maseesuldung11prefv. pref. which denotes the current, passive state of the subject.Um’oy da Ben iballaaw de ubbun ni luw’ang'e mabugi.Ben went to trade their unborn carabao calf for rice.Past ts. form is: na-.2affv. aff. which registers the passive time or place (temporal or spatial location), when or where, the action of the verb occurs.Aw’ad de ayaw-aw we asu we ippun igammuni nalpuwana.There is an ownerless dog and we don't know where it came from.Past ts. form is: na-an.
maag1advIntending; trying; about to; in case.Maagna gay sakon idukkus.He is trying to (about to) chase me.Nu mammaag aw’ad mataktakak, pakan’am pay de bol’ok.If, in case, something delays me, feed the pig.2vTo be intending to do sth.; to do sth. intentionally.Ad’ika pagay mammaag maalimuunan.Always use self-control. lit: Don't ever intentionally get angry.
maan1vTo remove the shoots which grow above leaves on tobacco plants.; to remove uneven areas, or nobs, etc, on a piece of lumber thus making the side straight, or flat.
maan2v1To take care; to do sth. quietly & humbly; to be courteous; to do sth. slowly.Ummaanyu pay si dalan!Take care on the way!Ummaamka pay!Take care of yourself!A common farewell statement.2on derv. stem umma’an. To go carefully.Um-umma’antaku.Let's go slowly.Um-ummaam.Say it slowly.esp. used of walking or running.
Maata.Deserted; abandoned. Ulilan di maata. Deserted or abandoned children. (Lit: green orphans).
Maawid’an.To be in trouble for being left behind. Maawid’anda nin os ay! That might be why they got sick! (ie. because they were left behind). Used if the parents travel, leaving children behind, and they get sick while the parents are away.
mabalinseekuwa 6mabalintagompannOne's possessions; one's wealth.Inginam da amin'e mabal’innu ya innatodnu atta kap’us.Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor.seekuwa 6mabalintagompan
Mabangob’angon.To be re-awakened. Used of one's faith; also of an organization, or an enterprise which had not been initially successful.
mabkasseebultinvTo be released (of a trigger); to be sprung open.
mabogganPeople who will be called to see the dead.who? why? bec. everyone will come anyway!
mabol-asGrown up. Used of children who have become big enough to go to school.
mabosptcpCombined form of man ' bos.Ngaipayu mabos kad ain pion ikasin dongngon?Why do you want to hear it again?Used to express surprise that the same thing keeps being asked.