sasa³³🔊n.(名)sand沙/shā/Xi zi a mel, sa sser a, lu mir nia.盖房子要用沙来刷墙。When building a house, using sand, the walls must be plastered.loanke, melsasa³³
sasa³³🔊DISC(话语)(a particle that means someone is very angry)(话语[生气的感觉])Ssi ddo sa a! 走吧(反话)Get out of here!ddaxda̠⁴⁴
sasa³³🔊adv.(副)very很/hěn/Eilni ngo six bber a, bber lir sa a; zzoxrbbeix bber no a.今天我背柴背重很了,腰都背疼了。Today I carried wood on my back, it was very heavy to carry, (and) carrying (it) hurt (my) lower back.Ngo hormo koxl nei ni leil nr mia a; ni mu sa a bbe!我好几年都不见你,你长很高了!I haven't seen you for many years, you are very tall!Yar sul yarzi saexl a, yel yarbbor yar leil bbeix: "Ni yarzi ddo sa bbe!"她学习很好,所以她爸爸对她说,你特别厉害。S/he was an excellent student, so his/her father told him/her, "You are extremely capable!"1. As with /zildu/ 'extremely', the /sa/ follows what it modifies. The /yarzi/ 'very' becomes 'extremely' when used along with the /sa/ as in the last example.In the available data, the /sa/follows and modifies adjectives.Compare 另见cirkecirsaxdozilmiuryarziyarzisaelzildusasa³³
sa cir koxlsa³³ tsʰɿ²¹ kʰo̠⁶⁶🔊adv.(副)two years ago; year before last前年/qiánnián/Sa cir koxl ddei yilsi mel dder nr koxl xilmeir hal koxl leil bbeix."Sa cir koxl" 的意思就是说两年以前的那一年。The meaning of "sa cir kol" is the year before last.1. The /sa/ is a loanword 'three'. There is also a /sa cir ni/ which means 'two days ago', but for some reason there is no */sa cir xiubbo/* for 'two months ago'. To say 'two months ago' you would say /nr xiubbo xilmeir/. sa cir koxl ~ sae cir koxl.Compare 另见sae cir koxlsi ni koxlsɿ³³-ni³³-kʰo̠⁶⁶
sa cir meisa³³ tsʰɿ²¹ me³³adv.(副)two nights ago; night before last前晚/qiánwǎn/Sa cir mei ddei yilsi mel dder nr xixl xilmeir hal xixl leil bbeix."Sa cir mei" 的意思就是说两天晚上以前的那个晚上。The meaning of "sa cir mei" is the night before last.1. The /sa/ is a loanword 'three' sa cir mei ~ sae cir mei.Compare 另见sae cir meisi mei heixlsɿ³³ me³³ xe⁵⁵
sa cir nehesa³³ tsʰɿ²¹ nə³³xɯ³³adv.(副)morning before last; two mornings ago前天早上/qiántiān zǎoshàng/Sa cir nehe ddei yilsi mel dder nr ni xilmeir hal cir nehe leil bbeix."Sa cir nehe" 的意思就是说两天以前的那一个早上。The meaning of "sa cir nehe" is the morning before last.1. The /sa/ is a loanword 'three'.sa cir nehe ~ sae cir nehe.Compare 另见sae cir nehesi ni nehesɿ³³ ni³³ nə³³xɯ³³
sa cir nisa³³ tsʰɿ²¹ ni³³🔊adv.(副)two days ago; day before yesterday前天/qiántiān/Sa cir ni ddei yilsi mel dder nr ni xilmeir hal ni leil bbeix."Sa cir ni" 的意思就是说两天以前的那一天。The meaning of "sa cir ni" is the day before yesterday.1. The /sa/ is a loanword 'three'.sa cir ni ~ sae cir ni.Compare 另见sae cir nisi ni nisɿ³³ ni³³ ni³³si ni sir nisɿ³³ ni³³ sɿ²¹ ni³³
sadirzosa³³tiʔ²¹tso³³🔊TEMP(时间)three o'clock三点钟/sān diǎn zhōng/yixrdirzo, liardirzo, sadirzo, sixldirzo, vurdirzo, luxrdirzo, cixrdirzo, baxrdirzo, jiurdirzo, sixrdirzo, sixryixrdirzo, sixraeldirzo一点钟,两点钟,三点钟,四点钟,五点钟,六点钟,七点钟,八点钟,九点钟,十点钟,十一点钟,十二点钟one o'clock, two o'clock, three o'clock, four o'clock, five o'clock, six o'clock, seven o'clock, eight o'clock, nine o'clock, ten o'clock, eleven o'clock, twelve o'clockThis is a Chinese Mandarin loanword and ZhangJia uses a closer form of the Mandarin.
saesæ³³🔊1n.(名)gold金/jīn/Sae bei teixl lei zzaegu halmel yarzi naxrcixl.金做出来的那些东西很宝贵。Things made out of gold are very valuable.taex2color(颜色)yellow黄/huáng/Var eil cu hormo ni loxr a lei nr zzor a, yarpeixl ddei sae a!这棵菜过了好几天也没吃,叶子黄了。Many days have passed and these vegetables have not been eaten, their leaves are yellow!Varsil mel veix a mel, vixlux mel saelsaemo.菜籽开花,花是黄黄的。When the rapeseed blooms, (the) flower is yellow.Compare 另见saejjiurjjiursaelsaesaesæ³³
saesæ³³🔊v.(动)thread穿/chuān/Helvirsaer sae a mel hhexr sser a saelnei sae seir.穿珠子,用针才好穿。When making the bead bracelet a needle is used to thread (through the beads).For the ZhangJia dialect the word /qi/ is for thread that is a little bit fine. The word /hielvaer/ is for a thicker thread.Compare 另见cimaebbiurmaessoxrseilcisaesæ³³
saesæ³³v.(动)pass through the eye of a needle; thread a needle穿/chuān/Be su ca mel merhhexr ddei goxr gga ddir a mel yarzi ddir sol naer! Yaa merhhexr ddei goxr gga ddir a mel, bir loxltoxr hhexr nolba gga sae gel leil lei bei sol leixl!” 富有的人进天国是很难进去的!他们进天国里,比骆驼穿过针眼还要更难进!” it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.saesæ³³
saesæ³³🔊n.(名)snake蛇/shé/Sae cirmelmel a yarzi duxr, ca leil kexl a, ca mel si var.有一些蛇很毒,咬人,人会死。Some snakes are very poisonous, (if it) bites a person, s/he could, ddei, ddox, tesaesæ³³
saebbo-saebbosæ³³bo³³-sæ³³bo³³ideophone拟声词yellow淡黄淡黄/dàn huáng dàn huáng/Cei eilmel mi niazzir dae a, saebbo-saebbo ardoxr zza du lei a.这些稻谷快要熟了,有一点淡黄淡黄的了。The rice is almost rice, it has become yellowsaebbo-saebbosæ³³bo³³-sæ³³bo³³
saejjiurjjiursæ³³-dʒʲo²¹~dʒʲo²¹🔊color(颜色)dark yellow黄黄的/huánghuáng de/Maebbiur eilmel maelmaerjjia lei saejjiurjjiurmo.这些线全部都是黄黄的。All of this thread is dark yellow.Compare 另见saesaejjurjjursæ³³-dʒy²¹~dʒy²¹
saelsæ⁵⁵🔊1v.(动)grind; sharpen on a grinding stone磨/mó/Altor mel nr teix a, arleixr sael a dder teix a.刀子不快磨一下就快了。(If) a knife is not sharp, grind it a bit (on a grinding stone), (and) it will then (be) very sharp.This is to grind a metal tool and make it sharp, it is not grinding something into powder; that word is /gga/.2rub抹/mǒ/Yar leixrhher ddei leil sei-nr-beix niar dae a, yar ngo leil sael deix gger.他手上有脏的东西,他抹在我身上。There was something not clean on his/her arm, (and s/he) rubbed it off on me.This is not the same as when they scrape the hair off a pig. That word is /gua/.Compare 另见guaggameiqixsaelsæ⁵⁵
saelsæ⁵⁵🔊adv.(副)much; very (emphasizes)(强调的话 [很])/hěn/Eilmei ngua zalbbaer gaxggor ssi a, laelae sael jjixr lei.今晚我们出去外面玩,很晚才回来。Tonight we went out to play, returning very late.Ni miar bei nr teixl mel, jiur sael bei nia a!你没有做好的活,要快一点做了!You have not finished (your) work, you need to do it very quickly!Ssormaer hal ddox mel mu zzae mu, piu zzae piu, yarzisael zae.那个女人高又高,白又白,特别的漂亮。That woman is tall, white, (and) extremely pretty.Compare 另见nialngasaelyarzisaelsilsɿ⁵⁵
saelsæ⁵⁵🔊adv.(副)before; until才/cái/Ni miar eilmel bei teixl jjia a sael gaxggor ssi ddo.你做完了这些事才能去玩。You must completely finish this task before you can go play.Ni eilcar sael lei, ngua almeixr lei zzor ji ho a.你现在才来,我们饭都已经吃了。You didn't come until now, (and) we have already eaten.silsɿ⁵⁵
saelsæ⁵⁵🔊n.(名)loop扣子带子/kòuzi dàizi/Pia cirmel mel a laexsaer sudu zza, cirmel mel a nael laexsaer sael zza.有一些衣服有扣子洞,有一些衣服有扣子带子。Some clothes have button holes, some have button loops.This is the loop used with buttons in place of the buttonhole as well as well as the loop when tying a shoelace. The word /nolvar/ 'loop; ring' can also be used in this same context.zexCompare 另见laexsaernolvarqixnexsaelmaelsilmæ⁵⁵sɿ⁵⁵
saelsæ⁵⁵🔊1POST POS(后置词)like; similar; according to; as依照/yīzhào/Ni yar sael a, bei nia.你要依照他的做。You should do as s/he (did).Yar yarzi cix sael a bei laexl dae.他假装像很伤心的样子。S/he is just pretending like (s/he) is very unhappy.If this is reduplicated i.e. /saelsael/ it emphasizes it and means 'just like'.2seems to be像/xiàng/Capor zo a mel, vercexl sael ar ddei zo nia.找丈夫应该找一个像有责任的。When looking for a husband, (you) should look for one who seems responsible.Ni eil ddei sael a ar ddei bei teixl lei xie xie?你能不能做出来一个跟这个相似的。Can you make one similar to this one?Ni ngama saelsael a nga.你像我妈妈一样。You are like my mom./ngama/ is the combination of /nga-/ and /ama/.Compare 另见saelsaelvaelvæ⁵⁵
saelsæ⁵⁵🔊adv.(副)about; more or less大概/dà gài/Ngo ni leil nr mia nr ni sael nga a. Ni arddol ssi a leir?我没见你几天了。你去哪里了?I haven't seen you for a few days. Where did you go?Yar mel miar bei, yel ca nrnelsael qie a yar leil beijjiu lol nia.他做活计,所以要请几个人来帮助他。S/he was doing work, so s/he invited a few people to help him/her.Compare 另见nrnelsaelsilsɿ⁵⁵