GaanopropnThe name of a Folk Hero.He is the son of Angtan, a spirit woman. In some Folk Narratives Gaano is the brother of Dulliyao, in others he is the son of Dulliyao.
gaat1nGardener; caretaker.Esp. of a plantation.2vTo clean a plantation.seeimongpayan2Esp. of cleaning a grove of coffee trees.
gabaadjHealthy.Anggab’a abengna.Her child is healthy.Atoman, anggagab’an ni asuyu!Wow, your dogs are so healthy!Used of good growth in babies, plants, dogs, etc. CV intns.
gabawnShort sections of fencing.Allasu aladna te pasig'e gabaw.It's easy for him to make the fence because there are only short sections to be fenced.
gabba1nThe cutting of sth.Allasu gabbana.The cutting is easy.2vTo cut down trees or bamboo.Gumabba yan ak Ben ak osa'e kayu.Ben will first cut another tree.3vTo cut down trees or bamboo.Nanggabbaak si lima'e kayu.I cut five trees down.4vTo cut sth. down.Ad’im gabbaom!Don't cut that!5vTo be cut down.6vTo make smb. cut sth.Pagabbam kan Carinyo.You make Carinyo cut it.7vTo permit smb. to cut down.Ngai ampagabbaom?Who will you let cut it?8vEither abilitative or participational cutting.9nomOne who fells trees; woodcutter.10nomOne who fells trees; woodcutter.11vTo use sth. to fell lumber.12vTo be used to cut sth. down.Sa wasay migabba.The axe wasusedtocutit.13vTo be able to be used to cut down.Ad’i pun maigabba bad’ang'e anna.This bolo cannot beusedtocutit.Requires ad’i pun for inability, lamog for ability.14vTo cause sth. to be used to cut down.Sa wasay paigabbam kan Carinyo, ad’im de bad’ang. You let Carinyo use the axe tocutit, not the bolo.15vTo be the time or place to cut down.Kamaan ni magabbaan ni kayu?When will the tree be cut down?16nomThe occasion of cutting sth. down.Kammaan ni anggabbaantaku?When will we chop it down?seebangsaldangsil
gabboknCelebration ceremony for a new born child.seegopas2kontadkopya32masamaTakes place on the third night of the kontad ceremony. The spirit medium will be present, and the tungngatung musical instrument will be used and a pig will be butchered at this ceremony.
gabgabseesabbangtabbaknFlower of the sabbang large tree species.Appears only in March and April; bright red in color; very beautiful.
gabgabbatvTo guess sth.Ginabgabbatda dalan.They guessed which trail to take.
gabinAn edible, lidoy-like plant.Leaves are larger than lidoy; grows in dry ground.
gabu1nDust (generic).2vTo make the dust fly.As in running on dry ground.
gabugab1nMusician who plays out of tune and destroys the harmony.Also used of a talkative person who will not listen to others.2vTo break the harmony; to bring discord.Gabugabona da lakay. He talks too much and won't listen to the old men.
gabukv1To be crushed.2To crush sth.; to spread sth.Ginab’ukda isna. They spread the rice onplates.Used of food, or rice on a plate; news about sth.; a hard lump of sugar; hardened cement powder; of crushable items; esp. using stones; also to mash food; to digest food.
gabulvTo be a trouble maker.Sika gumabul atta ud’um'e ab’eng.You are a trouble maker with the other children.
gab-ulvTo throw sand, or rice, or grains, at each other.seetagalatalEsp. of sand; form of play.
gaddaknBolo.Old word; is shaped like a small, thin hand axe.
gadduk1nThe month of November.So named from the root meaning to be busy in the fields because November is the busy time of the year with harvesting the rice fields and beginning to harvest the kaingans.2vTo be busy in the fields or in the kaingan.Gaddukonda'e an-ani. They will be busy harvesting.
gading11vlooking for a basis for filing charges or being angryAnggadingam ay akite cigarillo we naliwatak.You are taking a little cigarette that I forgot as your basis for being angry.Luke 20:20 Yakon sa planuda, an-im-imusda kan Jesus ta awad kad isongbatna’k anggadingandae angida?um kan siya, asidaot dokmaan ya ummoyda impu?ang si gobernador.But their plan is to ask questions of Jesus so that if he had an answer that would be a basis-for-their-filing-charges against him, they would then arrest him (catch him) and would go and hand-him-over to the governor.
gadok1vTo be a permanent living place.Nigad’ok ak Ben ad Baguio.Ben found a permanent place to live in Baguio.2nomThe occasion of being a permanent living place.
gadotadjReal; actual; true; genuine.Sa gad’ot'e biy’ag ni tagu dakampun ak mibagay si kaadun ni mabalinna.The real life of a person isn't based on an accumalation of possessions.
gadoy1nomOne who hangs up strings of sliced meat.2vTo hang one string of sliced meat.Igadoyda ilang si tubung.They hang the strings of meat on the pipes.3vTo be hung up (of strings of meat).
gaga1nOne's feelings.Naid pun gag’ana.He doesn't mind.2vTo mind (as in care about sth.); to be cared for.3vTo mind what happens (because one cares); to feel bad about sth.; to have feelings about sth.4vTo have pity.; to be sorry for sth.Magag’ada kan Ben'e ad’ida pun ankewaalon.They pitied Ben and so didn't make (let) him work.Magag’a'k Dulliyao we angattod atte luwangna.Dulliyao felt bad about giving his carabao (in the agreement).Magag’a'k Ben'e amikung kan Pedro.Ben feels sorry for Pedro and won't box him.
gagaamseegaamv1To build a house strongly.2To be well built (of buildings).