Mundari - English
na1Hdemthis (feminine singular noun near speaker)
na2/a/vshake, whip (like a book) to get something out
naꞌditkunu ꞌdïk, kunu ꞌdïꞌdïkadj.fsmall, thin
nan1queswhose, which (feminine singular noun)
nana1con.relwho, which (feminine singular noun)
nanacolonana-co/Bw (Arabic)nmint spice
naŋ1pron.posour (femine singular noun)
naŋ2HL/ŋ/vslap (with hand), strike
nebïlo, nanebïnï/-niBw (Arabic)nprophet
nitHLpron.poshis, her (femine singular noun)
niyoH,Lpron.posmy (femine singular noun)
nït/t/vmake metal tools, work with metal
nok/k/vburn, dry (leaves)
noketnanoketti-et/-ettivn.actnalter, place of sacrificenokburn, dry (leaves)
nokukare/r/-evbe honoredBwtüwö
not/t/vknead, mix with hands
nök/k/vnurse, suck milk from breasts
nu1Hcon.demof, that (feminine singular noun)