tatʰa³³🔊AUX (direction)(助(方向)to the end (to the furthermost point); to the top到头/dào tóu/Yar jjiumo hal zex ssi ta a lei, halae aniux ddox leil zo nr wo. 那条路他走到头了,也没有找到他的孩子。Though s/he went to the end of the road, (s/he) still could not find the child.Sixzzei eil zzei yarzi mu, yel i lei i ta nr ddo. 这棵树很高,所以看也看不到顶。This tree is very tall, so it isn't possible to see to the top.An auxiliary (AUX) is defined as a word which accompanies the main verb in a clause and helps to make distinctions in the mood, timing or direction of the verb. Some verbs function as main verbs of movement as well as auxiliaries showing direction.Compare 另见bei ta saexlta tʰa³³