da1proThird pp. Both Set 1 Actor focus and Set 2 non-focus Actor or Causer, and possessive form; enclitic, being suffixed to the verb or noun.Naatipuka da tagu si dingngolda paltug.The people woke up and went outside to see what was happening when they heard the gunshot.
da2detPlural marker on nominals.An-asuas’ud da Betty kan Rusing we ambayu.Betty and Rusing are pounding rice in unison.
daagv1To prepare for sth.; to be ready for anything.2intns. To be well prepared.
daan2v1To prepare for sth.; to be ready for anything.Ida’anyu da tukduyu.Prepare your place, or seats.2To prepare for sth. in advance.3To be prepared.more common word).4To be already there, having been prepared in advance.5To pay laborers ahead of the work.Aw’ad da dumma’an'e ankewaalok (an-oskok) ap pig’at.I have some prepaid workers (planters) coming tomorrow.It costs less.6To become mature (of people).
daan3advNot yet.Da’am pun magangput wanas.The allotted time (for staying in the house following the birth) is not yet over.seesissiya
daan1vTo stay a long time.Dummaankani sina.We have already stayed here a long time.Ekayu dumaan atte igawyu.Go and stay in your place.Dummaan da udum yakon kaddatongak.Some people have already stayed here, or been here a long time, but I have just arrived.
daan4 ainadvSoon.Da’an ain!We'll soon have some!Da’an ain ya naktadkani'd Balangao.The time will soon come when we will reach Balangao.
dabbayv1To flatten rice plants.Dabbayon da ab’eng pagoy si um’oyda an-ani.The child flattened the rice when they went to harvest.2To be flattened (of rice plants in a storm).Naamin nadabbay da pagoy ad Baak atte sibot ni bali.When the storm came all the rice at Baak was flattened.
dabbiseegitobn1Board designated for a purpose.ie. One which will be used in the walling of a house, but not yet.2rectangular form [of stone]Acts 7:44 Da dakdako?taku si awe ye inninggawanda’tte lugare ippun bobo?oy, nangwada’k tuldae nangiggaanda’tte nadabdabbi ye batu we nigiliyan ni bilin.Our ancestors long ago while they staying at the wilderness [lit., place where there are no houses], they made a tent where they put the rectangular-slab of stone on which the commandments were written.
dabdab1nThe slicing of sth.Ambal’u dabdabna.It's slicing is good.Esp. of slicing bamboo thin to make dan’og string; the outer is the string; the soft inner part is thrown away.2vTo slice sth.3vTo slice.4vTo slice sth. thin.5vTo use sth. to slice.6vTo be sliced.7vTo be used to slice.8vabilitative. To be able to be sliced.Ad’i pun makadabdab ak uni.It's not able to be finished making strings today.
dadavTo call dogs to come.Andadaka ud yan.Please call the dogs.Andaddada'e law’a.To call the dogs repeatedly, in vain. CVC repet.
dadaanseebagbaguketanglakay13malnusmalnus 2otong 21nOld things.Dadaan'e bayas.Matured sugarcane wine.Used of the oldest, most valuable kind of gong, such a gong, made of a brass & gold mixture, has the best sound. Also use of matured wine.2adjOld.Dadaan'e sil’up.Old clothing.Esp. of things; used of rice which has been cooked and has become cold.
dadailseedailmaptak1nOne who destroys.2vTo destroy sth.Padpadya dinadail da bubai.The mental person was destroyed by the prostitutes.3vTo destroy.4nomOne who destroys.5vTo be destroyed.6vTo be destroyed.Ankamnut madadailana.It's difficult to destroy.7vTo be able to destroy.8nomThe occasion of destroying.seegopas13lap-is 2magsatmaptakmaptodpultuy 4singul
dadak-anvTo be already present; to be prepared in advance.
dadakkagseedadak-agdak-agdakkagsagana 7v1To get ready; to be alert.Idadak-agnu.Be ready or alert.Has the connotation of impending danger.2To be on the alert.3To be ready to quickly do sth.; to be alert.