qiatʃʰʲa⁵⁵🔊v.(动)shovel铲/chǎn/Nilhar qia pixl a mel, calcal sser nia.把土铲掉,要用铲子。When shoveling away dirt, a shovel has to be used.loanCompare 另见calcalbbaba³³
qiatʃʰʲa³³v.(动)challenge; taunt挑战/tiǎozhàn/Yaa nrnel caxlgo caxl lei qia doxr.他们两个一直挑战来唱歌。Those two continually sing taunts.It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.
qiaxrmeix itʃʲa̠²¹ʔme̠⁴⁴ ʔi³³v. phrase(动词短语)tell someone's mood by the expression on his/her face看脸色/kàn liǎnsè/Ssormaer hal ddei ardoxr moxlfuxrcixl a yar yoxrmo almeixr zzor a lei, yar leil qiaxrmeix i nia.那个女人有点可恶,她婆婆吃饭都要看她脸色。That woman is a bit bad-tempered (so) whenever her mother-in-law eats (with them) she has to pay attention to the expression on her face to tell her if she is in a good or bad mood.caxrmeix itsʰa̠ʔ²¹me̠⁴⁴ ʔi³³
qiaxrmeix zzi bbortʃʰʲa̠ʔ²¹me̠⁴⁴ dzɿ³³ bo²¹🔊idiom(习语)sensitive; shy; thin skinned脸皮薄/lián pí báo/Ssormaerssor hal ddox mel, qiaxrmeix zzi bbor a, ca miur ggie lei nr ssi lei.那个女孩脸皮薄,不愿意去人多的地方。That girl is shy; (s/he) is not even willing to go to places where there are lots of people.Compare 另见qiaxrmeixqiaxrmeix zzi nr zzaqiaxrmeix zzi tuqiaxrmeix zzi zzacaxrmeix jji bbortsʰa̠ʔ²¹me̠⁴⁴ dʒi³³ bo²¹
qiaxrmeix zzi sitʃʰʲa̠ʔ²¹me̠⁴⁴ dzɿ³³ sɿ³³🔊idiom(习语)lose face; shamed没面子/méi miànzi/Ni cirni-cirni zzideil doxr a, ni ake ca hhexr leil yarzi qiaxrmeix zzi si.你每一天总是打架,让你的家人很没有面子。You continually fight every day, (so) your family is very ashamed.你每一天总是打架,让你的家人很没面子。You continually fight every day, (so) your family is shamed.caxrmeix jji sitsʰa̠ʔ²¹me̠⁴⁴ dʒi³³ sɿ³³
qiaxrmeix zzi tutʃʰʲa̠ʔ²¹me̠⁴⁴ dzɿ³³ tʰɤ³³idiom(习语)insensitive; thick skinned脸皮厚/lián pí hòu/Caporssor hal ddox mel yarzi qiaxrmeix zzi tu; si yar leil nr qie lei, zoxl a si dax almeixr zzor.那个小男孩脸皮很厚,别人不请他,他都经常在别人家吃饭。That boy is insensitive; though people don't invite him, (he) always eats with them. (He invites himself.)Compare 另见qiaxrmeixqiaxrmeix zzi bborqiaxrmeix zzi nr zzaqiaxrmeix zzi zzaseixldacaxrmeix jji tutsʰa̠ʔ²¹me̠⁴⁴ dʒi³³ tʰɤ³³
qiaxrmeix zzi zzatʃʰʲa̠ʔ²¹me̠⁴⁴ dzɿ³³ dza³³idiom(习语)proud有面子/yǒu miànzi/Ca hal hhexr ddei aniux ddox mel daxlxiuxr kor lal a, yaa yarzi qiaxrmeix zzi zza.那家人的孩子考上了大学,他们很有面子。That family's child passed the tests to get into college, (so) they are very proud (of him/her).It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.Compare 另见qiaxrmeixqiaxrmeix zzi bborqiaxrmeix zzi nr zzaqiaxrmeix zzi tu
qicurtʃʰi²¹tsʰɥ²¹adv.(副)clearly清楚/qīngchu/Yar ddar bbeix a, yarzi bbeix qicur.他说话说得很清楚。S/he spoke very clearly.Halleix ngo meixddur no a, i lei i qicur nr xie.以前我眼睛疼,看也看不清楚。Before my eyes hurt, (I) could not see clearly.loanbbixrbi̠ʔ²¹
qietʃʰʲɛ³³adv.(副)when; while时候/shíhòu/Ajjix co dae a qie, lu ddei cirleixr dder de zei a.水一冲,墙一下子就倒了。When the water flooded, the wall suddenly just fell down.1. The words /car/ 'when' is used as a general term to refer to when some action or situation occured--regardless of whether it is past or some kind of re-occuring present tense or future tense. The /qie/ ' is used to refer to the time that an action takes place in the past in relation to a second action taking place at that same time. i.e. 'When she was working in the house, her kids came home.' The word /tor/ 'when' refers to a time in the past. The postpositional temporal adverbs are: car, qie, tor 'when, while'; xilmeir leil 'before'; ho 'after'; seir 'yet'; ngaseir 'just, recently'. Other temporal constructions are located, most often, at the beginning of the clause. There are some constructions, such as 'halcar a mel' 'at that time' that can occur either in front or in back of the clause. It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.Compare 另见carhoseirtorxilmeir leil
qietʃʰʲɛ³³1v.(动)invite请/qǐng/Yar mel zoxlzoxl a ngo leil almeixr zzor qie.他经常请我吃饭。S/he always invites me to eat (with him/her).Yar ngo leil qie a, yar ddei cirmusixl carbeix bei.她请我做她的伴娘。She invited me to be her bride's maid.2polite formula(客套话)please请/qǐng/Ni leil qie, ngo leil arleixr beijjiu lei!请你帮助我一下!Please, come help me!Compare 另见ni leil qieyoyoqietʃʰʲɛ³³
qie bbeixnaer qie doxr a leitʃʰʲɛ³³ be̠⁴⁴næ²¹ tʃʰʲɛ³³ to̠?²¹ a³³ le³³idiom(习语)to invite and invite; to invite over and over again; urge请了又请/qǐng le yòu qǐng/Ngo yar leil qie bbeixnaer qie doxr a lei, yar halae ngo dax gax-nr-ggor lei. 虽然我请了又请他,他也不来跟我玩。I invited him/her over and over again, (but) s/he did not come to visit.qie bbeixnaer qie doxr a leitʃʰʲɛ³³ be̠⁴⁴næ²¹ tʃʰʲɛ³³ to̠?²¹ a³³ le³³
qiehhertʃʰʲɛ³³ɣɯ²¹n.(名)feet; foot; leg; two back feet of a four-footed animal脚/jiǎo/Compare 另见qihhergorbaeko²¹pæ³³
qiertʃʰʲɛ²¹n.(名)brim; edge; rim; side边/biān/Baxlaxr eil peixl yarqier leil xiaxr a.这个碗,边上坏了。This bowl's edge has been broken.Lazzarmo qier leil sixzzei yarzi vaer ar cu zza.河边有一棵很大的树。On the river edge there is a very big tree.qir ~ her.Compare 另见-bbaerbbuherqierbbaerqiertʃʰʲɛ²¹
qierbbaertʃʰʲɛ²¹bæ²¹n.(名)edge; rim; shore; side旁边/pángbiān/Ajjix eil bbe yarzi neixl, yarqierbbaer ssi naer nr ddo.这塘水很深,不能走近旁边。This pond is very deep, (you) should not go near its edge.Compare 另见-bbaerherqieryarqierbbaerqierbbaertʃʰʲɛ²¹bæ²¹
qiermitʃʰʲɛ²¹mi³³v. (secondary)(次动)have the ability, energy or drive to do something有味口/yǒu wèi kǒu/Compare 另见qirmiqirmitʃʰi²¹mi³³
qihhertʃʰi³³ɣɯ²¹n.(名)feet; foot; leg; two back feet of a four-footed animal脚/jiǎo/Yar qihher ddei leil altor taexl dae goxr a, eilleix lei bazir niar dae seir.他的脚曾被刀子砍伤了,现在还有伤疤。His/her foot was cut with a knife, even now there is still a scar on it.Arni ngo zzimu ssi a, caezi nr cux, qihher ssi lalnga.昨天我去赶街,没有坐车,只是用脚走。Yesterday when I went shopping, I didn't go by car, I just went on foot.Zzeir mel jjiumo ssi a qihher leixrhher lei ssi.动物走路脚和手都走。Domestic animals (use) both back feet and front feet to walk.1. This is a general term that includes the foot and all of the leg. And although /qixnex/ 'shoe' has tense vowels, this word does not. qiehher ~ qihher ~ qiuhher.bbor, zzeCompare 另见qiehherqiuhhergorbaeko²¹pæ³³
qihher-nogatʃʰi³³ɣɯ²¹-no³³ka³³n.(名)shin胫骨/jìnggǔ/Qiuxr tiex a, ngo qihher-noga ddei tiex no a.踢球,我的胫骨踢疼了。When playing ball, my shin was kicked (and) hurt.qihher-noga ~ qiehher-noga.ddei, melCompare 另见qiehher-nogaqihher-nogatʃʰi³³ɣɯ²¹-no³³ka³³
qihher toxl ditʃʰi³³ɣɯ²¹ tʰo̠⁶⁶ ti³³n.(名)footstool; place to step; place to put the foot脚蹬(脚踩的地方)jiǎo dèng (jiǎo cǎi dì dìfāng)Lazzarmo eil zex leil gger a, qihher toxl di mel leil toxl gel cexr.过这条河,可以踩着脚踩的地方过去。When crossing this river, it can be crossed (where there is a place) to put (your) foot.ddei, melgorbae toxl ggieko²¹pæ³³ tʰo̠⁶⁶ gʲɛ³³
qikatatʃʰi³³kʰa³³tʰa³³n.(名)sole of the foot脚掌/jiǎozhǎng/Merni lexl a mel qixnex nr ddexr a mel, qikata yarzi taxlno var.太阳晒不闯鞋子的话,脚掌会烫的很疼。When the sun is bright and shoes are not worn, the soles of the feet get burned.qikata ~ qitakaddei, melCompare 另见leixrkataqikatatʃʰi³³kʰa³³tʰa³³