Search results for "se ghàs"

atàm1ātàmn7/8surpriseTàmke ə pfɨ̀ sê ghas.We have received a surprise.etàmtàmkètàmvètàmàtàmè
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ghasɣāsveat without complementƏ̂ ò va se ghas apayn, ò to mɨə.If you do not want to eat fufu corn without complement, you squeeze in water and drink.Ant.ndomte1Cf.ghàysèDer. of ghàs2ghayteɣáʲtêveat without accompanimentMə ghayte mɨ̂sè payn ətəynke.I have eaten all the fufu without complement.Ant.ndomte1
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-mə5suffix for demonstratives indicating emphasisNdam nə zɨnəpaʼà fɔm sê ghàs.This way of life does not suit us.
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mɨayn1mɨ́áɲvcrack; fractureÈ tsàyn sê ghàs nə ə zhi tsə̂ gholke əchi ə chike mɨayn.He told us that if he stamps his foot on the ground, the ground will crack.mɨaynsemɨ́áɲsêvforce open with a toolNdzɨse mɨayn mɨayn zoyn ə mɨàynsə̀.You can now insert the tool used for splitting wood and open.mɨayntemɨ́áɲtêvact boastfullyÒ mɨayntə mə ò kyi ghe?What do you have to be boastful of?
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zhi1ʒív1eatƏ saynne nə ə nì gho ə nè zhiə se fɨaezhiəve fa tə atsɨynte.It has been decided that it is you the will eat as food in this meeting.2inheritƏ̂ ò nyi mə ò kwùʼ zhî ndò pɨəynke ə kə̂ ò fɨyn wâmnè fa ndɛ.If you have just inherited a compound then stop talking int his house.3conquer, defeatGhàyn vayn zhi eghɔŋ ətəyn.You can no win the war. 4succeedÒ zhi ghɛ ghə shyàŋà?In how many questions did you succeed?5harvest, collectGhənə səʼ se zhi endûŋ.They have gone to harvest honey.azhiāʒīn7/8feastezhizhikezhivezhiazhieezhiēʒív.n51food, meal2feedingzhizezhiezhileʒílêv1inheritÈ nyi mə è və zhile pɨəyn sətsɨ̀.He has inherited many compounds.2harvestMə zhile mɨaʼa ətəynve ekɨ̂m.I have harvested honey from all the bee hives.3eatGhàs ə zɨse zhile fɨa vɛ ə fo sê ghàs naʼà èkɨ̂m.We have eaten all the things that were given to us during the day.ezhileēʒílêv.n5/13feastingtezhilezhilezezhiletèzhilêezhiseʒísêvfeedGhàs zɨse zhise ə̀ghɨ ndàyn.We feed people today.ezhiseēʒísêv.n5/131feed2feasttezhisezhisêzèzhisêtèzhisêezhiteʒítêveat lightlyKe tuʼve zo, è zhite kəndò.
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zhileʒílêv1inheritÈ nyi mə è və zhile pɨəyn sətsɨ̀.He has inherited many compounds.2harvestMə zhile mɨaʼa ətəynve ekɨ̂m.I have harvested honey from all the bee hives.3eatGhàs ə zɨse zhile fɨa vɛ ə fo sê ghàs naʼà èkɨ̂m.We have eaten all the things that were given to us during the day.
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