Dictionary Entries Explained

The set-up of the entries depends on the kind of word the entry represents. We distinguish two main categories: A) nominals (nouns and adjectives), B) verbals (verbs and adverbs).


A) Nominals (nouns and adjectives)

  1. Main entry in bold (usually in its singular form)
  2. Tonal pattern of the word […]
  3. Grammatical category (e.g. n = noun, adj = adjective)
  4. Translation into French
  5. Translation into English
  6. Root of the word (used in compound nouns or noun plus adjective)
  7. Plural form of the word



B) Verbals (verbs and adverbs)

  1. Main entry in bold in its basic form
  2. Tonal pattern [...]
  3. Grammatical category
  4. Translation into French
  5. Translation into English
  6. Sample sentence in Moore to illustrate the word
  7. Translation of the sample sentence into French
  8. Translation of the sample sentence into English
  9. If applicable, other senses of the same word depending on the context
  10. Nominal form of the word, i.e. a noun derived of a verbal root (e.g.. yũ "to drink", yũubu "the drinking")
  11. Perfective form of the verb (e.g. yũuda "be drinking")

