Browse Minangali – English



i1prefRegistering conveyance (where the action conveys the object away from the subject), or instrument (that which is used to perform the action).Um’oy da Ben iballaaw de ubbun ni luwang'e mabugi.Ben wentto trade their unborn carabao calf for rice.On speech verbs i- focuses on the object, on what is said. On nominal stems which denote an article of clothing, or a fruit, i- registers focus on the item being put on, or in, something. On nominals which denote a place or language, i- derives the meaning to be from that place, or to speak that language.2affDenotes the beneficiary or recipient of the action.
ibagav1To tell sth.2on derv. stem bag’a. To tell.
Iballu.To commit suicide. To throw oneself away (as in suicide).
ibatnType of soft wood.In past days was used to retain fire for long periods while it was kept slowly smouldering. Wood from liwliw tree species (or alantap species, if dried) was commonly used.
ibil1vTo cry.2vTo cry.3nomThe occasion (time) to cry.
ibin-ivTo use a digging stick.
iblaseebugayungilang 2tongg’aytongg’ay 11nThe occasion of killing an animal to sell.There will be no ilang gift of meat to those who buy the meat but those who help to butcher the animal will receive an ilang gift of meat called lapas.2vTo have the occasion of butchering an animal for selling.3vTo join others in butchering an animal which will be sold.Intaku makaibla.Let's go to join others in killing the animal to be sold.
iblunBook.Nangwa'k Julie ak iblu atte mipanggob si daku.Julie made a book about malaria.
ibnosvTo have handed sth. over.
ibunSpecies of oyak white rice.Some times this rice is also called ipus because each husk has a small tail.
ib-un1vTo send smb.Past ts. form is: innib-un.2von derv. stem ib-un. To send smb. for sth.3nomThe occasion of sending smb.Angib-unak ak um’oy angala si pilak ad Bulanao.I will send smb. to get money in Bulanao.
ibunanom1One who leaves some.2The occasion (time or place) to leave some.
ibungv1To forbid a plant to be picked.Esp. unas sugarcane.2To be forbidden (of picking certain plants).
ibuwawnSpecies of bird.Brown and black in color; has a small head & a long tail; eats fruit.
Idagelek somsomok.To be upset. Idagelek somsomok si anakku we ad’i pun dumdumngol. (Lit: I'm skinny in my thinking.) I'm upset about my child who doesn't take any notice of what I say.
idakv1To drink much.Pakam'e an-id’ak si bal’at?Why do you drink so much broth?
CVC intns.
2To drink a lot of sth.Inid’ak ni ab’eng bal’at ni tipoyna.The child drank much vegetable broth.
idalvTo be carried by the majority.Nu ngai de kanan da kaaduwan, siya maidalan.Whatever the majority says, that's what will be carried.Used of a group decision.
idam1nomOne who suffers.2vTo suffer.Idaman Ben de sigab ni sugatna.Ben suffered the pain of his wound.Inidamanni naid pun kanonni.We suffered in having nothing to eat.Used of pain, torture, harsh circumstances, famine.3vTo cause smb. to suffer.Paidamon Ben ak Pablo.Ben caused Pablo to suffer.4vOne who causes smb. to suffer.Ak Ben namaidam kan amana.Ben caused his parents to suffer.5vTo cause smb. to suffer.Ipaidam Ben kan Pablo de sugatna.Ben made Pablo suffer with his wound.
idamut1vTo put very little food in one's mouth and slowly swallow it.Used of licking food; as done by a sick person.2Expr.To pretend to eat slowly.Angidaidamutka!You are pretending to eat delicious food.Used of food one likes to eat, one has the feeling of eating it & one swallows even though there was none of the food in one's mouth.
idang1nDivorce.2vTo divorce.3vThe two to divorce.4vTo divorce smb.5nomThe occasion of having a divorce.
idawseemumanukpiyyotnSmall red bird which is used by the spirits to guide people's decisions.If the bird sings a sweet melodious song then it is believed to be safe to do whatever one plans to do. If the song is brief and erratic/staccato then it is believed to be dangerous to do whatever is planned. Also, if one is walking on a trail and the idaw bird flies across in front, then the person will return to where he came from and not continue the journey that day as it is believed the bird warns of impending danger on a trail.
iddanumannWater pot; water storage jar or container.