Browse Minangali – English



ka3prefWhich indicates the superlative degree on some adjectives.
ka2pref1which forms a derv. nominal.Ugud.Word.Kauugud.Gossiper.Gogwa.Half.Kagwa.The other half.Dak’ol.Big.Kadak’ol.Sth.'s size.Paila.Show.Kapappaila.Show-off.Ogyat.Fear.Kaog-ogyat.A dangerous thing.Bol’oy.House.Kabol’oy.One's spouse; a housemate.Kabboboll’oy.Newly weds.Ili.Barrio.Kailiili.Everyone everywhere.Duplication, gemination, phoneme loss, assimilation may all be involved in the derv. form taking ka-.2which forms a derv. nominal.Ili.Barrio.Kailiyan.One's barriomates.Adu.Many.Kaaduwan.The majority.Pat’og.Expensive.Kapatgan.The most valued one; the most important one.Kan.Eat.Kakakkanan.Crockery.Basul.Sin; fault.Kabasbassulan.Sinner.
ka1proSecond ps Set 1 enclitic personal pron.Tumukduka.Sit down.Ayyugukom ta eka'd dalom.Bend yourself so you can go through.
kaabulutanantulnus 3Synonympuut1 2nRequires neg. discord; pain and trouble in one's life.Ippun kaabulutanda!They live troubled lives!Connotes: no peace, no harmony, probably due to one's own fault.
kaadunNumber; quantity.Naid pun makaiyap te isudan kaadun da bituwon ad langit bakon nu kaadun ni gallis si baybay.No-one is able to count them because they are as many in number as the stars in the sky and the sand in the sea.
kaaduwannThe majority.
kaagnMonkey.There are numerous cultural taboos relating to monkeys.
kaagaw-onvTo hesitate about sth.
kaal-annsth.'s role or reason-for-being.
kaammuwongvon derv. stem kaammuw’ong. To make one hesitate (even though knowing what to do).
kaamuutannObvious advancement; visible progress (of one's work); clear direction (of a speech).Ippay kaamuutan ni kewaalku.There is no obvious accomplishment in my work.Ippay kaamuutana!(He is talking too fast and) it's not clearly understood.
kaan1vTo remove.2vTo remove sth.Kaanom emengnu.Remove your beard.3vTo be removed.4vTo ask smb. to remove sth.Ipakaanku kan dida.I asked them to remove it.5vTo be one to cause sth. to be removed.6vTo take some away; idi. steal.Gap’u ta siya gagappot atte pil’ak, asina kaanan te siya kokok-ona.Because he was the one who kept the money, he would remove (steal) some because that his way.7nomA woman who has had a miscarriage.
kaanduwansuperlativeThe longest one.
kaangnDitch.Deep enough to prevent animals entering a plantation.
kaaposnExtreme disobedience.Kaapos kanun ab’eng'e sanat'e ad’i pun tumuttuw’a.That child is very disobedient and doesn't obey (and I am worried that if I'm not there his character will just become worse).
kaasiseedagu 71adjPitiful.Kaasi da maulila.Those who are orphans are pitiful.
assim (kakkaasi) pl. (pitiful ones).
2von derv. stem pakaasi. To ask for mercy; to ask a favor; to ask for pity.3vTo take pity on smb.Ikaasim akay!Take pity on us!4vTo plead for sth.Makakak-asida.They pleaded for it.5vTo reconsider and show mercy.Ipangkaasiyu we iTaloctoc!You Taloctoc people please reconsider and show mercy!
kaasinanseebinak-anNative-made salt (generic).seeasigaasin1 4binak-a
kaatubannChange.Used of circumstances; of mind; in plans; in condition.
kaawatvTo cause smb. to understand.
kaayngonexpressionDon't trouble yourself!kaayngom law’a!You don't have to bother yourself by coming here!Kaayngonyu dida!Make them tired!Ngai kaayngona law’a'e angayag kan Ben.Why do you call Ben for no reason? (since the reason no longer exists).One does this to one's competitious, making them tired first, so they are more easily beaten.
kabanOne section of weaving.About the size of half a blanket; two pieces will be sewn together to make a blanket.
kababaganOutspoken person.Kababag’a ak Ben atte tuttuwa'e ilana.Ben was outspoken about what he really saw.Connotes: this person will tell the truth of what he or she witnessed. It may be good if it hastens a solution to a problem, but it may also inspire criticism.