Browse Minangali – English



ob’ogSleeping place.
obavTo re-clean the uma kaingan, after harvest.Connotes: when preparing to replant.
obannThe blanket used to carry a baby on one's back.
obaobv1To bend over.Nan-oob’aobnu.You bent over.2To bend forward keeping one's legs straight; to bend from the waist.3To make smb. bend over from the waist.
obascatching fish when water is high.
obbonTo wet.
ob-ob2nomA sitting hen.seeiplugmamkiOnly used of mangalak hens on a clutch of eggs. They sit for a term of approx. two weeks.
ob-ob1seeagusiisbubundusikob-ob1sisimnWater outlet (from rocks or a spring).seeagusiisbubundusikob-ob1sisim
obog1nSleeping place.Ak kuwani obog da babalu.The young men sleep at our house.2nSleeping place.3nSleeping place.4nGroup of people who sleep at the same place.5nTime for sleeping.6vTo lie down.
CV on derv. stem (uumbog) cont.
7vTo be laying down.Naobo’obogda te naayongda.They were laying down because they were tired.8vTo lay with smb.Connotes: for sexual union.
oboknWoven sleeping mat.
obos1second lidas cleaning of rice fields? uma?1 = change, replace
obos21nChange; replacement.Ansigab ob’osna.It's being replaced is difficult.Used of rebuilding sth.; of remodelling a house; a fence, etc.2vTo be the one to repeat, change, or replace sth.Ngai angob’os?Who will replace it?3nomOne who repeats, changes, or replaces sth.Ngai angb’os?Who will replace it?4vTo change sth.; to regenerate.An-ob’os ak Ben.Ben changed his character.Used of one's character.5vTo repeat sth.; to do sth. again.Iyob’os Ben boloyna.Ben rebuilt his house.Used of replacing, remodelling, rebuilding, etc.6vTo do sth. again, to change.Oss’om bol’oyyu.Rebuild your house.Oss’om sulatnu.Rewrite your letter.Ad’ina obs’on somsomokna.He didn't change his thinking.Past ts. form is: imbos.7vTo be repeated.8vTo change (one's thinking).Maobboobbos angos.His thinking changed from anger to from anger to calmness.9vTo be done again; to be repeated.10nomThe occasion of changing sth.Naid pun mail-an di nan-obsana.There was no sign of him changing (but he did change).seeampasaniduddudgeddangluksuolos 7
obotvTo differ one from the other.Synonymsabali
oboynUterus; vagina.
obsonvTo do sth. rebuild, rewrite; to change sth. Used of changing attitudes; one's thinking about sth.
odab1nThe pithe of rattan.2vTo remove rattan pithe.3vTo remove rattan pithe.4vTo be removed.5nomThe occasion of removing rattan pithe.Kamaan ni asim angodab’an si uwoynu?When will you remove the pithe from your rattan?
odanvTo do tasks one after the other.
odas1adjNewly found.Annaya da kak-odas’an'e ugud.Here are the newly found words (for listing in this dictionary).2vTo finally find sth.Past ts. form is: innumdas.3vTo find sth.Indas’anda singtonda.They found what they searched for.Andu algaw'e odasanyu!You will live a long life!Past ts. form is: indas’an.4nomOne who finds sth.5nomThe occasion of finding sth./smb.Allasu nangdas’an da tagu kan siya.The people easiy found him.Dinu nangdas’anda kan siya?Where did they find him?seedukduk 2singtonsiwasiw2 2
od-odas1nType of gift.A surprise gift which will be taken home by smb. who has been away for some length of time.2vTo take a gift home.
odog1nOne's back; sth.'s back (generic).Used of the back of a knife blade, a person, etc.2nomThe occasion of turning one's back on sth.As in ignoring or shunning smb.3vTo turn sth. around.Used of turning sth./smb. to face the other way.
odon1baby sitterodon2 = cargo
odon21nCargo; baggage.2nomOne who holds sth.Ngai angd’on?Who will hold it?Used of a peacepact holder.3vTo hold a baby or a young child; to take care of a baby.An-odonk’a.You care for the baby.4vTo care for babies or children.Iyodonn’u ud ak Kenneth.Please include Kenneth with those you are caring for.Al’am po ta iyodonk’u.Please give (him) so I will also care for him.5vTo hold sth. in one's hands.Al’am ta onnak.Give it so that I will hold it.Onnanda.They will hold it.O’onnanda.They keep holding it.Oonnam anna.Keep on holding this.Innoonnanda.They kept on holding it.Past ts. form is: inno’onnan.6vTo accept sth.Innon-on’anda.They accepted it.