ya1conjunction1And.Gogwa nasawal si isna ya tipoy.One half the rice and viand was leftover.Ak’it os ay ya naatikammogda!They are always fighting!Connotes: of a family, or a crowd.2If; after.Asina ikod itton ya aw’ad maa’awwad.He only gives it if there is something there in return, ie. he doesn't allow credit.Asi okod miwalas ya mat’oy.It can only be distributed after (if) he dies).
ya2ptcpOccurs expr. final in:Asam pay ya!No wonder then!Asam pay ya naid pun sina!No wonder (I can't see him here!).If one looks for smb. at a house, and is told he has already gone, the response may be:
ya3 asida otadvBefore doing sth.Sa kausalan amin da sana abus'e mipanggob atta makan, mainum ya sa amalbalanda atta long-agda ya asida ot umadani kan Apudyus.The use of all those things are only concerning food, drink and the washing of themselves before coming near to God.
yabbedang1nSlender-bodied woman.Only used of people, usu. of women.2vTo become slender (of a woman).Yummabbedang si uman’ak.She became slender after she gave birth.3vTo be slender-bodied.
yabuyabvTo have fast breathing.Esp. of sick people; of people near to death; of a baby near to convulsions; also of puffing due to bodily exertion.
yabyab1nHand-held fan.2vTo fan.Ayyabyab ni sub’u.To fan a fire when tempering steel.3vTo fan a fire.Yabyabam bosalnu.Fan your face.Esp. when cooking apul lime.
yad-anvTo stand on sth. and move vigorously.Ayyad-anka ta maptod!For fun, or to intentionally break sth.; esp. on a length of wood or a tree branch.
yadyadv1To make sth. wider.Used of cutting a field or kaingan; also of the sharpened edge of a blade, which makes a better cut, but the blade is not as strong.2To sharpen a blade at a finer angle, making the sharpened edge wider; to widen sth.3To be very wide.
yagyag2v1To send one’s wife away.Connotes: after quarreling, she may come back, but the separation may be permanent.2To send smb. away (of a wife); to be sent away.Niyagyagna'k Nena.He sent Nena away.Only occurs in Past ts.
yagyag1vTo collect ant eggs.Used of collecting alaga red ants, and kalibbutu alaga ant eggs, in a basket for viand.
yakayakv1To fall off (of flowers, fruits). CVC intns.2To be fallen off.
yakonconjunctionBut.Nataknangka yakon ban-ogka.You are taller but you have a small body.yakon anna pagayexpression (Acts 27:18)
yak-uyakvTo move back and forth between places.Used of frequent moves; sometimes visiting the same place several times.
yakyak1vTo have an abortion.May be caused by doing heavy work, too much walking, or sometimes from being badly frightened.
yakyak2vTo separate the refined from the unrefined.Used esp. tinampuk powdered rice flour; A lamnak winnowing tray is used.
yam-an11nCrack in glass, rocks, metal.seegongakmangngaknatlaknatngitudang 12vTo be cracked (of glass, rocks, metal).Nayam-’an de basu.The glass cup was cracked.Binis’ak Ben de salaw, wok nayam-’an'e ab’us.Ben broke the glass and it was only cracked.
yam-an21nPoison.2vTo destroy; to harm sth.3vTo destroy or harm smb. or sth.We ummalika ta yam-’anom dikani?Did you come to destroy us?4vTo poison.5vTo poison smb. or sth.Niyam-’an Ben de kaddatu we tagu.Ben poisoned the stranger.6vTo be destroyed/harmed/poisoned.seesubbaysumang
yambannSpecies of tree.Grows in the forests; used for building lumber.
yamyam1vTo harshly scold.2vTo harshly scold smb.3nomThe occasion (time) of being harshly scolded.Niyamyamanak si nailladuwak.I was harshly scolded when I did wrong.seesang-antong-ag
yanptcpFirst; yet.Sosomkok yan ya asiyak ot guminga.I will think first before I speak.Inggawkayu yan.Stay here still.Inggaw pay yan sina.He will stay here for a while.