Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



tatʰa³³🔊AUX (direction)(助(方向)to the end (to the furthermost point); to the top到头/dào tóu/Yar jjiumo hal zex ssi ta a lei, halae aniux ddox leil zo nr wo. 那条路他走到头了,也没有找到他的孩子。Though s/he went to the end of the road, (s/he) still could not find the child.Sixzzei eil zzei yarzi mu, yel i lei i ta nr ddo. 这棵树很高,所以看也看不到顶。This tree is very tall, so it isn't possible to see to the top.An auxiliary (AUX) is defined as a word which accompanies the main verb in a clause and helps to make distinctions in the mood, timing or direction of the verb. Some verbs function as main verbs of movement as well as auxiliaries showing direction.Compare 另见bei ta saexlta tʰa³³
tatʰa³³🔊v.(动)bump; touch/pèng/Naxcir eil ddei leil ta nr ddo! 不要碰这个药!Don't bump this medicine (and knock it down)!Anol hal ddei leil ta lei ta nr ddo! 那只狗碰都不能碰。Don't even touch that dog.ta tʰa³³
tabatʰa³³pa³³🔊adj.(形)paralyzed瘫痪/tānhuàn/Yar maerssor no a, taba a, cir gecir cir lei ha nr var a. 他的妻子生病,瘫痪了,整个身体都不会动了。His wife was sick,(she was) paralyzed, (and) could not move any of (her) body.loantaba tʰa³³pa³³
tae tʰæ³³🔊tsʰa³³-tʰæ³³adj.(形)crazy; insane疯了/fēng le/Ca hal ddei mel ca tae ar ddei a. 那个人是一个疯子。That person is a crazy person.Yar cirza-hanga yarzi gexrddo pex dae a dder gexr tae a. 他遇到了各种很害怕的,就怕疯了。S/he encountered all kinds of scary things and went insane with fear.ddei, meltae tʰæ³³tsʰa³³-tʰæ³³
tae tʰæ³³v.(动)go crazy; go insane疯了/fēng le/Yar cirza-hanga yarzi gexrddo pex dae a dder gexr tae a. 他遇到了各种很害怕的,就怕疯了。S/he encountered all kinds of scary things and went insane with fear.tae tʰæ³³
taer tʰæ²¹v.(动)add water to; dilute; mix with water/càn/Ni hor allur gga ajjix ardoxr taer dax nia. 你要在肉锅里掺一点水。You need to add a little water to the pot of meat.ca tsʰa³³
taer tʰæ²¹v.(动)swim游泳/yóuyǒng/Yar vixluxtaer a, yarzi taer jiax. 他游泳,游得很快。S/he swims very quickly.The /-taer/ can be said without the /vixlux-/ if the word /vixluxtaer/ has already been spoken and the context is understood. Outside of this context the /taer/ by itself can not be used for the word 'swim'.Compare 另见vixluxtaertaer tʰæ²¹tʰe²¹
taex tʰæ̠⁴⁴CLF (verbal)(量)hit; punch; shave; sneeze/quán/Ngo leixrhher ddei zox gex dae a, yar leil nono sael ar taex deil gger a. 我把手捏起来,狠狠地打给他一拳。I clenched my fist and gave him/her a very painful hit.Yar ngua bbolixr ddei leil ar taex zax gger a. 他冲了一石头我们的玻璃。S/he threw a (stone and) gave a hit to our piece of glass.Aniuxssor hal ddox yarma yar leil ollertaexl ar taex cox gger dae. 那个小孩子的妈妈给他剃了一个光头。That small.child's mother gave his/her head a shave.Yar eilni altir li taex ddaexr a. 他今天打四个喷嚏。S/he sneezed four sneezes today.The word is used for the Mandarin gloss when the instrument is a person's hand. If it is a different instrument, as in the second example, a different word is used for the Mandarin gloss.taex tʰæ̠⁴⁴
taex tʰæ̠⁴⁴CLF(量)(used for three-dimensional objects of various shapes)量 (岛;椅子;圆的东西)/yuán de dōngxī/)Yar silbbiur ar taex zzor dae. 他在吃一块糖。S/he ate a piece of brown-sugar candy.Yar olper ar taex caex xixl lei a. 他摘了一个瓜回来。S/he plucked a melon.Ngua mi gga legelbbe ar taex hher ji dae a mel, ggux teixl nia. 在我们家的田里有一个石头的话,要捡出去。If there is a rock in our field, it is necessary to pick it out (of the dirt).Merni taex ddux lei a; ni ha du lei nia! 太阳出来了,你要起来了!The sun has come out, you have to get up!Xi zi su hal hhexr mel sixlox yilzaxl'ael zza hormo taex nei sser dae. 那家盖房子的人用了好几个一丈二的柱子。The builder of that home uses a lot of pieces of lumber that are about four meters long.Although the log is a long object, it is also a round object, so the classifier /taex/ is used.taex tʰæ̠⁴⁴
taexl tʰæ̠⁶⁶v.(动)chop; cut; hack/kǎn/Yar six taexl altor sser a, six taexl. 他用砍柴的刀砍柴。S/he uses a large cleaver used for cutting wood to cut (fire)wood.Veixr hor eil ddei yarzi gex, taexl lei taexl dil nr ddo. 这个猪肉很硬,砍也砍不进去。This pig meat is very hard, it isn't possible to cut into (it).Compare 另见ddaextaexl tʰæ̠⁶⁶
taextaexltaex tʰæ̠⁴⁴~tʰæ̠⁶⁶~tʰæ̠⁴⁴ideophone拟声词describes running quickly跑步的样子/pǎobù de yàngzǐ/Ca hal ddei mel yarzi beix jiax a, yar ddei anol ddei lei yar dax "taextaexltaex" beix mae dae a. 那个人跑得很快,她的狗也 "taextaexltaex" 跟着她跑。That person ran very fast, (and) his/her dog also followed him/her with a "taetaeltae".The word /bbibbi-bbebbe/ is similar to this word /taextaexltaex/ but /taextaexltaex/ has more the sense of running quickly.Compare 另见bbebbelbbebbibbi-bbebbeyixrtaetaetaexsitaex tʰæ̠⁴⁴~sɿ³³~tʰæ̠⁴⁴
targgu tʰa²¹-gɤ³³n.(名)fork in the very top of the trunk of the pine tree松树枝头/sōngshù zhītóu/Loxrlapor mel neir zi a, targgu sser. 彝族人祭鬼用松树枝头。When the Central Yi people perform ceremonies to demons they use the fork from the top of the pine tree (in the ceremony).targgu ~ tarqiaddeiCompare 另见tarqiatarggu tʰa²¹-gɤ³³
tarhha tʰaʔ²¹ɣa³³n.(名)fertilizer碳氨/tànān/Tarhha mel loxlmoxr leil her a yarzi naxrcixl, nael her miur a mel si var. 碳氨撒在庄稼上很好,但是撒得太多会死。When the "tarhha" fertilizer is sprayed on the crops, (the result is) a high-quality (crop), but if a lot is put on (the crops, they) will die.loanlixltarhha tʰaʔ²¹ɣa³³
tarkaer tʰa²¹kʰæ²¹n.(名)pangolin穿山甲/chuānshānjiǎ/Tarkaer mel ggecir leil ngol qiux sael a armel ner dae, nael bir ngol qiux leil hormo gex leixl. 穿山甲的身上长着一些像鱼鳞片一样的(鳞片),但是比鱼鳞片硬很多。On the body of the pangolin grows something like fish scales, but (the scales) are harder than fish scales.tarkaer tʰa²¹kʰæ²¹
tarlodaex tʰa²¹ɮo³³tæ̠⁴⁴n.(名)donkey/lú̈/Tarlodaex mel ardoxr ye a, lozi sael a wor-nr-ni. 驴有点小,所以没有像骡子那样有力。(The) donkey is a little bit small, (it) is not as strong as a mule.ddei, meltarlodaex tʰa²¹ɮo³³tæ̠⁴⁴
tarlodo tʰa²¹ɮo³³to³³n.(名)rabbit兔子/tùzǐ/Tarlodo nr yoxr zza; wordabbor goxr dae ar yoxr, ake gga zeil dae ar yoxr. 兔子有两种,一种生活在山上,一种养在家里。There are two kinds of rabbits; a kind that lives on the mountain, (and) a kind that is raised at home.ddei, ddoxtarlogal tʰa²¹ɮo³³ka⁵⁵
tarmerzziggala tʰa²¹mɯ²¹dzɿ³³ga³³la³³n.(名)lizard蜥蜴/xīyì/Tarmerzziggala mel biulceixtur lesel, nael tarmerzziggala mel hielpaer ggie hher, biulceixtur mel nael ajjix gga hher. 蜥蜴很像壁虎,但是,蜥蜴生活在干燥的地方,壁虎生活在水里。Lizards are like salamanders, but lizards live in dry places, salamanders live in the water.ddei, melCompare 另见labeirtarmerjji tʰa²¹mɯ²¹dʒi³³tarmerjjiggala tʰa²¹mɯ²¹dʒi³³ga³³la³³
tarqia tʰa²¹-tʃʰʲa³³n.(名)fork in the very top of the trunk of the pine tree松树枝头/sōngshù zhītóu/Tarzzei ddei leil ollele ddei mel dder tarqia nga a. 松树最上面的就是松树枝头了。The fork in the trunk at the very top of the pine tree is the "tarqia".1. The /tarqia/ has three branches but the /jjiucal/ is only two branches or roads branching from the original.tarqia ~ targgu.ddei, qiaCompare 另见targgutarxitarqia tʰa²¹-tʃʰʲa³³
tarxi tʰa²¹-ʃi³³n.(名)pine needles松叶/sōngyè/Ngua mermi mel Guxlsixl goxr a mel, zoxlzoxl a ake gga tarxi kar. 我们地方过年,经常在家里铺松叶。Where we are from, when we celebrate the Spring Festival, (we) always spread pine needles (on the floor) in the house.The /cinal/ are dry pine needles that are used to put in the animal pens. The /tarxi/ are pine needles that are still green and are spread on the floor during times of celebration.ba, melCompare 另见cinaltarqiatarzzei
tarxi tʰa²¹-ʃi³³
tarzzei tʰa²¹-dze³³n.(名)evergreen; pine tree松树/sōngshù/Tarzzei mel maerlaerbbei niar, maerlaerbbei mel lexl hie a, maerlaerbbei sil ddux lei a, vur cexr. 松树结松果,松果晒干以后晒出松子可以卖。Pine trees grow pinecones, the pinecones are dried in the sun, and the seeds come out (of the pinecone), and can be sold.zzeiCompare 另见ngezzeitarxitarzzei tʰa²¹-dze³³
tavuxi tʰa³³vɤ³³ʃi³³n.(名)living room客厅/kètīng/Seivi mel leil zoxlzoxl a tavuxi gga hher lol. 经常让客人在客厅里。Guests are always allowed to be in the living room.giextawuxi tʰa³³wɤ³³ʃi³³
taxl tʰa̠⁶⁶1v.(动)burn; heat; scald/tàng/Ni ajjix ddei le zu a saelnei yix me ddei taxl teixl ddo. 你把水烧开了,鸡毛才可以烫得掉。The water needs to be heated until it is hot before the chicken feathers can be scalded (so they can be plucked out).Aniux hal ddox leil ajjix taxl taxl dae a. 那个孩子被烫水烫着了。That child was burned with hot water.2adj.(形)hotAlmeixr ddei zeixl mi a ngaseir a, yarzi taxl. 米饭刚煮熟很烫。When the rice has just finished being boiled to completion, (it) is very hot.Ni he ddei cu taxl a, vei teixl la. 你把铁烧烫了拿出来。Heat the metal hot, (and) then take it out (of the fire).The word /gielco/ is used to mean 'hot' when referring to the temperature of the air--the weather. The word used for 'hot' things is /taxl/.Compare 另见gielcossaexrtaxl tʰa̠⁶⁶
taxlno tʰa̠⁶⁶-no³³v.(动)burned烫疼/tàng téng/Aniux hal ddox leil ajjix taxl taxl dae a, leixrhher bbor taxlno a. 那个孩子被烫水烫着了,手烫疼了。That child was burned with hot water, s/he burned (his/her) hand.leixr, box, mel, ke, Compare 另见beinobbeixnodeilnogarnohienokenolexlnotaxlno tʰa̠⁶⁶-no³³
taxr tʰa̠ʔ²¹n.(名)tower/tǎ/Yar leil taxr ar ddei gga ge ji dae a. 他被关在一个塔里。S/he was locked in a tower.1. It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.loanddei, mel
taxr tʰa̠ʔ²¹v.(动)make mud bricks做土坯/zuò tǔpì/Nilzei taxr a mel, fuper ji dax nia. 做土坯要放草。When making mud bricks straw must be added in (the mud).taxr tʰa̠ʔ²¹