はたらつ₁ hataracI [hataratsɨ]
n. work, earnings 働き、稼ぎ butunu hatacchugyaa barai du fau. ぶとぅぬ はたらっちゅぎゃー ばらい どぅ ふぁう。
The husband's work makes him smile when he eats. 夫の稼ぎは笑って食べる. ffanu hataracchugyaa naki du fau. っふぁぬ はたらっちゅぎゃー なき どぅ ふぁう。 The child's work makes him cry when he eats. 子供の稼ぎは泣いて食べる. nmagane hataraccha tarama duu. んまがぬ はたらっちゃ たらま どぅー。 The grandchild's work is the distance to Tarama. HN: (You can rely on the husband's work but not the child's. And you can't count on the grandchild's work at all. The husbands work is naturally povided to the wife. However, it is not easy to get the child to do work through the mother. Even more, it's especially hard to get the grandchild to work through the daughter-in-law.) 孫の稼ぎは多良間の距離. HN:(夫の働きは当てにできるが、子供の働きは当てにできない。さらに、孫の働きは全然当てにできない。夫の働きは当然の物として夫から私(妻)に与えられる。しかし、息子の働きは嫁を介すことになり簡単には頂けない。更に孫の働きは孫嫁、嫁を介すので、尚更大変だ。)