nligOccurs: a) following vowel on object and accessory focus predicates when the non-focus subject is a personal nominal. b) replacing focal case marking particle de.Piliyonyun igawyu.Choose your place.Simpulun dop’a.Ten double arm's length.
na2proThird ps post-predicate Set 2 form.Aw’ad de ayaw-aw we asu we ippun igammuni nalpuwana.That is an ownerless dog and we don't know where it came from.Occurs in non-focused subject and causer slots, and marks possession on nominals.
na3prefadj. aff. which indicates comparative degree on some adjectives.
Nabuk’al.Mastitis. A belief says if a pregnant woman eats wild pig meat then, with the first child, she may have mastitis. Nabuk’al susuna. Her breast is strong (like that of a wild pig).
Naid pun maid.All is complete. Naid pun maid! Lit. There is nothing which is not; ie. there is nothing missing; all is complete.
Naid pun saksakint’a.Perfect. (Requires: +neg) Ak Ben, naid pun saksakint’ana. Ben has no defect.
naippugayptcpAbsolutely none!Combined form of: naid pun pagay.
naippunnegNegates existence; none.Ambalinsawoyak pun, naippun da bulunku.When I looked around, I had no companions.
naitproThere; that; you there!Aw’ad si nait?Is he there?Lawotnu nait!You are being greedy in there!Sampekam pewan nait!Go on! Box him!Ad’im nait toktokkon!You there! Don't touch that!Ad’im nait!Hey, you there! Don't do that!Has shortened form nat.
nakproCombined form of he and me; you and me.Tenanak.He will leave me.Pionak.He loves me.Alanak os ak os’a'tta labbuwom.Take me as one of those you pay to work.