Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



yaʝa³³🔊n.(名)sheep绵羊/miányáng/Ya mel piulpiu; acixl mel neixlneix. 绵羊是白色;山羊是黑色。Sheep are white; goats are black.ddei, melCompare 另见yaloxlmoyaloxlsuyassorya ʝa³³
yaaʝa²³🔊pron. (3PL)(复数第三人称代)3PL它们;她们;他们/tāmen/Yaa cirddei-hanga lei cirmu bbeix su hal hhexr dax almeixr zzor ssi. 他们每一个人都去娶媳妇的那家吃饭。All of them went to the groom's home to eat.Yaa, yaa ddei ssormaer leil si leil fu gger. 他们把他们的女儿嫁给别人。They gave their daughter in marriage to somebody.Compare 另见ninia-nianguayaa ʝa²³
yaa ddei yaaʝa²³ de³³ ʝa²³🔊pron. (REFL. INTENSIVE)(强调代)they themselves他们自己/tāmen zìjǐ/Ngo nr hher dae a mel, yaa ddei yaa almeixr bei lel, pia cir. 我不在的时候,她们自己做饭,洗衣服。(When) I was not there, they themselves cooked food to eat, (and) washed clothes.yaa ddei yaa ʝa²³ de³³ ʝa²³
yabol ʝa³³po⁵⁵n.(名)ram公羊/gōngyáng/Yabol ddei cuxgexdaex mel ardoxr si, halae ardoxr teix. 公绵羊的角有点长,还有点尖。The ram's horns are a bit long and a bit sharp.ddei, melyabol ʝa³³po⁵⁵
yabolssor ʝa³³po⁵⁵zo²¹n.(名)baby male sheep; ram lamb 公绵羊羔/gōng miányánggāo/Eilni yamodo ddei ssor cer a, yabolssor ar ddox cer teixl lei a. 今天母绵羊下小绵羊,下了一个小公绵羊。Today a ewe gave birth to a lamb, it gave birth to a ram lamb.yabolssor ʝa³³po⁵⁵zo²¹
yabbaesaer ʝa³³bæ³³sæ²¹n.(名)small persimmon小柿子/xiǎo shìzi/Yabbaessar nr mi seir a mel, saelsae armel a; mi ho a mel, neixlneix armel a. 小柿子没有熟的时候,是黄色的;熟以后,是黑色的。When small persimmons are not yet ripe, they are yellow; after they are ripe, they are black.yabbaesaer ʝa³³bæ³³sæ²¹
yabbaesaerzzei ja³³bæ³³sæ²¹dze³³n.(名)small persimmon tree 小柿子树 /xiǎo shìzi shù/zzeiyabbaesaerzzei ja³³bæ³³sæ²¹dze³³
yaloxlmo ʝa³³-ɮo̠⁶⁶-mo³³n.(名)shepherd牧羊人/mùyángrén/Yaloxlmo hal ddei acixl loxl pixl a, wordabbor arcixl zo doxr dae. 那个牧羊人放丢了羊,在山上一直在找羊。That shepherd lost a goat while taking them out to graze, (and) for a while (had to) continually look (for it) on the mountain./yaloxlmo/ and /yaloxlsu/ both mean shepherd; both can be male or female.ddei, melCompare 另见loxlyayaloxlsuzzeirloxlsuyaloxlmo ʝa³³-ɮo̠⁶⁶-mo³³
yaloxlsuʝa³³-ɮo̠⁶⁶-sɥ³³🔊n.(名)shepherd牧羊人/mùyángrén/Yaloxlsu mel cirni-cirni wordabbor ya loxl ssi. 牧羊人每一天去山上放羊。Shepherds day after day take the sheep to the mountain to graze./yaloxlsu/ and /yaloxlmo/ both mean shepherd; this can be male or female.ddei, melCompare 另见=suloxlyayaloxlmozzeirloxlsuyaloxlsi ʝa³³-ɮo̠⁶⁶-sɿ³³
yamirʝa³³mi²¹🔊n.(名)fly苍蝇/cāngyíng/Gielcozi mel yamir yarzisael be, yaa lei naex ggie halmaex yarzi hher meixr. 夏天苍蝇非常的多,它们也很喜欢在很脏的那个地方。During the summer there are a very many flies, they also like very much to be in dirty places.ddei, melCompare 另见yasaeyamer ʝa³³mɯ²¹
yamo ʝa³³-mo³³n.(名)ewe母羊/mǔ yáng/yamo ʝa³³-mo³³
yamodo ʝa³³-mo³³to³³n.(名)ewe母羊/mǔyáng/Ca hal hhexr ddei yamodo ddei yassor ar ddox cer teixl lei a. 那家人的母羊下出了一个小羊。That family's ewe gave birth to a lamb.ddei, melyamodo ʝa³³-mo³³to³³
yamossor ʝa³³mo³³zo²¹n.(名)female lamb; ewe lamb母绵羊羔/mǔ miányáng gāo/Eilni yamodo ddei yamossor ar ddox cexr teixl lei a. 今天母绵羊下出来了一个母绵羊羔。Today the ewe gave birth to a female lamb.yamossor ʝa³³mo³³zo²¹
yamoteixl ʝa³³mo³³tʰe̠⁶⁶n.(名)ewe that has given birth for the first time第一次下小羊的母绵羊/dì yī cì xià xiǎo yáng de mǔmiányáng/Yamoteixl mel dder ssor cer beil a ngaseir yamodo mel leil bbeix. “Yamoteixl”就是说第一次下小绵羊的母绵羊。A "Yamoteixl" is a ewe that has just given birth to a litter for the first time.yamoteixl ʝa³³mo³³tʰe̠⁶⁶
yamoxil ʝa³³mo³³ʃi⁵⁵n.(名)ewe that has never had a lamb; theave没有下过的母绵羊/méiyǒu xiàguò de mǔ miányáng/Yamoxil mel dder yassor cer nr goxr yamo mel leil bbeix. “Yamoxil”就是说没有下过小绵羊的那些母绵羊。"Yamoxil" is what ewes that have never given birth are called.yamoheixl ʝa³³-mo³³-xe̠⁶⁶
yanolmar ʝa³³no⁵⁵ma²¹n.(名)male sheep; ram公绵羊/gōng miányáng/Yanolmar cirmelmel ddei cuxgexdaex mel kululumo. 有一些公绵羊的角是弯弯的。Some rams have curved horns.The /yanolmar/ is a large strong ram. The /yabol/ is just the general term for a ram.yanolmar ʝa³³no⁵⁵ma²¹
yarʝa²¹🔊1pron. (3SG)(单数第三人称代)he; her; him; she她;他;它/tā/Yar mel ssormaer hal ddei ddei capor a. 他是那个女人的丈夫。He is that woman's husband.Yar mel aniux xiu niazzir dae a. 她快要生孩子了。She is about to have a baby.Veixr mel yar leil seixl lel du a nr saexl. 猪不知道要杀它吃。The pig does not know (they) are about to kill and eat it.2pron. (3SG POSS. KIN)(单数复第三人属领代【亲属领】)her; his; itsYarma bir yarbbor leil so koxl vaer leixl, nael i dae a bir yarbbor leil leixl. 他妈妈比他爸爸大三岁,但看起来比他爸爸年轻。His/her mother is three years older than his/her father, but looks younger than his/her father.Yar nimar nael, maerssor zza; yargo nael, maerssor nr zza. 他弟弟呢,有妻子;他哥哥呢,没有妻子。As for his/her younger brother, (he) has a wife; his/her older brother, does not have a wife.Yarma nei yardaxl lei Arbosobo leil saexl. 她妈妈和她姐姐都认识上帝。His/her mom and his/her older sister both know God.Ca hal ddei yar capor si a, aenge dae. 那个人她丈夫死了,在哀哭。That person's husband died, (so she) sang a dirge.Arbbor mel yar aniux leil yarzi pernia. 爸爸很关心他的孩子。A father loves his child very much.Ca hal hhexr mel yar ssormaer vaervaer ddei si leil meixl gger a. 那家人把他大女儿嫁给(订婚)别人了。That family gave their oldest daughter to be engaged to someone.1. The /yarbbor/ is the combination of /yar-/ 'his/her' and /arbbor/ 'father'; /yarma/ is the combination of /yar-/ 'his/her' and /ama/ 'mother'. The /yargo/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /ago/. /yarma/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /ama/; /yardal is the combinationo of /yar-/ and /adal/. The following is a brief summary of the what happens when pronouns or nouns are associated with kinship terms or other nouns. a) The plural pronouns don't change at all when associated with kinship terms. The only variation is that the GEN word /ddei/ is optional when the kinship term is referring to a person younger than the head pronoun. For exampleː for 1PL with older siblings it isː /ngua ddei ago/ 'our older.brother'; with younger siblings it isː /ngua (ddei) nimar/ 'our younger.brother' (the same thing is true for the inclusive form /niul/). For 2PL. with older siblings it isː /nia ddei ago/ 'yourPL older.brother'; with younger siblings it isː /nia (ddei) nimar/ 'yourPL younger.brother'. For 3PL with older siblings it isː /yaa ddei ago/ 'their older.brother'; with younger siblings it isː /yaa (ddei) nimar/ 'their younger.brother'. b) The singular pronouns have some changes when associated with kinship terms. For exampleː the 1SG with older siblings changes from /ngo/ to /nga-/ and one of the /a/ vowels is deleted, as in /ngago/ 'my older.brother' (rather than */nga ago/), but with younger siblings there is no changeː /ngo (ddei) nimar/ 'my younger.brother'. The 2SG with older siblings changes from /ni/ to /nia-/ and one of the /a/ vowels is deleted, as in /niadal/ 'yourPL older.sister' (rather than */nia adal/), but with younger siblings there is no changeː /ni (ddei) nimo/ 'yourSG younger.sister'. The 3SG with older siblings does not change with either older or younger sibling; it stays /yar-/--but one of the /a/ vowels is still deleted. For example, /yargo/ 'his/her older.brother'(rather than */yar ago/); /yar (ddei) nimar/ 'his/her younger.brother'. c) If a noun is associated with a kinship term, the 3SG pronoun is used when the kinship term is referring to someone who is older than that head noun. For example: 'that leader's mother' /vaervaerpor hal ddei yarma/ (leader that CLF 3SG-mother). With younger siblings the pronoun is replaced by an optional GEN /ddei/: 'that leader's son' /vaervaerpor hal ddei (ddei) ssor/ (leader that CLF (GEN) son. One other difference which occurs when nouns are associated with kinship terms is that the pronoun /yar-/ can be associated to plural kinship nouns if the context makes the meaning clear. So, for example, 'their older.brother' can be expressed using the plural pronoun /yaa/ 'they' as in: /yaa ddei ago/ 'their older brother (3PL GEN older.brother). Or it can be expressed with the singular /yar-/ 's/he' as in: /yargo/ (3SG-older.brother). Again, this is only when the context makes it clear that the reference is plural. 'those leaders' mothers' could be /vaervaerpor halmel yaa ddei ama/ (leader those/that PL 3PL CLF mother) or /vaervaerpor halmel yarma/ (leader those/that PL 3SG-mother). Referring to younger family members: 'those leaders' sons' /vaervaerpor halmel (ddei) ssor/ (leader those/that PL (GEN) son). d) Finally, the word /ddei/ associates two non-kinship nouns or noun phrases. Example: /Xie hal zzir ddei yixrggie yarzi miur./ 'The bedrooms of that house are very many' (house that CLF ASSOC bedroom very many). The second sense of the word /ddei/ in an associative phrase is to expresses possession. For example: /Ngo ddei zzaegu ni ker si nr ddo./ 'You may not steal my things.' (1SG GEN thing you steal away not allowed).The term associative phrase comes from the book "Mandarin Chinese, A Functional Reference Grammar" by Charles N. Li and Sandra A., pp. 113-116, Thompson. University of California Press, 1981. Thanks to David Bradley, professor of linguistics at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia, for his insite on how this word functions.Compare 另见ninia-nianguayar ʝa²¹
yar-ʝa²¹🔊1ASSOC(联想意义)pfx(associates a noun with its constituent)/de/Sixzzei mel yarji zza, nael yarji mel nilhar gga ner ji dae. 树有根,但是它的根长在地里。Trees have roots, but the roots are growing in the dirt.Cei dae lae a mel, yarne ddux nr var a. 水稻种晚了,不会出穗了。When the rice is threshed late, the kernel does not emerge.Tur eil bbor yarzibbor ddu dae ho a, ajjix ji nr cexr a. 这支桶的底已经通了不能装水了。The bottom of this barrel has a hole in it, water can't be put in.Baxlaxr peixl yarqier leil ardoxr kiexl a; ni sser nr ddo a. 碗边上有一点坏了,你不能用了。The edge of the bowl is a bit broken; don't use it.Gurlir ar ddei a bbeix, ca ar ddei mel bbirbbir ddo, yel ca mel yarsirddur ddei naexr gex gger du lei a. 有个故事说,有一个人爱放屁,所以人们把他的肛门给缝起来了。There is a story, about a person who farted a lot, so the people sewed shut his anus.(a) Sometimes the /yar-/ associates a noun with a second noun which is a constituent or member of that first noun. This construction often occurs with plants, with the head noun being the plant and the second, constituent noun being a part of that plant. It occurs when there are words between the head noun and the constituent noun. / Alcur zzei eil yoxr, yarsaer neixneixmo./ This type of thorn plant, its fruit is black. (thorn plant this type ASSOC seed black) /So mel, yarbexl yarzi miur./ 'Wheat, its chaff is a lot.' (wheat TOP ASSOC chaff very much). If the nouns are consecutive, the ASSOC /yar-/ is not needed. /Cei saer mel yarzi ye./ Rice fruit/seed is very small. (rice fruit/seed TOP very small). /So bexl mel zzor nr cexr./ 'Wheat chaff can not be eaten.' (wheat chaff TOP, eat not able). (b) The /yar-/ also associates a part of an inanimate item with its whole. The whole item is the head noun and the constituent is the second noun. Again, if there are words between the head noun and the constituent noun, the ASSOC /yar-/ is used. / Baxlaxr eil peil yarqier leil xiar./ 'This bowl, its edge is broken.' (bowl this CLF ASSOC edge POST.POS broken). /Tur eil bbor yarzibbor ddu dae a./ 'This barrel its bottom has a hole in it.' (barrel this CLF ASSOC bottom-on has.a.hole DUR BREATH.GROUP.MARKER) If the nouns are consecutive, the ASSOC /yar-/ is not needed. / Ngua ake qir leil sixzzei ar cux zza./ 'On the edge of our house, there is a tree.' (our house edge of tree a CLF have). /Baxlaxr qir ddei mel yarzi bei xiar so./ 'The edge of a bowl is very easy to break.' (bowl edge CLF TOP, very make broken easy). (c) On the other hand, for animals, when referring to body parts, the attribute word /ddei/ is used. /Bolvixr hal ddei ddei zzi yarzi igax zae./ That hog badger's skin is nice to look at. (hog.badger that CLF GEN skin very look.at.nice.looking. (d). And for people, when referring to body parts, neither /yar-/ or /ddei/ need be used. /Capor hal ddei leixrhher mel no a./ 'That man's arm is hurt.' (man that CLF arm TOP hurt BREATH.GROUP.MARKER). An animal's dead body is referred to using the /yar-/ as with plants or things,i.e., /Zalbbaer azo yarsima ar ddei pixl dae nr saexl, yarzisael bbeirne./ 'Outside what body is discarded I don't know, it stinks very much.' (outside what ASSOC dead.body a CLF throw.away DUR NEG know).2ASSOC(联想意义)pfx(associates a noun with its modifier [usually an adjective])/de/Zzirbbae eilzzu yarjiar arzzu. 这些钱是一些假的。This money is fake.Yar pia xiux yarli loxr a, bbiexrbbiexlbbiexr nr zza. 他的衣服旧了,没有亮的了。When his/her clothes got old, (they) didn't have any shine.Hor mel yarzzeir zzor nr cexr. 不能吃生的肉。Raw meat must not be eaten.Var zeixl a, yarlillil a zeixl mel, zzor-nr-ci. 煮菜单独的煮不好吃。(When) boiling vegetables, (if) they are boiled alone, they don't taste good.Wordabbor ciryoxr-hanga yaryir zza, bir dae a bbeix, var yir, bbaer yir lei yarzi be. 山上有各种野生的,比如说,野菜,野鸭都很多。On the mountain there are all kinds of wild things, for example, wild vegetables, and there are lots of wild ducks.Yar anol ddei mel anolssor nrnel cer a. Cir ddei nael yarbol; nrnel ddei nael yarmo. 他的狗下了两个小狗。第一个是公的;第二个是母的。His/her dog gave birth to two puppies, the first one was a male; the second one was a female.Sometimes the /yar-/ associates a noun with an adjective. This does not happen with all nouns and adjectives but there is group of words that work this way. The pattern is the same as when /yar-/ associates a noun with a second noun which is a constituent or member of that first noun. If the noun and the adjective are consecutive, the /yar-/ is not used. So for the example /Var zeixl a, yarlillil a zeixl mel, zzor-nr-ci./ '(When) boiling vegetables, (if) they are boiled alone, they don't taste good.' (vegetable boil BREATH.GROUP.MARKER, ASSOC. alone BREATH.GROUP.MARKER boil TOP, not.delicious) Could also beː /Var zeixl a, var lillil a zeixl mel, zzor-nr-ci./ (vegetable boil REATH.GROUP.MARKER,vegetable alone REATH.GROUP.MARKER boil TOP, not.delicious). In other words, that /yar-/ can be replaced with the noun itself. Thanks to David Bradley, professor of linguistics at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia, for his insight on how this word functions. The term "associative phrase" comes from the book "Mandarin Chinese, A Functional Reference Grammar" by Charles N. Li and Sandra A., pp. 113-116, Thompson. University of California Press, 1981.Compare 另见nga-yarjiaryarzibboryar ʝa²¹
yarcaxlleixr ʝa²¹tsʰa̠⁶⁶le̠ʔ²¹n.(名)branch; twig枝子/zhīzi/Kal yi mel yarcaxlleixr ngaxl pixl gger a saelnei naxrcixl. 烤烟要把枝子撇掉才会好。When curing tobacco the branches have to be broken off for it to be high-quality.caxlCompare 另见sixcaxlleixryarcaxlleixr ʝa²¹tsʰa̠⁶⁶le̠ʔ²¹
yar ddei yarʝa²¹ de³³ ʝa²¹🔊pron. (REFL. INTENSIVE)(强调代)he himself; it itself; she herself他自己/tā zìjǐ/Aniux hal ddox ye seir lei, yar ddei yar pia veixr var a. 虽然那个孩子还小,他自己会穿衣服了。Although that child is still small, he himself/she herself can put on (his/her) clothes.Niur hal ddei yar ddei yar beix du si arnar a, ngo yar leil nr ggaxr. 那个牛只是它自己跑掉,我没有赶它。That cow just ran away by itself, I did not drive (it away).yar ddei yar ʝa²¹ de³³ ʝa²¹
yarhher ʝa²¹ɣɯ²¹n.(名)stem; trunk树干/shùgàn/Sixzzei eil zzei yarhher ddei yarzi mu. 这棵树的树干很高。The trunk of this tree is very tall.caexyarhher ʝa²¹ɣɯ²¹
yarjiar ʝa²¹tʃʲa²¹adj.(形)counterfeit; fake; false/jiǎ/Zzirbae eil zul yarjiar a nga, yel cu pixl lalssa. 这张钱是假的,所以烧到就可以了。This money is fake, so just burn it.Compare 另见jiaryar-yarjiar ʝa²¹tʃʲa²¹
yarlil-yarhiexrʝa²¹ɮi⁵⁵-ʝa²¹xʲæ̠ʔ²¹🔊idiom(习语)closely packed together; dense密密麻麻/mìmì mámá/Qiulxiu nrzeili goxr a, zzi gga ca yarlil-yarhiexr, ssi lei ssi bei nr ddo. 过六月二十四,街上的人密密麻麻的,走也走不通。When celebrating the 24th of June (the Torch Festival), the people in the city are packed densely, (you) can't go (anywhere).wurdi-wurdar wɤ²¹ti³³-wɤ²¹ta²¹
yarpeixl ʝa²¹pʰe̠⁶⁶n.(名)leaf叶子/yèzi/Sixzzei hal zzei yarpeixl lei bbae jjia a. 那棵树叶子全部落完了。That tree's leaves have all fallen.Compare 另见seixlpeixlyarpeixl ʝa²¹pʰe̠⁶⁶
yarqierbbaer ʝa²¹tʃʰʲɛ²¹bæ²¹n.(名)edge边边/biānbiān/Ni jjiumo ssi a yarqierbbaer ssi nr ddo, argaxl de zei si leilei. 你走路不能去边边上,等一会儿会摔下去。When walking don't walk on the edge (of the road, or) you might fall down.piarCompare 另见qierbbaeryarqierbbaer ʝa²¹tʃʰʲɛ²¹bæ²¹