Credits & acknowledgements

Wordlist Collection – Njeck Mathaus Mbah

Linguists – Njeck Mathaus Mbah, Dr. Stephen Anderson, Christine Nickerson (nee DeVisser), Jenny Margetts (nee Wright), Abby Freeland, Lance Freeland, Cameron Hamm, Bep Langhout

Bible Translation Team - Pastor Tata John, Pastor Nchotu Jonathan, Mr. Nditapah Emmanuel

Language Experts – MINANG Sɑlifou, PETUASHI Emmɑnuel, NDILENGTIA, Ezekiel, NOH Henry, JOHTOU Tɑmfu Isɑɑc

Members of the Inter-Church Committee

Former Bangolan Language Committee: Steven Mememomo (chairman), Muforndimantang Njoyah Philip (Vice chairman), Njoya Simon Mbipeh (advisor), Mbeluh Rachel


There were undoubtedly others who provided significant help and assistance. We thank everyone for their contributions.