vacantvɩʋʋgo 1ɩ̀-ónempty space, unoccupied space, free time, vacantSerg-y la y bas vɩʋʋg tɩ m gãande.Move away so that there is room for me to pass by.synsẽka22weendeweere11wɛɛnga
vaccinateboge1òvvaccinatebogle2óvto cut, mark, vaccinateboke2òvvaccinate, do an incision, cut, markvʋdge 2ʋ́-èvgive an injection /shot, booster, vaccinate
valuezeongo 2éo-ònvaluesynpiuugusãnem 2ánvalue, rare objectrũndã-rũndã ki lebga sãnem, tɩ bala sẽoogã ka yi sõama ye.võore21ónvalueYaa bũmb sẽn ka tar võore.C'est une chose qui n'a pas de valeur.synrat-n-yɛɛlgabuka 3ú-ànvaluepiuuguíu-ùngreat value, power, prestige, authorityYaa naab sẽn tar piuugu.It is a chief who has a great authority.synzeongo 2yõodoò-ónprofits, gain, value, advantages, benefitsmam koosa ki wã n sa la yõodã ka waoog ye.synrokre6.8Money8.1.2.1Mathematics
value (without)weere2è-éadjvulgar, common, without valueNinsaan-weere.Personne commune.
vanishsobge1ó-èvfaint, vanish, lose consciousness, become unconsciousA bãagã wɩngame t'a lʋɩ n sobge.His illness caused him to fall and he became unconscious.synvubgi2.5.2Diseasefɩɩle2vvanish, disappear, slip away
vanityzaaseá-ènelegance, fanciness, stylish, well-dressed, vanity, conceitednessRao wã kẽe raagã n pãbd zaas n wilgd pʋg-sadba.The man went to the market to show off with his stylish clothes to impress the young ladies.synnagdayʋ-baoodazaazʋpẽg-m-menganboastfulness, boast, bragging, vanity, conceitrao-kãngã yʋ-baoorã yaa wʋsgo, a sɩd yaa pẽg-m-meng soaba.synwaoog-m-menganagemánvanity, too much pride in yourself, showinessfo sã n paam ligdi nagmã yell bal n pak foom.synfaongonagre1wilg-m-mengaì-ánfalse pride, vanity, conceit, bragging, boastfulnessWilg-m-meng pa kʋʋd yãag ye, nin-kẽem paoogr n kʋʋd yãaga.Boasting does not kill the young, it is the disrespect of old men that kills the young. (Proverb: Among the mistakes a man can make, some are forgiveable and others are unforgivable.)synkafaorʋ 1wagelle2wak-m-mengawakrewʋyanagre1ánvanity, showinessyẽ sã n paam wakɩr fãa, yaa nagrã yell bal n pak-a.synfaongonagem5.4Adornmentyʋ-baoodanelegance, fanciness, stylish, vanitysynzaasezaazʋnelegance, fanciness, stylish, well-dressed, vanitysynzaasewʋyanvanity, pride, boastinga zagl yaa wʋy soaba.synwilg-m-menga
variationtekrenexchange, variation, changeTekr sã n wẽnd kũuni, bɩ ned kam fãa tall a rẽnda.If the exchange equates to a gift, let everyone keep what belongs to them. (Proverb: if an exchange seems unfair and unfavourable for one of the parties, this exchange will not take place. A possible loss or disadvantage which is foreseen will call into question the barter.)syntoeengotoeengonmodification, variation, changesyntekre