Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



oʔo³³🔊v.(动)winnow/yáng/Yar omo sser a, ko ddei gga paer mel, o pixl gger. 他用簸箕,把大米里的堪扬掉。S/he uses the "omo" basket to winnow away the chaff from the rice.The grain is winnowed using a flat basket called and 'omo'. When the grain is thrown up in the air so the wind can blow the chaff away, the verb used is /o/. When the grain is simply dropped to the ground so the wind can blow the chaff away, the verb used is /he/.Compare 另见heo ʔo³³
oʔo³³🔊n.(名)goose; swan/é/O mel bbaer ardoxr lesel, nael bir bbaer leil vaer leixl. 鹅有点像鸭子,但是比鸭子大。The goose is a bit like the duck, but (it) is bigger than the duck.cir, ddei, ke, melCompare 另见gorlorgiellaelo ʔo³³
oʔo³³🔊v.(动)yoke架(牛)/jià (niú)/Mi mor a mel, hoba niur nrnel leil o du lei nia. 犁田先要把两头牛架起来。When going to plow the field, first two oxen need to be yoked.lorleix dexl ɮo²¹ɮe̠⁴⁴ tə̠⁶⁶
ode ʔo³³tə³³n.(名)ceramic pot without a top罐子/guànzi/Ode hal taex gga cae bbilbbi ar ode ji dae. 那个罐子里装了满满的一罐猪油。That pot was completely filled with oil.mel, taexCompare 另见olbbexrsir'odeodu ʔo³³tɤ³³
olʔo⁵⁵🔊INTERJ(叹)Deixrgoxr halbbu leil capor armel "ol" doxr dae a. 对面有一些男人在叫“ol”。On the facing side (of the mountain) some men are calling out "ol" over and over again.wul wɤ⁵⁵
olbil ʔo⁵⁵pi⁵⁵n.(名)comb梳子/shūzi/Yar olce ddei yarzi seir a, olbil vaervaer ar baxr sser nia. 他的头发很长,要用一把很大的梳子。Her hair is very long, a very big comb needs to be used (to comb her hair).1. The word /seir/ in this context means 'long' not 'good'; it means long when it is modifying long, thin hair-shaped things. To say the hair is good the word /naxrcixl/ is used. They use the same word for brush or comb but they often use combs in the village. The verb to brush or to comb one's hair is /bil/.baxrCompare 另见bilolceolbel ʔo⁵⁵pɯ⁵⁵
olbbeir-libbeirmo ʔo⁵⁵be²¹-li³³be²¹mo³³v.(动)hang loose; not tied backolbbeir-leibbeirmo ʔo⁵⁵be²¹-li³³be²¹mo³³
olbbeir-ligexzix ʔo⁵⁵be²¹-li³³gɯ̠⁴⁴tzɿ̠⁴⁴v.(动)hang loose; not tied back披头散发/pītóusànfà/olbbeir-leigexzix ʔo⁵⁵be²¹-le³³gɯ̠⁴⁴tzɿ̠⁴⁴
olbbeirmo ʔo⁵⁵be²¹mo³³v.(动)hang loose; not tied back披头散发/pītóusànfà/Yar zoxlzoxl a olce lei neixl nr gex, obbeirmo bei dae. 她经常头发也不扎,披头散发的。She never tied her hair back, (she) just let it hang loose.olbbeirmo ʔo⁵⁵be²¹mo³³
olbbexrʔo⁵⁵bɯ̠ʔ²¹🔊n.(名)ceramic jar with a top罐子/guànzi/Loxrlapor mel olbbexr gga var puxr ji. 彝族人在坛子里腌腌菜。The Central Yi people pickle vegetables in ceramic pots.The word /puxr/ 'pickle' is a Mandarin Chinese loanword.ke, mel, taexCompare 另见odesir'odesir'olbbexr
olbbexr ʔo⁵⁵bɯ̠ʔ²¹
olceʔo⁵⁵tsʰə³³🔊n.(名)hair头发/tóufā/Yar olcer ddei yarzi seir, yarzi igax zae. 她的头发很长,很好看。Her hair is very long, very pretty.1. The word /seir/ in this context means 'long' not 'good'; it means long when it is modifying long, thin hair-shaped things. To say the hair is good the word /naxrcixl/ is used.olce ~ elce.ba, beix, gel, pirCompare 另见elcememekorolbilseirolcu ʔo⁵⁵tsʰɥ³³
oldde ʔo⁵⁵də³³1n.(名)head/tóu/Yar mel zoxlzoxl a oldde no. 她经常头疼。S/he often has a headache.taex2boss老板/lǎobǎn/Yaa oldde ddei zoxlzoxl a yaa leil worper lei nr gger. 他们的老板经常不给他们工资。Their boss often did not give them (their) wages.ddei3peak; tip/dǐng/Worga oldde leil mel mu a, yel mersi yarzi vaer. 山顶上高,所以风很大。The peak on the mountain is very high, so the wind is very strong.Ngo pia naexr a leixrni oldde ddei leil naexr gex dae a, yarzi no. 我缝衣服缝在手指头上太疼了。(When) I was sewing clothes, I sewed over the tip of my finger, (it) was very painful.oldde ~ eldde.ddei, taexCompare 另见elddeolddetexlolddu ʔo⁵⁵dɤ³³
olddetexl ʔo⁵⁵də³³-tʰə̠⁶⁶v.(动)bow; kowtow磕头/kētóu/Niul neir leil olddetexl nr ddo; Arbosobo niul leil guaxr dae var! 我们不能给鬼磕头;上帝会管着我们!We must not kowtow to demons; God will take care of us!This is when the person is on his/her knees and bows the head down to the earth and up again repeatedly. It is not just nodding the head.olddetexl ~ texl.Compare 另见golgolmerolddeolmerolzzirtexlolddetexl ʔo⁵⁵də³³-tʰə̠⁶⁶
olddirʔo⁵⁵di²¹🔊n.(名)fox狐狸/húlí/Olddir mel mel maeldae sisimo, halae yix ker lel he. 狐狸是尾巴长长的,还喜欢偷鸡吃。Foxes have long tails, and they like to steal chickens to eat.cir ddei, ke, melolddir ʔo⁵⁵di²¹
olgaʔo⁵⁵ka³³🔊n.(名)life生命/shēngmìng/Ca mel arseir lei olga zza; olga nr zza arddeirnga mel dder si ho a! 每个人都有生命;如果没有生命的话就死了!Everyone has life; if they don't have life they have died!The word /olga/ 'life' means to be alive; not dead. The word /nixixl/ 'life' is talking about the experience of living life from day to day.ddeiCompare 另见nixixlolga ʔo⁵⁵ka³³
olga leixrga zi ʔo⁵⁵ka³³ le̠²¹ka³³ tsɿ³³adv.(副)dangerously; dangerous situation危险的情况/wéixiǎn de qíngkuàng/Ssormaer mel ssormine hier car, olga leixrga zi hier dae. 女人生孩子的时候,是在很危险情况生的。When a lady gives birth to a child, (she) is in danger giving birth.It was reported that this word is not used in ZhangJia village.
olgali ʔo⁵⁵ka³³li³³n.(名)crown of the head头顶/tóudǐngYar jjiumo ssi dae a, legelbbe ar taex guir zei lei a, yar olgali ddei leil deil gex dae a. 他走在路上,一个石头滚下来,打在他的头顶上了。S/he was walking and a rock rolled down and hit the crown of his head.olgali ʔo⁵⁵ka³³li³³
olggarʔo⁵⁵ga²¹🔊n.(名)skull髑髅/dúlóu/taexCompare 另见olggargexolggar ʔo⁵⁵ga²¹
olggargexʔo⁵⁵ga²¹-kɯ⁴⁴🔊n.(名)skull髑髅/dúlóu/Niur sima hal ddei halmaex hormo nixixl dol a, olggargex lei hie jjia a. 那个死牛放在那里很长时间,连髑髅也干了。That dead cow body has been there for a long time, and it's skull has completely dried out.olggargex ~ olggar.taexCompare 另见cizixlgexhherggargexleixrzixlgexleixrzixlpaeolggarolggargex ʔo⁵⁵ga²¹-kɯ⁴⁴
olggeʔo⁵⁵gɯ³³🔊v.(动)droop; hang down/chuí/Nol mel nr yoxr zza. Cirmelmel, olgge nr var; cirmelmel nael, olgge var. 小玉米有两种。有一些,头不会弯下来;有一些会弯下来。There are two types of the "nol" plant. Some of them can not (produce a head of grain that will) droop down and some can (produce a head of grain that will) droop down..小玉米有两种。有一些,头不会弯了垂下来;有一些会弯了垂下来。There are two types of the "nol" plant. Some of them can not (produce a full head of grain that will) droop down and some can (produce a full head of grain that will) droop down.Cixlni mel almer lei doxr a, ngua ddei cei mel ol-nr-gge. 今年一直的下雨,(所以)我家的谷子没有饱满了。This year it continually rained, (so) our grain did not (produce a full head of grain that will) droop down.今年一直的下雨,(所以)我家的谷子不会饱满了。This year it continually rained, (so) our grain did not (produce a head of grain that will) droop down.This is talking about when grain has a full head of seed and it droops down because it is heavy.olgge ʔo⁵⁵gɯ³³
olggerddar ʔo⁵⁵gɯ²¹da²¹n.(名)pillow枕头/zhěntóu/Aniux mel halae ye seir a, olggerddar yixr nr var. 孩子还小的时候,不用睡枕头。When a child is still small, (s/he) doesn't need a pillow to sleep.olggerddar ~ elggerddar.ddei, taex, zzeiCompare 另见elggerddarolddergge ʔo⁵⁵də²¹gɯ³³
olggie ʔo⁵⁵gʲɛ³³n.(名)bald spot; thinning hair秃头/tūtóu/Yar no a ggecir nr seir a, olggiemo ar ddei loxr a. 他病了身体不好,成了一个秃头。S/he was ill and in poor health and became one with thinning hair.olggie ʔo⁵⁵gʲɛ³³
olle ʔo⁵⁵ɮə³³🔊ʔo⁵⁵ɮə³³ dzɿ²¹LOC SPATIAL(方位)highest; top最顶部/zuì dǐng bù/Xi vae a mel, olle zzir hal cexr leil vae nr ddo, almer ssu var. 买房子不能买最顶上的那一层,会漏雨。When buying a house (an apartment) don't buy the top floor, it may leak when it rains.To have this meaning, the /olle/ has to be followed by /zzir/ 'most'. For the ZhangJia dialect the /ollele/ is used in place of the /olle zzir/. Compare 另见olleleolle ʔo⁵⁵ɮə³³ʔo⁵⁵ɮə³³ dzɿ²¹

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