pa2proShortened form of ngaipa why?Pa mos ay tutuwon?Why did you hit him many times?Paka mos ay kama'k ab’eng'e andakkaang?Why are you like a child learning to walk?
pa1prefv. aff. registering undergoer focus, on transitive verb stems, in causative voice.
paanak1nInterest (on investments).2vTo earn interest.Mapaanak’an okyan pilakku.My money should receive interest.
paat1Synonymgudas1patut21pulus1adv (of time)Worse.Yakon siya pay paat.But even worse (sth).2adv (of time)Always.Paat'e kaissaw somsomokna.His thoughts are always dirty.3adv (of time)Never.Adiy’ak pun paat angit’od.I will never give it.seebontangdagus3is’akanayun23palpaliw 4pasigpatilayunpatilayunpatut21pingsan14pupanpupan 1sillalabisillalabiRequires neg.4vTo be the one to look down on smb.5vTo belittle smb.; to dishonor smb.Pinaatyu da kamkama.You belittle the poor.6superlativeThe worst.7vTo become the worst.
paat31advVery; intensifier.Naallelawkayu we paat.You are very much mistaken.Nangiskisnadol amin takon ay nu patak nampakalam.I have finished everything even if I have had so many hardships.Has the contracted form patak (|ipaat ak we).2vTo totally do sth.Paat’on Ben an-awid’an pammatina.Ben totally turned his back on his faith.3superlativeWay out of line; socially unacceptable & of bad character.Kapaatanka man!You are being too much!; You are too far out of line!Used of bad jokes; bad habits. This is said to control bad actions or words.
Paat.Out of line; bad behaviour. Paatka mampos ay! You are foolish! You are out of line! ie. what you just did is not acceptable. Paat pos ay ye! He is out of line! (politely said to a third party advising that smb. has said or done sth. unacceptable).
paat4 os ayadvMore so;worse;no good.Siy’a lawweng de paat os ay'e makuyayusan.It would be bad if the settlement was (either) lowered or became worse.Na! Paat os ay!Hey! He is no good! (ie. as a mediator).
paat5 pagay yaexpressionHe does it too much!Paat pagay ya angngenges-elna!He jokes too much.
Paat'e lawa.1So bad. Used of one's actions. Paat'e law’a nantatagutaku si nal-us'e algaw. Our way of life was so bad in past days.
Paat'e lawa.2So bad. Paat'e lawa nantatagutaku si nal-us'e algaw. Our way of life was so bad in past days.
padas1nTrial; test.2vTo try sth.; to test; to experience.3vTo experience sth.; to try sth.; to test sth.May be used of testing people.4vTo try to tempt or test smb.5nomOne who tests smb. else.Ak Apudyus, amadas nu ngai awa ambalu bakon nu lawweng atta somsomok da tagu.God is the one who tests whether people's thoughts are good or bad.6nomOne who tries sth.7vTo be tested.