uglinesswẽndlemé-énbad character / personality, bad temper, uglinesskõb-wẽndlem. Ra-wẽndlem.synkõb-wẽndlemwẽnem1ra-wẽndlemnugliness, basenessYam ka meng paasda ra-wẽndlem. / Pa nong m meng paasda ra-wẽndlem.Not being proud of yourself makes ugliness worse. (Proverb: everyone should be proud of their person, whether beautiful or ugly.)
uglywẽnga3énan evil, harm, sth. bad, ugly, nasty, awfulWẽng maooneg pa sõama ye.Doing evil is not good.antsõm1sõmdesynwẽnde21wẽnga12éadjnasty, uglyra-wẽnga.ka sãndeexpr.ugly, nasty, awfulwẽnde22adjnasty, uglyF ba-wẽndã bee yir bɩ?Is your ugly dog at home?wẽnde21adjbad, evil, wicked, uglyYaa yel-wẽnde.It's a bad thing.antsõm1sõmdesõngo11synwẽnga11wẽnga3
ugly manra-wẽngaà-énnasty person, ugly manRa-wẽng rooda a ma roogẽ sãana.The ugly man courts his mother's stranger. (Proverb: Everyone should take advantage of the opportunities that come their way.)antra-sãnga 1
ugly thingwallaahaoolanugly thing, repelling thing that one doesn't want to mentionWʋk a wallaahaoolã fãa n tɩ lob yɩnga.Collect all that ugly stuff and throw it outside.
ulceratedwũnusiú-ú-ìvto get infected, ulcerated (wound does), produce pus / matterA noadã wũnusame.His wound got infected and produces pus.synwũusi12.5.2Disease
ultimatesɛtem-sɛtemɛ̀-è-ɛ́-énultimate, last, endmam sɛtem-sɛtem waoong la woto.synsatem-satem
ultimatelyya3àauxfinally, ultimately, after allA ya n waame?Did he finally come?A ya n paam a menga? Rẽnd a na n pa tʋʋmã rũndã?
ululationkɛlengaɛ̀-é-àncry, scream, yell, yelp, ululation, shriekM ka wʋmda kɛleng ye.antlaadosynkũnkũmayãbre2
unable topa tõeexpr.cannot, can't, can not, be unable toWẽnd sã n pa kʋ, naab pa tõe n kʋ ye.If God doesn't kill, a leader / chief won't kill. (Proverb: the will of man can only be achieved if the will of God willed it.)
unable to read (being)sebr zɩɩlemnilliteracy, unable to readrũndã-rũndã sebr zɩɩlem tõe n yiisa tao-tao.3.6Teach
unaware (be)zɩ2ɩ́vbe ignorant of, not to know sth., be unawareYãmb zɩ mam sẽn ya a soaba.You don't know who I am.antmi11
unbalancebiidi 2verb.itto topple over, to unbalancepenge2é-èvoverthrow, unbalance, pushing to the sidea fõgna yug peoog tɩ sobgã peng n lob tẽnga.
unbalanced walking backwardstard-tardeadvunbalanced walking backwardsgũus-y ne y tard-tardã tɩ y na n yaa n wa lʋɩ.
unbalanced waykend-kendeadvin an unbalanced wayyɩbrg yet tɩ kend-kendã ka rabeem ye, yaa gũusgu.
unbelieverkɩfreɩ̀-énfaithless person, infidel, person who doesn't believe, unbelieverSẽn pa tũuda Wẽnnaam sor yaa kɩfre.
unblockpooge 2vappear suddenly, unblock, uncorkb yõka moogã lʋgb n wa tɩ poog tẽng a ye sẽn boond tɩ salga. Tõnd zĩime n zĩẽ n wa ne biig sẽn poog n yet tɩ ned n boond a Zagla.yẽdge2è-èvunblockA yẽdga bokã noor tɩ yõensã yi.He unblocked the hole entry so that the mice get out.yokeòvunblock, open, strain one's ears to hearYok f tʋbr n kelg gomde.Strain your ear to listen to the speech.
unbrokenmumdi 1ù-íadjwhole, entire, integer, unbrokenGʋ-mumdi.A whole cola nut.synmunuga1gilli12ì-ídetwhole, entire, unbrokenmam kɩs-a-la foo gilli, m dat-a-la gilli.
unbuttontʋdgevunbuttonTʋdg f kurgã n yãk tɩ b peke.Unbutton your trousers and give them to be washed.anttʋde1synsoke1soke1òvunlock, untie, unbutton, unfastenb sẽn da sog wagdrã b sok-a lame n base.antsoge11syntʋdge
uncleba-kasengaá-á-è-ánuncle, older brother of the father, father's older brothersynbaaba-kasengaba-bila2á-ánuncle, younger brother of the father, fathers younger brother, younger sister of the father, aunt4.1Relationshipsyasbanuncle (mother's side), mother's brother, maternal unclesynyɛsba