1SG | First person singular |
2SG | Second person singular |
3SG | Third person singular |
1PL | First person plural |
2PL | Second person plural |
3PL | Third person plural |
adj. | adjective |
adv. | adverb |
ASP | aspect |
AUX | auxiliary |
C | consonant |
CLF | classifier |
conj. | conjunction |
comp. of | compare |
CV | consonant-vowel |
DET | determiner |
DISC | reported speech |
idiom1 | idiom type 1 |
idiom2 | idiom type 2 |
IMP | imperative |
INTERJ | interjection |
n. | noun |
NEG | negation |
NOM | nominative |
num. | number |
ONOM | onomatopoeia |
PFV | Perfective Aspect of the Verb |
PL | plural |
POSS | possessive |
POST POS | imperative |
pron. | pronoun |
Q | question word |
REFL pron. | reflexive pronoun |
REL | Relative marker |
RHET Q | rhetorical question |
temp. | temporal |
TOP | Topicalizer |
v. | verb |
v21 | vowel marked by low tone |
v33 | vowel marked by mid tone |
v44 | Mid tone vowel influenced by tone sandhi and thus slightly raised |
v55 | vowel marked by high tone |
v66 | High tone vowel influenced by tone sandhi and thus slightly raised |
A tilde (~) is used in graphic descriptions to separate reduplicated syllables. Symbols occurring between slashes /... / are phonemic, while symbols between brackets [...] are phonetic. In addition, angled brackets <...> are used to enclose orthographic representation.