Browse Minangali – English



e1vTo go.Ayyugukom ta eka'd dalom.Bend yourself so you can go through.Ekan’i al’an angangat da iGuilguil’a ad Timngagon.Let's go and get the last of the mongo beans of the Guilguila people at Timngagon.Ekayu atte paway.You go out in the yard.Eta.Let's go.Eka po!; Inka po!Off you go then!Occurs in free variation with in; only occurs with first pp (incl. and excl.), second ps/pp, Dual person pronouns.
ebaknSoft wood layer between the bark and the harder, inner bog’as wood inside.Kaanonyu eb’ak ni kayu.Remove the soft, outer layer of wood.seeukisupak
edakvTo drink much (water or wine).
egadv1To rub oneself with a stone.An-eg’adka'e an-am’os ta makaan de dap’ingnu.When you take a bath, rub your body with stones so you will remove your grime.2To rub one's body with a stone.As when taking as bath.3To be rubbed with a stone (as when bathing).
ehe!exclamationAhh!Connotes: Mockery.
ekasvTo flee in different directions; to run away in different directions.Ummekas da tagu si dummatong nabuuk.The people scattered when the drunk man arrived.Requires pl. actors.
ekkeng1nPart ownership in a living cow or carabao.Aw’ad de isangsangku we ekkeng.I have my share (of ownership in an animal) to exchange.2vTo own a quarter share of a living cow or carabao.3vTo own an animal with others (ie. to own a share).
elaelawseeabobbaanayutayukanduelawtaknang 3tanawtayyokopadjVery high.Ad’im kalbon kap’i ye sanat te elaelaw.Don't climb that coffee tree because it is too high.Esp. of trees; also of buildings.
elalv1To brag.2To brag about sth.Past ts. form is: iyyelal.
elapseealnosbakukubalinggiwbalogbogbin-iyanbulu1butlubuwilkawayan1losonglududlududlungdulungdusayugantub-oktumbodugsawitnBamboo spike. [Used as knife: to cut umbilical cord; also for children learning to harvest.]seebulu1
elawseeabobbaanayutayukanduelaelawtaknang 3tanawtayyokop
el-elvTo become thin little by little; to waste away.Connotes: having once been fat, then becoming thin, or of always being thin; there is a cause, ie. sickness.
elesvTo be skinny.Used of pigs; esp. piglets (a sign they are sickly).
elletvTo be or feel uncomfortable.An-elle'elletak.I feel uncomfortable.Connotes: restlessly moving about.
emengseesapgid1nWhiskers; beard; moustache.2vTo shave one's beard.
emes1nSmile.Atopay, emesna nallib’od si inga!Wow, her smiles reached her ears!2vTo laugh at sth.3vTo laugh; to smile.Includes soft chuckling, smiles, etc.4vTo cause smb. to laugh.Nangwa ak Ben ak ampaemes atta abeng.Ben did sth. tomake the children laugh.seeginumwaakgumwaUsed of cheering up a sad person; also used with a bad connotation as in doing sth. foolish or ridiculous which will cause the people to laugh.
en1ptcpExpress now is the time.Engaal os en ab’eng'enna. Ad’i pun mab-un.This child is lazy. He won't be sent to run errands.Ta siyana bos en angibag-ak kan dikayu .(Because of your not understanding) now is the time I will tell you that.Pumil’ak en at’ak nu sakon!Let my eyes now become blind (Lit: become money) if it was me!Bumulnay en buw’angku nu sakon!May my stomach now bloat if it was me who did that!Amain os en kokoon Ben.What Ben does is also unbecoming.Occurs in several strong vows of denial.
endiptcpThat one there.Il’am kad ab’eng'endi. Naapul’i.Look at that child. He has dropped off to sleep.
engaalnOne who moves lazily.Engaal os en ab’eng'enna. Ad’i pun mab-’un.This child is lazy. He won't be sent (run errands).It is hard to move or inspire such a person to work. He won't obey commands.
engabv1To eat a hole in sth.Engabam!Take a bite!Inengaban da sissiwit.The birds ate holes in (the fruit).2To have a hole eaten in sth.Eaten by rats, birds, people.
engasseebalabalbeleglap-atmunsukosgansogwabtagadatagada 3tagudtudtagudtud 2tuktuk1yang-adnSteep slopes of a hill or mountain.
engel2vTo whinge, and harp, and cry for sth.Connotes: a spoiled child.

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