ta1conjunction1So that; in order that; with result.Buludok ud yan ta usal’ok.May I borrow that first so that I will use it.Inapputna ta ad’i ampok’aw.He closed the other boy's mouth so he wouldn't cry out.2so that not; in order not to.Ad’ika um’oy ta madukyawka.Don't go there so you will not be poked in the eye.When following a negated clause, and when followed by a -ma- verb, it connotes: negation.
ta2proDual person; both Set 1 Actor focus and Set 2 non-focus Actor or Causer, and possessive form.Inta po!Let's (you and I) go!Inonta'e amalbal.The way of washing.Bakoyosonta pay!Let's get most of them!Maula da lumun nu pupata dulsan.The weeds will be eradicated if we continuously clean.where ta is not registering dual person (we two), but rather a generalization on the way sth. is performed.
ta3conjunctionBecause.Annaya ansulsulnu ta dak’ol.Here is what you will use to pound because it is bigger.ie. changing (the one being used) for a bigger one.
ta4 asi pay osexpressionDon't worry!; never mind!Ta asi pay os kigad, intaku gay!Don't worry, let's keep going!
ta6 piga nuso that if at all possibleKulungom boloknu ta piga nu umingsa.Lock up your pig (until ?) (for we aren’t sure if ?) (so that if at all possible ? is it like: ta nu makwa ?) it will become tame.Iliwwaliwwam ap paway ta piga nu umoyon ak inana.Bring him out into the yard so he won't see his mother leaving (and she can leave without him creating a fuss).
ta7 tolon ayadvPerhaps.Ta tol’on ay ankon’ay!Perhaps he might withdraw. Connotes: you don't want him to, but you acknowledge that he might do so. This may also occur as: Tol’on ay ta ankon’ay.Ta tol’on ay umali nu maligat.Perhaps he will come if the weather improves. Connotes: I don't particularly want him to come; I am hesitating in wanting him to come.Indicates the speaker recognizes the possibility even though he doesn't want it to happen. the ta may occur at the end, rather than the beginning of the phrase.
taagvTo be amazed; to be surprised.seekaskasdaawmasdaawmasdaawtokol 3The non-past form (natataag) is used of what is termed staring sickness.
taakvTo listen closely to sth.Taataak’onyu ud pag’ay nu ngai sadi ye ipk’awda.Please listen closely to what they are shouting.
taang1vTo provide a way or chance for sth. to be done; to give time for sth. to be done.2vTo be helpless to resist.; to allow sth. to happen (being unable to do anything about it).3vto be spread apart, as to move your chairs apart so someone can pass through, or clouds spreading apart so you can see the skyJohn 1:51 Ibagak kan dikayu katuttuwaan, sa umali ye a?gaw, asiyu ilane mitaang ad Langit, kad ilanyu da anghel Apodios anagadada kan an-osogda kan Sakone Nibuknag atte Tagu.I tell you the truth, in a coming day, you will see heaven opened/ parted, and you will see the angels of God going-up and coming-down to Me who was Born by a Person.4nomThe occasion (opportunity or time) to do sth.seesol-ay
taba1nAnimal fat.Esp. pig fat.2adjFat.Antab’a'e tagu.A fat person.Antabatab’a sanat'e tourista.That tourist is very fat. CVCV intns.3vTo become fat. CVC intns.4vTo cause smb. to become fat.Ampatab’a da gatas kan da iplug.Milk and eggs make you grow fat.seealunglungsudagawiyyaslidomlungsutumongukon
tabannHomestead land.Angwaak taban.I will make a homestead plot of land (it may or may not have a sigay cottage).Used of land which will be fenced and used as a family garden.
tabaukvTo be dipped (of soil, a hillside).Used of the contour of soil.
tabawvTo be dizzy and drunk-like.Matab’aw si piniya.He is dizzy and drink-like from eating unripe pineapples.seebanadulunganlupaFrom eating poisonous mushrooms or green pineapples.
tabbalngagnSpecies of fruit. [Used in wine-making process.]Red colored; used to ferment bay’as sugarcane wine; comes From one of the two species of binuw’a tree; the fruit is both larger and has a richer color than gam’u which is the fruit from the second species of binuw’a tree.
tabbog1nSpecies of shrub.Note: tabbog2 -um- =numbness. Does the shrub cause numbness? describe shrub?
tabbog2vTo become numb.Tummabbog da imak.My hands have become numb.Why?
tabbuvTo fill a cup with water.Tabtabbuwam kuw’ak.Fill my cup with water.