Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



xiʃi³³🔊n.(名)building; house房子/fángzi/Yar ddei xi mel six bei teixl lei. 她的房子是用木头做的。His/her house is made out of wood.Zzi gga xi mel yarzi miur, yarzi mu. 城市的楼房很多,很高。There are many tall buildings in the city.xi ~ xie.giex, zzirCompare 另见neir xiseirpor xixiezzomei'lelxixi ʃi³³
xiʃʲi³³🔊n.(名)head lice; louse虱子/shīzi/Halcar a, ca mel sol a yar bei sei-nr-beix a, ggecir leil xi zza. 以前的人穷,不讲卫生,身体上有虱子。In times past, people were very poor and did (things that were) not clean, (so) there was lice on their bodies.1. The flea /korxi/ is different from the head lice which is /xi/. xi ~ xie.ddei, melCompare 另见korxixiexi ʃi³³
xiʃi³³🔊1v.(动)pass/chuán/Yar ddei ssormine mel, cir zeix cir zeix, eine xi zei lei. 他的后代是这样一代一代的传下来的。His descendants are passed down from generation to generation in this way.This word is used only in this context--talking about passing from generation to generation--and the Mandarin Chinese word 'pass (on/down)' is often used instead of this word these days.2miss/lòu/Cirdaedae a ngabbor mi mor a, mor xi a, dae dil nr ddo. 有时候我爸爸犁田,犁漏了,栽不进去。Sometimes where my father plows, (he) misses (a section) and (seeds) can't be planted (in those spots).hie xʲe³³xi ʃi³³
xiaʃʲa³³🔊v.(动)wait/děng/Ngo mel azo bei lei yarzi bei pixr, yel ca cirddei-hanga lei ngo leil xia nia. 我做什么都做得很慢,所以每一个人都要等我。I do everything very slowly, so everyone has to wait for me.xia ʃʲa³³
xiaʃʲa³³🔊v. (secondary)(次动)clean干净/gānjìng/Ni ngo ddei pia xiux cir xia xia a? 你把我的衣服洗干净了没有。Did you wash my clothes clean?Ni zzirga six a, six nr xia. 你扫地,没有扫干净。When you swept, (you) did not sweep (it) clean.Ni zaezir zoxr ca nr xia. 你桌子没有擦干净。You did not wipe the table clean.1. Secondary verbs differ from main verbs in that they never occur at the head of the verb phrase--they follow the main verb. If the main verb is not stated, the secondary verb still comes second and the main verb is replaced by /bei/ 'do '. For example, /nge laexl/ (cry pretend) is 'pretend to cry'. But if it is just 'pretend' without stating what is being pretended, then it is /bei laexl/ (do pretend). Secondary verbs differ from auxiliaries in that, while there is a logical and sequential relationship between the main verb and the secondary verb, the secondary verb does not make distinctions in the mood, timing or direction of the main verb. “A Dictionary of Linguistics & Phonetics” edited by David Crystal (Fifth Edition) defines serial verb constructions as “...a type of construction for a sequence of verbs or verb phrases within a clause (or sequence of clauses) in which the syntactic relationship between the items is left unmarked. The verbs share a semantic argument, but there is no conjunction or inflection to mark co-ordination or subordination.”xia ʃʲa³³
xiaʃʲa³³🔊n.(名)town/xiāng/Yar mel xia gga vaerzzirpor ddei nga a. 他是乡里最大的领导。S/he is a town leader.loanddei, melCompare 另见goxrjiakaxzzixia ʃʲa³³
xiaʃʲa³³🔊adj.(形)empty/kōng/Ca hal hhexr kebal mermi ba mal a, yaa xi mel xia dae lalnga. 那家人搬到其它地方了,他们的房子只是空的。That family has moved to a different area, (so) their house is just empty.Ngo yarxia lei lalnga; cirza lei nr vei dae. 我只是空手来,什么都没带。I am empty (handed); (I) didn't bring anything.xia ʃʲa³³
xiaʃʲa³³🔊v.(动)sew the strip of flowers on to the bottom and sides of the Yi apron/xiāng/Loxrlamo pia naexr a mel, naexr har ho vixlux cir zex cir zex mel mae leil xia ngexl nia. 缝彝族人的衣服,要把绣好的一条一条的花镶在布上。When Yi women sew clothing, after the flowers have been sewn, each strip has to be sewn on (to the clothing).1. This verb is only used with the /goxrdoxl/ and the /leixrniuxl/. It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.loan
xiabaʃʲa³³pa³³🔊n.(名)help相帮/xiāngbāng/Ggie baxl a mel, hoba xiaba ar ni bei nia. 举行婚礼,要先做一天相帮。When putting on a wedding, first (friends and relatives) need to give a day of help (to get things ready).loanxiaba ʃʲa³³pa³³
xiahorʃʲa³³-xo²¹🔊adj.(形)friendly; on good terms友好/yǒuhǎo/Ca medeil eil te niur eil nrnel leil zzi dax xiahor nia bbeix. 这个傻子叫这两头牛要互相友好。This crazy person says these two oxen should be friendly with each other.1. It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.loanloanCompare 另见xiahorzzi
xiahor-carbeix ʃʲa³³xo²¹-tsʰa²¹pe̠⁴⁴ʃʲa³³xo²¹ tsʰa²¹pe̠⁴⁴n.(名)friend朋友/péngyǒu/Ngo xiahor-carbeix hormoler nei zza, nael eilleix yaa leil mia nr goxr hormo koxl nei nga a. 我有好几个朋友,但是现在已经有好几年没见到他们了。I have many friends, but lately I have not seen them for many years.ddei, melCompare 另见gaxggor-carbeixgaxwor-caxrbeix ka̠⁴⁴wo²¹-tsʰa²¹pe̠⁴⁴
xiahorzzi ʃʲa³³xo²¹-dzɿ³³v.(动)date; go on a date约会/yuēhuì/Loxrlapor mel, ssormaerleixl caleixlssor zzi dax xiahorzzi meixr. 彝族人们,男孩女孩喜欢一起约会。For the Central Yi people, young ladies and young men like to go on dates with each other.Compare 另见xiahorzzixiahorddi ʃʲa³³xo²¹-di³³
xiahuaxlʃʲa³³xʷa̠⁶⁶🔊v.(动)digest消化/xiāohuà/Yar zzor miur a, xiahuaxl nr xie . 她吃多了消化不了。S/he ate a lot, (so s/he) could not digest (it all).Labialization occurring in words that are not borrowed from Mandarin Chinese is simply the result of a consonant plus /o/ combination, where the influence from the /o/ vowel—which is pronounced with rounded lips—causes the labialization. This diphthong /ʷo/ is in free variation with the /o/; there is no contrast. If some other vowel, other than /o/, follows a labialized consonant, the word is probably a Mandarin Chinese loan.xiahuaxl ʃʲa³³xʷa̠⁶⁶
xialil-xialorʃʲa³³ɮi⁵⁵-ʃʲa³³ɮo²¹🔊idiom(习语)loudly大声的/dà shēng de/Ssormaer hal ddei, yar capor si a, yar xialil-xialor aenge dae. 那个女人她丈夫死了,她大声的哀哭着。That woman's husband died (so) she loudly wailed.This /xialil-xialor/ is usually referring to the way women talk when excited, while the /bbialil-bbialor/ can refer to either men or women.Compare 另见bbialil-bbialorbbialil-bbialor bʲa³³ɮi⁵⁵-bʲa³³ɮo²¹
xialxia ʃʲa⁵⁵ʃʲa³³adj.(形)all; every全部/quánbù/Saerzzei saer niar nr var yarcaxlleixr mel, ngabbor dder maelmaer ddaex pixl gger. Saer niar var mel nael dder yarcaxlleixr ssor mel xialxia ddaex pixl gger a saer hanol niar lol. 不会结果子的果树,我父亲就全部剪掉了。会结果子的就把小的树杈全部剪掉让他结更多的果子。My father cuts off every branch on the fruit tree that doesn’t produce fruit. But every branch that does produce fruit, he trims and makes it produce even more fruit. /xialxia/ is all of a section or part of a greater whole--but it does not include the section or part that is not being referred to. For example in this sentence all the small branches are trimmed away but the rest of the fruit-producing branches are left. /maelmaer/ simply means everything.xialxia ʃʲa⁵⁵ʃʲa³³
xialxuxuʃʲa⁵⁵ʃy³³ʃy³³🔊n.(名)tassels流苏/liúsū/Loxrlamo mel Loxrlamo pia naexr car a, goxrdoxl zilelebbor mel xialxuxu diux. 彝族女人缝彝族服饰的时候,围腰的最下面挂“xialxuxu”。When Yi women make Yi women's clothing, on the bottom edge of the apron they hang tassels.bo, zex
tiurlor tʰʲo²¹ɮo²¹
xiarʃʲa²¹🔊v.(动)think/xiǎng/Azo lerler bei a lei, xiar har ho a saelnei bei ddo. 做什么事情,都要想好了才能做。Whatever (you) do, (you) should think about it before doing it.Compare 另见xiar har hoxiar ʃʲa²¹
xiarbei ʃʲa²¹pe³³v.(动)be enlightened; change the mind; realize想通/xiǎngtōng/Arni ngo cix zildu a; nael eilni ngo hormo xiarbei a, zabbar-seilseir a ca mu nia. 昨天我伤心极了,但是今天我想通了很多,要好好的做人。Yesterday I was extremely unhappy, but today I had a change of heart, (and) tried to behave well.Halleix capor hal ddei cirni-cirni zzibbaer ddayixr, nael eilboxl yar xiarbei a, zzibbaer nr dda a. 以前那个男人天天喝醉酒,但是现在他想通了不喝酒了。Before that man got drunk every day, but now he has changed the way he thinks, (and) does not drink liquor.xiarbei ʃʲa²¹pe³³
xiar ciʃʲa²¹ tsʰɿ³³🔊v.(动)imagine; reflect on; think about; think of想到/xiǎng dào/Ssormaer hal ddei yarzi goxrsol a, yar cirza-hanga lei xiar ci a. 那个女人生活很苦,她想到了一切。That woman is very miserable, she is reflecting on lots of things.Arggeni ni azo bei nia mel, ngo eilni dder xiar ci ho a. 明天你要做什么事情,我今天就想到了。What you are going to do tomorrow, (is) what I thought of today.Yar no a, yar leil guaxrsu lei nr zza a, yar dder yar ddei gaxggor carbeix ar ddei leil xiar ci a. 她病了没有人管她,她就想到了一个朋友。S/he was sick, and did not have anyone to care for him/her, so s/he thought of a friend (to help him/her).xiar qi ʃʲa²¹ tʃʰi³³
xiarcixl-xiarge ʃʲa²¹tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-ʃʲa²¹kɯ³³idiom(习语)mull over something; ponder; think about反复思想/fǎnfù sīxiǎng/Yar xiarcixl-xiarge arcixl xiar doxr a saelnei kardu taex arddolmaex dol holcir du lei a. 她想来想去想了一阵才,想起来帽子放在什么地方。S/he pondered awhile before remembering where (s/he) put (his/her) hat.Compare 另见beixcixl-beixgehacixl-hagehacixl-hagemaexcixl-maexgemaexcixl-maexgessicixl-ssigexiarqixl-xiarge ʃʲa²¹tʃʰi̠⁶⁶-ʃʲa²¹kɯ³³
xiarcixl-xiarge ʃʲa²¹tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-ʃʲa²¹kɯ³³idiom(习语)mull over something; ponder; think this and that反复思想/fǎnfù sīxiǎng/Yar xiarcixl-xiarge arcixl xiar doxr saelnei kardu taex arddolmaex dol holcir du lei a. 她想来想去想了一阵才,想起来帽子放在什么地方。S/he pondered awhile before remembering where (s/he) put (his/her) hat.
xiar du lei ʃʲa²¹ tɤ³³ le³³v. phrase(动词短语)think of something想起来/xiǎng qǐlái/Ngo miar bei hol-nr-cir ar ddei zza. Eilcar xiar du lei a. 我有一个事忘记做了。现在想起来了。There was something I forgot to do at work. Now I remember it.xiar du lei ʃʲa²¹ tɤ³³ le³³
xiargoʃʲa²¹ko³³🔊n.(名)unskilled laborer小工/xiǎogōng/Eilcar a, leixlsu cirddei-hanga lei xiargo mu ssi meixr. 现在的每个年轻人都喜欢去打小工。These days, all the young people like to go be laborers (in the cities).This Chinese Mandarin loanword is used more and more instead of the Loxrlavu word /wormulel/ 'do manual labor for pay'.ddei, melCompare 另见miarbeisuwormulelwormusuxiargo ʃʲa²¹ko³³
xiar har hoʃʲa²¹ xa²¹ xo³³🔊v.(动)decided; determined; thought about ahead of time决定了/júedìng le/Ni arggeni maerssor bbeix a, ni xiar har ho a ngo? 你明天结婚,你决定好了吗?Have you decided if you are going to get married tomorrow?Ngo xiar har ho a; ngo eine bei nr ddo. 我想好了,我不能这样做。I have decided I must not do this.Compare 另见harhoxiarxiar qiu ʃʲa²¹ tʃʰʲo³³