pahcēpahcí:, pahci:-ɬákkonounOldertall, coarse grass (formerly used for making brooms)Vlepvtvt pahcē-rakko ofvn wakken...Alligator was lying in tall grass... (H)orpahcē-rakkoH
pahecetvpa:hic-íta🔊verbto shout (as at a dance, of three or more), whoop, bray{I}...este honvntake eto-wakkv oh-vpokvtē omvlkvt pahēcet......the men sitting on the benches all whoop... (H)seepihhoketvpihketv
pahecicetvpa:hiceyc-itá🔊verb1to make whoop2to honk (a horn)
pakketvpa:kk-itá🔊verbto rise (of bread), puff up, swell, expand...vhopakuce palē cahkepohkakat mahet pakkēt......rising to a height of about fifteen inches... (H)
pakkuecetvpa:kkoyc-itá🔊verb1to make rise2to blow up (a balloon, for example)
pakpvkēpa:kpak-í:adjectivepuffed up, inflated (of two or more)seepakkē
pakpvkuecetvpakpakoyc-itá🔊verbto puff up, blow up (two or more)
pakse(a)páksi🔊nountomorrow, the next dayPaksen rvro tat pvsvtvkvrēs.Tomorrow we will kill fish. (H)Pakse omof, pahce vhetēcen...The next day he lit the tall grass on fire... (H)orvpakserem paksenɬ-im-páksi-n🔊adverbthe day after that, the next dayMomet mi cvpofvn erohhvyatket rempaksen rvlakvtēs.And he spent the night in the field and returned the next day. (1915a)