uxlʔɤ̠⁶⁶🔊v.(动)defecate解/jiě/Aniux hal ddox sirbexl a, uxl teixl lei nr xie a.那个小孩子便秘,解不出来。That child is constipated, and can not defecate.daeCompare 另见sir'uxlsir'uxlqieaelʔæ⁵⁵
uxnixʔɤ̠⁴⁴ni̠⁴⁴adj.(形)lively; spirited热闹/rènào/Yar leil fu hal cir ni, ca yarzi uxnix.她出嫁的那天,人很热闹。On that day when she was given in marriage, the people were very lively./cixlnoxl/ is similar but has a negative connotation in contrast to /uxnix/ 'lively' which is more positive.Compare 另见cixlnoxloxnixʔo̠⁴⁴ni̠⁴⁴