其实/qíshí/Yar bbeix yar zzibbaer dda nr var; ngazzael yarzi dda sexr.他说他不会喝酒,其实很能喝。S/he says s/he can't drink liquor; in fact (s/he) is good at drinking liquor.It was reported that this is not used in the village of ZhangJia.
ngeŋɯ³³🔊v.(动)cry哭/kū/Yar cix lei a nge, ggese lei a nge.她伤心也哭,高兴也哭。(When) s/he grieves (she) cries, (when she) is happy (she) also cries.eirʔe²¹
ngenge-xierxierŋɯ³³ŋɯ³³-ʃʲɛ²¹ʃʲɛ²¹v.(动)cry; weep哭哭啼啼/kūkū títí/Yar yar capor dax zzihei a, ngenge-xierxier yar ma hhexr dax beix xixl a.她和她丈夫吵架,哭哭啼啼的跑回她妈妈家。She argued with her husband, (and) ran back weeping to her mother's home.ngenge-hierhierŋɯ³³ŋɯ³³-xʲɛ²¹xʲɛ²¹
ngerŋɯ²¹🔊n.(名)millstone磨/mò/Nger mel legelbbe nr pir sser a bei teixl lei.磨是用两块石头做成的。The mill is made using two pieces of stone.ddei, taexCompare 另见ngermongerpe
ngermoŋɯ²¹-mo³³🔊n.(名)the bottom section of the hand mill下面的磨/xiàmian de mò /Ngermo ddei mel dder jiasibbor dol dae legelbbe co nga a.Ngermo 就是在下面的那块石头。The "Ngermo" is the stone (which is) placed in the bottom (of the mill).The /co/ in this example is the CLF for stone because it is a mill stone so it is flat and round. The normal CLF for a stone is /taex/.coCompare 另见ngerngerpengermoŋɯ²¹-mo³³
ngerpeŋɯ²¹-pʰɯ³³🔊n.(名)the top section of the hand mill上面的磨/shàng miàn de mò /Ngerpe ddei mel dder teixlsibbor deix dae legelbbe co nga a.Ngerpe 就是放在上面的那块石头。The "ngerpe" is the stone (which is) placed in the top (of the mill).The /co/ in this example is the CLF for stone because it is a mill stone so it is flat and round. The normal CLF for a stone is /taex/.coCompare 另见ngerngermongerpeŋɯ²¹-pʰɯ³³
ngexlŋɯ̠⁶⁶AUX (direction)(助(方向)around; at; down; on; over上/shàng/Yar arggeni pia sixl veixr nia, yel eilni pia xiux leil laexsaer naexr ngexl dae.明天她要穿新衣服,所以今天她在这件衣服上缝上扣子。Tomorrow s/he going to wear new clothes, so today (s/he) sewed buttons on the suit of (new) clothes.Aniux hal ddox sul zul lu leil niaxl ngexl gger.那个孩子把纸贴在墙上。That child stuck the piece of paper on the wall.An auxiliary (AUX) is defined as a word which accompanies the main verb in a clause and helps to make distinctions in the mood, timing or direction of the verb. Some verbs function as main verbs of movement as well as auxiliaries showing direction.ngexlŋɯ̠⁶⁶
ngexlŋɯ̠⁶⁶🔊v.(动)fry煎/jiān/Ni yixfu ngexl a, pox nia. eine saelnei mi var.你煎鸡蛋的时候,要翻过来,这样才会熟了。When you fry an egg, it has to be turned over in order for it to be fully cooked.This is for frying something like an egg in a pan with a little bit of oil; this is not stir-frying. If bread is being cooked, /ngexl/ can also be used and it means cooking the bread on a flat pan without any oil. Bread is not cooked in an oven in the villages.ngexlŋɯ̠⁶⁶